A man unwittingly reincarnates to a new world. A world where humans hold no kingdom nor title. As the powers that be vie for dominance, watch as he crawls his way up and build an empire that will lead the world as it's HEGEMON.
Lenard Geldstein Month 11, Day 22, Year A.F 652. Road to Ivrid, Kingdom of Rosalia.
The battle has flowed smoothly. Were the thoughts I had as I watch another barrage make contact with the enemy, unleashing a fiery inferno as their troops were swallowed by the countless balls of fire.
The sound was deafening as I continued to ride towards the battlefield, the smell of burning flesh and grass, wafting into the air mixed with the cacophony of shouts and steel, leaving a terrifying view.
The officers at my side with Lord Belford orchestrating the enemy's end were numerous, but not enough for a proper defense,
A messenger arrives, "Sir! The enemy has retreated from their first line of defenses. The troops are proceeding smoothly and some have even reported a hole on the northern side of the hill."
"The northern side? How so?" I ask him.
The messenger only replies, "I am unaware of the details, but it seems that they are sending reinforcements towards the second line. Hoping to mitigate the failing line."
I then tap my chin in thought. If we keep pushing on that line, we could collapse onto the enemy quicker than expected. Then perhaps a bit more push is needed.
"Send our knights to provide support! We have to take this chance!" I shout before the messenger nods and then rode through the battlefield in direct course to our knights.
Lord Belford only stands beside me, watching the battle intently before muttering, "Where are their knights?"
I look to him in surprise as we rode closer, my eyes roving around the hills trying to find the missing knights. I look at one of the officer, ready to order them to move out before a thunderous sound burst out from the hill.
The northern side has collapsed from the barrage of fireball. With the entire second line retreating from the trenches, followed closely by my soldiers, taking out anyone left.
I give a sigh of relief, relieved at the fact that they seem just as ready to surrender. Lord Belford remains observant as we watch our knights circle the hill, arriving at its northern side, unleashing a salvo of fire, with enough force to shake the ground I was in.
I give a small smile as a smoke rises from behind the hill. The smoke followed by another batch smoke rising through the sky, followed by the thunderous claps of horses.
Though as I watch the smoke rise up an exclamation came from behind me, "My Prince! We should go!" The voice was panicked and fearful as they point up the hill.
A hill filled with the unexpected amount of knights, a thunderous blob, ripping through our infantry. One which was hidden behind our view. Dammit, so this is what they planned for? Where my thoughts as I rode far from the hill.
Lord Belford followed beside me as the officers ride back to the safety of our rear. Unfortunately, we weren't fast enough. They arrive with a thunderous blast, ripping chunks off of the ground as they rode through the clearing, intent on taking my life.
The horse beneath me panics, throwing me off of my horse. My head slams unto the ground as a powerful dizziness comes over me.
The thunderous claps of their horses make me look up, only to see a knight running in my direction. I raise my sword in a panic, parrying his blow.
Our steel clashes as I grit my teeth in pain. I push him back, . with a shout his eyes dazed as I run to my horse, jumping unto my saddle in spurring it forward.
I hear a shout behind me, "KILL THEM ALL!"
The shout was familiar and I look back, only to lock eyes with eyes as gold as mine. He gives me a grin and I retreat, retreat with my horse as we ride to the infantry reserve coming in full support.
Another loud explosion comes from behind me, as it make contact at the enemy contingent. I give a smile as I spur my horse forward, shouting to Lord Belford, "Coordinate our men, I saw Athan with them. With his death we can crush their resistance once and for all."
Another barrage makes contact behind, the emanating heat as if teasing. I shake my head at this, I need to kill him once and for all, though with both the infantry an the knights squezzing them, we could crush their knights.
Unfortunately, another barrage contacts my back, pushin me with enough force to slam unto the ground. The searing pain came at full force. I can smell the scent of burning flesh as I give a glance at my back before my eyes wide in horror. My back that was once covered in armor, was mangled and burnt, with blood spilling down and metal melting off.
I look back to see the knights once more charging in my direction. I try to stand up, disregarding the searing pain, only for a horse to slam into me.
My head slams into the ground and I take my sword in a panic. Only for a voice to cut me off, "Brother, it's quite a delight to see you in the battlefield."
I look to him his golden eyes filled with amusement as ten knights disembark behind him. Dammit, my utter stupidity would lead me to my death.
The other knights run by us, intent on following the rest of my commanding officers. With a grit of my teeth and the last bit of my concentration, I gather the power into my fingertips as a fireball forms before me.
He runs quickly, slamming his sword into my stomach. He then spoke with a smirk, "Did you think I would let you cast a single magic?"
I try to reply as swords aim at my throat with a raise of his hand. He then picks up his sword once more, his eyes filled with killing intent.
I close my eyes in concentration, this time magic pools upon my feet as he forced me kneeling on the ground. My eyes filled with defiance, looking at his smug expression.
He raised his sword as he spoke, "It seem like this is the end for you."
He slams down as I shout, the power in my feet exploding in me upwards as the sword rips through my armor and grazes my chest.
Everyone around me recoiled from the explosion as they slam unto the ground. Athan shouted as his hand burn in a mess of steel and flesh, his eyes were filled in horror as he looked down on his legs, nothing but burning flesh.
I give a grin as he crawls away in a panic, before I slam down the ground once more. My eyes dizzy and weary as I look to Athan walking close to me his eyes filled with anger his mouth filled with blood as he once more raises his sword this time with conviction.
With a small grin I give him my last words, "I'll be waiting for you, brother."
Time slows down as I watch my brother, his eyes filled with anger as he gives a guttural scream, one either from the pain or anger. But one I enjoy nonetheless.
It seems all those fighting was for nothing. All the lessons I had to take to be a good ruler, all the sacrifices and pain I had to endure, were all gone in a single mistake.
I'll still die, not achieving anything. Since I'm such a fucking idiot.
Athan Geldstein
"I'll be waiting for you, brother." His words echo in my head as I look at his fucking grin. His utter disregard on his death and the utter lack of care about what I'm about to do.
The searing pain was echoing everywhere as the melted steel makes contact to the skin that isn't already burnt. There's no way I'll be able to continue, dominated my thoughts.
I raise my sword with every strength I have left as I look down my brother's grin, I give a guttural scream on my utter stupidity, on his last ditch attempt of killing me.
I swing my sword down with every fiber of my being as I take his head off with a swing, ending his life once and for all.
The surrounding men look on before a raucous celebration follows. Unfortunately, a barrage of fireballs pelts the ground and I look to the enemies running before me.
I jump up to my horse, trying to escape the upcoming barrage of infantry and knights only to come up to a realization, that were entrapped and my body screamed in pain.
With a shout, I order the men hoping to at least destroy their will to fight, "Give out word, their kings is dead!"
They remain unfazed as one of my knights reach for my hand and I jump unto his horse as every part of my body screamed at every step.
With my hand gripping my brother's head, I realize something.
My heart was no longer beating. I look down my chest to see the burnt armor, piercing through my skin as my bones show themselves to me.
Only then did my eyes feel heavy as death beckons me. My head slips to the side as I feel. My last words were muttered, "I'm coming home, mother."