
New Friends

Michael hums to himself as he looks out the closing city of Avern, the vast farmlands something he was certain to be useful.

Though that isn't the place he's aiming for, he looks outside the city.

He notices a sprawling camp appearing in his view, the various tents propped up as soldiers in armour walked around it.

He notices Mary from far away, her short red hair flowing with the wind as she fought a bigger man.

He almost excitedly waves his hand, but once he realizes what he was doing. He tales it back before clearing his throat, a bit embarrassed if anyone else saw such an act.

'After all, I still have a reputation to uphold.' He thought to himself as he sat back down.

He leans back to his seat as he mutters to himself, "Just a few minutes, I can talk to someone again."

The line of thought reminds him of his time with the Priest, Orvin.

He and the priest spent quite a day together, they exchanged stories and chattered like old friends.

'That was certainly nice, I learned a lot about Eriva and made another friend.' Michael thought to himself, as a small smile appears.

Unfortunately for him, there was still another day of travel left towards Avern. and his two available calls were still busy in their work, which something he caused, 'Dang it.'

A few moments pass and the carriage stops, he steps down as he looked around for Mary.

He sighs, his sight was filled with men in armour, training and drilling.

The soldiers around look at him in curiosity, his clothing perhaps odd, even for nobility.

He then sighs to himself, a bit tired and lazy to try and find Mary.

He then walks to the guard standing in front of a tent, hoping to ask him of her whereabouts.

The guard ignores him as he faces forward and glances at him as Michael asked, "Do you know where Mary is."

The guard nods as he pulls the tent open, revealing Mary and two men talking.

'Wow, I'm getting lucky today.' He thought to himself as he strides into the tent.

The big man shouts, "Excuse me, young man, this tent is for official matt-."

The man was interrupted by a shout, "MICHAEL! Why haven't you called me you were here already?"

Michael raises his hand in delight, "Yeah, I wanted to surprise you!"

Mary only rolls her eyes as she smiles, "Well, I'm quite surprised."

She raises an eyebrow as she gestures around her with a smirk, "What now?"

Michael crosses his arms in a pout, he glances at her as he spoke, "How mean."

The act shocks Mary, as Michael chuckles inside his head.

He inspects her closely before thinking to himself, 'She seems quite different since she found out about her father.'

'More confident? maybe.' He ponders to himself.

Mary chuckles as she waves her hand, "Sorry, sorry."

Michael smirks as he walks to the chair looking at the two men.

He gestures to the larger one, "Arent you going to introduce me?"

Mary looks at the man and spoke, "Right, this man here is Ivan."

Ivan crosses his arms, as inspects the boy closely. He reaches his arms for a handshake. "Hello young man."

Michael immediately responds with a handshake, "Nice to meet you, Sir Ivan."

The two stare at one another before Ivan lets go.

Mary nods, as she then gestures to Egon, "Here is Egon, my Vice commander."

Egon clears his throat as he glances at the boy, "Yes, we've met."

Michael smiles a smile that runs a chill through Egon's spine.

Egon panics as he thought to himself, 'What the fuck did I do?'

Mary looks at him in surprise, "Really? When?"

Michael only smiles, "I believe it was when I hired him."

Egon swallows dryly, something which Ivan notices.

Mary nods, "I guess, you were the one hiring right?"

Michael shrugs his shoulders, "No, not really." He gestures to Egon, "I hired Egon to do most of the hiring for me."

Egon nods hurriedly in a panic, "Of course, It was merely part of the job."

Mary shrugs her shoulder, choosing to ignore the seemingly panicked responses from Egon.

Mary then looks at him and spoke with a voice filled with suspicion, "So what brings you here?"

Michael shrugs his shoulder, "Isn't it nice to meet a friend, you haven't seen for so long?"

Mary rolls her eyes, knowing that they've talked just a few days ago, "Ah yes, it's been weeks."

She then smirks before continuing, "So how about the reason you're so excitable today?"

Michael spoke with hesitation, "Well," He looks to the men around them, "It is something private."

Mary nods in understanding, she looks to the two men, "Can you guys leave for now?"

Ivan and Egon leave, Ivan looks to Michael with suspicion following behind Egon was hurriedly exiting the tent.

Ivan looks to Egon as he spoke, "So friend, why do you look so shaken?"

Egon looks away as he mutters, "That boy is dangerous, one of the most dangerous people I've ever met."

Ivan looks at him with suspicion, after all the boy didn't exactly exude a terrifying aura. "What's so dangerous about him?"

Egon only shudders, "I don't know, it just feels as if hands grasp at my throat, whenever our eyes meet."

Ivan then prepares to go back, "Then why would you leave Mary with her?"

Egon holds his arm, stopping him, "Cause I'm sure no harm would befall her."

Ivan shouted, "You just said the boy was danger-."

Egon shakes his head, "He threatened me for her safety, he wouldn't do that if he planned on hurting her, Right?"

Ivan looks to him in shock before sighing, "Perhaps you're right,"

He stands outside and unsheathes his sword, ready for battle "Then I shall wait outside in case of emergencies."

Egon shakes his head fondly, his friend's worry was always a bit endearing, especially for a man of his stature. "Fine, let's wait outside."

Meanwhiles inside the tent, Michael shakes an invitation as he said..

"Wanna be my date?"