
Marching on to War Pt.1

Lenard Geldstein, Month 11, Day 14, Year A.F 652. Road to Rosalia, Kingdom of Rosalia.

Their eyes felt heavy as I grip the reins of my horse. The sight of thousands waiting under my command was almost suffocating.

The only thing I could feel was dread and anxiety as I watch the twenty thousand men under my command stand up along the rising sun, ready to move out on my orders.

Lord Mirs rides his horse beside me as he spoke, "My Prince, the preparation are ready. I urge for you to lead our march."

The other lords follow behind him, their expression expectant for the glory and honor ahead.

A nod was all I could give them before I shout, "All men, move out!"

The vibration was more than apparent as thousands of men begin their march towards the capital, ready and expecting for the battle ahead.

It has been a few hours. The afternoon sun was bearing down against the army. Everyone's exhausted expression was obvious to see.

I whip my horse forward. We were closing in on the capital, an obvious fact from the change of forest to grasslands.

Though as I get closer, Lord Belford spurs his horse beside me, "Sire! The men cannot go further . We need rest. We cannot take the capital with our men exhausted and starving."

I glance at him and I nod, "Then order them to rest. We'll be heading into the capital after two hours. We cannot waste anymore time."

I jump down my horse as one of my attendants came to take care of it for me. A soldier runs in with a wheeze. "My prince, I have an important message."

"From?" I asked him with an eyebrow raised.

The soldier breathes a mouthful of air before saying, "From the capital, Your Highness."

He offered the letter to me and I take it from his hands, though as I read it's contents. My eyes widen in panic as I shouts to one of my guards, "Find all the lords for a meeting. Tell them it's urgent."

The soldiers nod as they scramble quickly, trying to find the Lords making up my court. I tap my foot in distress as a thousand things pass through my mind as I think up on what's next, on what I should do next.

But as time passes by and my lords come around me, I sigh. Something which all of them noticed.

"Milord? Is there a problem?" said Lord Ivid as he worriedly looked at me.

I raise the letter, "Recent reports from the capital. Indicate a lack of soldiers."

Lord Belford raises his eyebrow in shock, while Lord Allister's expression turns to panic. Mirs only spoke, "That is not good news."

Ivid only looks down, downtrodden by such news.

Everyones looks at Lord Allister, whose expression turns from panic to grave. He suddenly kneels to the ground, "My Prince, please allow me to intercept these cretins."

I look to Lord Belford as I spoke, "Can we take the city without Lord Allister?"

Belford nods, "We can, my Prince. But that really isn't the problem here."

He raises Allister up, "The problem is if he can even reach Aster without it burning as he arrives."

Allister's eyes lock with mine as he spoke, "I have left a thousand men to man the walls. I am sure that they can hold off ten thousand men before I could arrive."

"That isn't enough." I muttered. With the ten thousand heading there earlier than him. He'll most likely arrive at a siege. One which would take casualties to break.

"My Prince, I-"

I interrupt Allister, "No, you'll have the reinforcements coming from Arasel to join up. From there, you'll crush the ten thousand and immediately head to the capital."

"Yes, Your Highness!" Allister salutes as he shouts, his men scrambling behind him, organizing their leave as he walks back to his men.

Mirs spoke beside me, "Is that wise? My Prince. Taking away a fourth of our forces could make the upcoming siege take much longer, putting us at risk for the upcoming battle."

"I do not know, but we cannot allow Aster to fall. A major city falling to enemy hands, so early in the war is not something we should show our allies."

"I agree, and even with the men we have, we could take control of the capital just as easily without him." said Belford as he nodded.

"I see. Then should we discuss the changes this will bring unto our plans." said Lord Mirs.

"This changes nothing. We march unto the capital and with the lack of men there. We shall take it before any of their reinforcements arrive." I replied, any discussion now could waste valuable time.

Since the situation has changed, they could rest within the capital. I look towards the officers, "Ready, your men. The situation has changed. We shall move out in an hour."

"Yes, Your Highness."

They salute as they run back to their men, updating them of the new orders. With the recent changes, the capital is now ripe for the taking. If we can take control over it, we could at least enlist fodder and raise taxes to fund the fight.

The only problem now is, we don't know how quick their army of twenty thousand wil be able to arrive.

"Lord Belford, how long do you think you can end this siege."

He thought of my question before replying, "considering the demon knights Allister will take with him, I will say three days."

I tap my chin in thought. Three days would be more than enough, since ten days from now is the best estimate their twenty thousand forces could reach the capital. If we can arrive there in two days and take over the capital in three.

He taps his chin in thought, "Though I could brute force it which would cause higher casualties than normal. If we do that, we would severely limit ourselves in future battles."

"Understood, then I'll have you lead the siege." I nod at him as the men around me scramble for the upcoming departure.

"Lord Ivid shall handle our supply line, while Lord Mirs shall be in charge of reconnaissance." I spoke to the both of them, each one nodding at my words.

"Good, then you three are dismissed. Use the minutes we have left to get ready." The three of them salute at my words as I turn my back. My mind drowns in doubts and thoughts on my decision.

But it doesn't matter, I'll take the capital and once more claim kingship.

Anthon Ivid, Month 11, Day 14, Year A.F 652. Road to Rosalia, Kingdom of Rosalia.

I lower my hand from the salute as I mutter, "Will we really be alright?"

The thought of dying so early in my life wasn't something I was ready for. I haven't even experienced everything I could in this life.

And now with the decrease of armed forces, the chances of winning decreased. Lord Allister effectively held a fourth of our forces. And with this the chances became lower, because they will tie most of the troops up in the battle for Aster.

Noticing my weary expression, a hand touches my shoulder as a soft voice spoke, "It'll be alright, as long as you do proper reconnaissance, we could at least move before they could envelope us in any way possible."

He glance to Lord Belford who remains deep in thought, "Isn't that right? Lord Belford."

Lord Belford looks to us as he spoke, "Yes, of course. As long as you inform me of any minor details. We could at least avoid the worst likely scenario."

I think to his words, I guess reconnaissance is the only thing I could do. Since I hold no experience in politics or in military affairs.

The thought makes me sigh, if father never involved himself in this mess. Then I wouldn't have had the obligation to do so as well.

The old Lord grabs my shoulder, trying to cheer me up, perhaps because of some old promise to my father. "Cheer up, kid, we'll be winning this war soon enough. as long as you do your job, then we'll be drinking and feasting the fruits of our labor."

I smile a bit, he always talks to me like I'm his son, maybe because of some old friendship with father or something he never told me. Though, Iam at least comforted that he is the one desginated to lead this army, since I am more than aware of his military exploits.

Lord Mirs stops my thoughts as he asks me, "Then, Lord Ivid, I believe it would be best for you to go now. Start preparing your units for recon."

I look to the two older men as I nod, my expression "Then I shall take my leave, milords."

The two men smile as I turn my back, ready to tell my men and officers of our rear assignment. Though with the recent reports, a feeling of fear still stays.