
Marching on to war Pt. 2

Athan Geldstein, Month 11, Day 14, Year A.F 652. The city of Rosalia, Kingdom of Rosalia.

The sight of the morning sun rising in the east was quite a view. If I wasn't in a tent, surrounded by soldiers passing by and making noise, preparing for the battle ahead, then I would have most likely enjoyed such a view.

Unfortunately for me, it was. I am now headed to Aster, to do what my uncle bids for me to do. So here I am, headed to Aster for a siege and a marriage.

One which I hope to survive.

Utterly absurd, I'd say, but what else can a man do when all his options are dry. I can only follow his wishes as I head to battle.

A man walks towards me, his smile carefree, seemingly unaware of the smell of sweat and dirt spread through the air.

He waves his hand, "Cousin! You woke up just in time!"

Ansen Rivider, my cousin, the only child that man ever made. The one he cherishes the most and the same one to hold

A man that never once took after his father. Is the same man happily running to me, always carefree of the intrigue happening around him.

He breathes deeply, tired from his run.

I give a small smile as I asked, "What got you so flustered?"

He takes in a deep breath before replying, "We have a military discussion, Duke Vincent asked for you presence."

"I see, then I shall be on my way then." I said to him as I return to my tent, preparing for such an important meeting.

A smile came over me, seeing this as a chance to at least break free from his influence.

He nods as he runs back, "See you there."

I push the flaps of the tent as I enter. The men inside look to me and I nod back to them. Inside was Duke Vincent, his nephew Viller, cousin Ansen and the rest of the officers.

Duke Vincent then spoke, "My Prince, it is quite a delight for you to join us."

"Of course, I wouldn't miss a meeting for something quite important." I replied back as I sat.

He nods to me, "Then we shall begin on debriefing you on our latest informations."

He gestures to one of his soldiers, unveiling a map of the kingdom, He points to a road between Rosalia and Ivern, "The latest reports indicate Prince Lenard heading towards the capital."

He gives me a smile, "With that kind of commitment towards the capital, we can assure their limited options in sending reinforcements for Aster."

"Then with their limited options, the most probable one should be Lord Allister." I said, identifying him from the cabal of men my brother has gathered behind him.

Viller taps his chin as he spoke, "That makes sense. After all, who else knows how to defend Aster other than it's Lord."

Ansen though watches the map, until a thought comes to him, "But won't the forces from Arasel come closer once they change their targets?"

"Hmm, quite true." I look to Duke Vincent, "Has there been any reports on how far the Arasel reinforcement is?"

"We do not have information on their location, though, with their departure from the capital. The shortest estimates we have show a fifteen day arrival."

"That's good isnt it? The ships from Bruncia should arrive at about thirteen days." He taps his chin, "Though Lord Allister interruption could cost us a significant amount of time."

Viller then inspects the map, "How about the city of Aster? We can't exactly siege it down if they fill the city with supplies through the sea."

Vincent nods, "I agree, but we have no choice. All we can do is brute force it open, hoping to limit the casualties such an action would incur."

"How much of an allowance do we have?" I ask him as I tap my finger.

Ansen quickly replies, "Three days."

I tilt my head in confusion, "Three days? How so?"

He points to the map, "We will arrive there in five days."

He drags it to the other side of the kingdom, "While Lord Allister who was all the way from Ivern will take eight days."

"How much knights have we brought?" I look to Duke Vincent.

"About two thousand knights,"

"Thats a bit small isnt it?" I ask him as I tap my chin, "I believe there should be at least three thousand of them."

"Yes, but Grand Duke Rivider took with him the one thousand men. Hoping to defend against the men going straight to the capital.

"That puts us in a bind, doesnt it?"

Viller chimes, "So we either take the city in three days. Or we prepare a battle on two fronts and wait for five days till the reinforcements arrive."

"That doesn't sound like a good plan." Ansen mutters to himself.

I agree to his words, "It might not be, but it's the only plan we have now."

Vincent listens to all of this before he taps his cane, taking our attention, "Then it seems this discussion is over? We shall agree with the plan of sieging down Aster. Forcing our way in with the demon knights."

He gestures for one soldier to move forward, "Then we shall discuss next both our supplies and logistics."

The soldiers move forward, "We currently have a supply of..."

I almost groaned from boredom as the beginning of a long lecture, settles in.

Arthan Rivider, Month 11, Day 14, Year A.F 652. The city of Rosalia, Kingdom of Rosalia.

I walked through the trees as I camped in one large shade. I look at the map before me, making up plans for our next moves. Sure, my broad strategy are already being enacted, but with the rate my plan is going, I'm going to need to nudge the prince a little further.

One of my men walks up to me, "Milord! We Found them."

A grin crawls up my expression. "That's good. What is their status and location?"

"Sir they are heading straight to the capital," He points to the map in my hand, "They are currently here. Our latest reports also show Lord Allister, leaving with his six thousand men."

They just left today? That sound like good news. Though not a great one, I tap my chin in thought, all I have to do is to take slow them down, but with such news, perhaps I could do more, enough to lower their morale.

"That's great. Tell the men to get ready." I said to him.

I point to a spot as he walked back, "We're preparing an ambush here, far enough to not get spotted by recon but close enough for a barrage."

"But at that range, they could take our fireballs head on, Milord?" The man replies, a bit unsure.

I hand him the map as I spoke, "I'm not here to kill them, we are merely here to annoy them. Stall them long enough to gain time or make them tired and weary."

I look at the one thousand knights before me, "So prepare the men. We'll be riding our way there,"

I glare at him, "Now."

The soldiers then salute in fear, "Yes, SIR!"

A cool breeze flies past. It was almost comforting, though with what I plan next, the prince surely cannot enjoy such luxuries.

A smirk crawls itself up my expression as my plan comes together.

Let's see if you'll fall for something like this little prince.

Eriven Relis, Month 11, Day 14, Year A.F 652. The city of Rosalia, Kingdom of Rosalia.

A groan escapes my lips as I take another step forward. The cold temperature did nothing to abate the fatigue and soreness prevalent through my body.

A middle aged man then walks up beside me, "Easy to suggest when you haven't done it yet, huh?"

"How the fuck was I supposed to know this route was going to be this cold." I shout at him before my teeth chatters from the freezing wind.

"Well, if you didnt impulsively dragged us through the mountain. Then perhaps you wouldnt be suffering such hardships."

My eyes twitch in irritation at the reminder of my own impulsivity. "Fine! I got it okay!"

I ruffle my hair in annoyance before releasing a shuddering breath, "You could've at least told me it was going to be this cold."

He tilts his head in a smirk, "I thought you knew, My prince. Since you signed for the winter clothing we bought for such travel."

A growl escapes my lips, I just know he did it knowing that I wouldn't notice.

Another icy wind passes by, "Dammit, I thought this mountain wasn't that high." I shout out, "How the fuck is this place so cold."

He sighs as the ruffles my hair, "My Prince, kindly bear with it, I'm sure the reward would be enough for your hardship."

I look behind me as the sound of thousands of men marching, vibrate the ground I step in.

"Yeah, I wonder how they'll react once they see me."