A man unwittingly reincarnates to a new world. A world where humans hold no kingdom nor title. As the powers that be vie for dominance, watch as he crawls his way up and build an empire that will lead the world as it's HEGEMON.
Niel Month 11, Day 24, Year A.F 652. Avern, Kingdom of Rosalia.
"Niel, what is the meaning of this!" A man enters the tent, where I've rested my head. I look up from my supposed nap to see a fuming old demon.
His face redder than what his red skin could muster, one filled with rage as he slams his hand onto the table as he shouted once more, "Why would you allow a few thousand men within the city walls!"
He continued once more as he gestures outside, "And what's this about us giving up our control of the city to these humans."
I raise up my hand to stop him from speaking anymore than necessary, "Regent Reginald, the situation gave us no choice but to take this concession. I'm sure Lord Ivid would be delighted to know that the city's resources are preserved."
He ignores my words as he points to my face as he shouts, "Have you betrayed us for such a stupid excuse?" The old demon shouted, "If you are willing to do something this horrendous, then under the power given to me by Lord Ivid, I'll be more than happy to take away your position."
"Regent Reginald, I believe that you are overstepping your bounds of duty." I spoke to him as I stood up, our eyes locking as the tension rises. The officers around us stiffen from the immenint conflict.
"SO DID YOU!" He shouts to me. With another slam of a hand as he continues, "You overstepped your bounds by allowing another to take control of our city!"
I groan at his words as I dismiss his words away, "How about you looked at the situation before us?" I raise three fingers. "First of all, our garrison is exhausted and outnumbered. Second, our situation is precarious from the presence of an enemy and lack of allies. Lastly, the citizens wont just fight an unnecessary and blood battle just for you to remain in power."
The man recoils from my voice as indignation filled his expression. He glares at me before turning back in anger as he spoke, "Then suit yourself. I'm sure Lord Ivid will not be pleased to know of what you did here."
He then proceeded to walk out as he spoke, "Meanwhile, I'll do everything in my power, so that this city remains within the control of House Ivid."
With those words, he left the tent. My officer only looked at me in worry as he spoke, "Sir, is that really fine? I don't think Lord Michael will enjoy whatever it is Sir Reginald has planned."
I give him a dismissive wave as I smile in contentment, "It's fine, isnt it? If he really does decide to do something about it, the worst that could happen is he dies."
The officer nods in understanding as I continue, "That old man always hated our presence. Why should we try to bail him out?"
He always had it against me, saying that leaving the garrison in my hands was a bad idea, by the simple origin of my birth. After all, the old man hated humans, hated my parent's past even more despite me never meeting them.
"Let's see what happens in the end." I mutter as I try to take back my lost nap.
Michael Magna
Afternoon arrived as an officer runs into the office. The four of us looked to him in surprise as he immidiately bowed his head in respect before he spoke once more, "Milord, we have urgent news from our men at the city hall."
I then gesture for him to speak as he immediately saluted and shouted, "There have been a mob clamoring outside the city hall. Countless civilians have flocked to the city center shouting for you appearance."
I give a smile as I stood up, looking at my officers with a smile. "Then it seems our time has arrived, they seem sufficiently manic as it is." My three generals looks to me before nodding.
"Daniel, ready your battalion. We'll be riding through the street to remind them of our presence and make sure nothing like this ever happens again."
We rode through the streets, directly back to the gate, ready to meet with Daniel's army. The garrison officer look to me in fear as their soldiers recuperate in their quarters.
Daniel runs up to me before saluting, "Sir! All our men are ready for your orders."
I give a nod as I look out to the army before me. They straighten their back the moment my eyes rove meet their location. It seems my little lesson, worked quite well.
Then looking out to them, my necklace lights up before I give a shout, "We have won a great victory today."
They raise their weapons high as they shout back their approval over my words. The ground trembles as I give a satisfied smile.
"Though the battle isn't over!" My shout silence theirs, I point to the city, "Within this city there those unwilling to accept our legitimate rule!"
"One given to us by the king himself!" I shout louder, to make sure my voice reaches everyone close to my range. "So I ask you this! Are those Riling up the civilians against us and sowing chaos and discord to what should be a repairing city, rebelling against our rule not rebels!"
"NO SIR!" the army shouts.
"Then under my command! We shall march to their halls and mark our presence!" I give a shout as the army of two thousand men once more shouts in affirmation.
"All men, move out!"
With that speech, we then rode throug the streets. At first there were no resistance, the civilians who heard my shout held themselves back as they return to their houses.
I look around to see the damage through their residence, it seems that the enemy general held back in their bombardment. No wonder this city's civilians still have the energy to do risky endeavors like this.
With that thought in mind, I continued to ride forward along with my four generals and a bodyguard powerful enough to hold any threats against me.
We continued through the streets, my soldiers marching in synchronous order. One with enough sound and power to put fear in a man.
The civilians that we passed through, closed their window and looked on in worry. Afraid that perhaps a battle will once more break out through the city, dragging them in the carnage.
The windows were closed as every civilian ran, their parents pulled the children as the place of residence to what I could only assume their poorest citizen continued.
The moment the buildings changed was the moment their attitudes did so as well. The once silent and tense streets turn rowdy, the demon elites watched us in fascination as their servants only looked in worry.
Through it all, a few faces of dissatisfaction remained. One that I intend to stamp out, either through the investments of money or through the image of force.
It took a while for me to come unto the scene of the city hall, filled with screaming and shouting. An annoying view that fills me with nothing but disappointment.
What did they think would happen even if they got together like this? There was no way they could scrounge up enough of a force to fight against me.
This is so ridiculous.
Though the moment I arrived, I took their attention. The once clamoring shouts was now nothing but mere silence. It seems that sheer military force was more than enough to contain their little protests.
I rode foward, the crowd making way for my arrival. I look straightforward seeing the angered and displeased expression coming from everyone.
Mary whispers to me, "Is it really safe that we're here."
"It's fine, even with most of them being capable mages, there is no way they have any enoguh experience in battle for it to be a fight." I spoke to her, my voice clearly mocking.
Their expressions of anger only turned murderous as the men in the crowd looked to be ready to fight.
A few tense moments passes and we arrived upon the city hall. One filled with men with nothin to do with their lives.
A demon walks forward with a shout, "Why have you invaded this city! You foreign scum!"
The crowd was riled up by his words as they angrily shout for us to leave. I almost grin to myself on how uninformed they seem to be.
"I have arrived to protect these lands, under the order of King Lenard Geldstein." I shout back as I take out the document where it was written.
The shout shuts them up as I walk down of my horse, walking with decisive steps to these men as they step back in horror of the situation they found themselves in.
"According to this letter. I have the full authority to put this city under my command to keep it safe from invader and those who wish it harm."
I look around once more, my grin never leaving as I give another shout,
"So who may I ask has rebelled against our king?"