A man unwittingly reincarnates to a new world. A world where humans hold no kingdom nor title. As the powers that be vie for dominance, watch as he crawls his way up and build an empire that will lead the world as it's HEGEMON.
Michael Magna. Month 10, Day 17, Year A.F 652. Northeastern Forest, Kingdom of Rosalia.
The men gather under the scorching afternoon sun. I can hear murmurs and grumbles as I walked to the front. Though it seems that the men in front are less than pleased at me, as seen from their glares.
Their glares at me, make me almost amused. After all, all those glares would be changed into fearful gazes once I'm done with them. I'm quite excited to see it by then.
The sun blazes down on me and I have to raise my hand. It really is quite a bother, if I had turned those sigils from insignias of loyalty into slavery, it might have turned out easier.
But then again, slaves armies don't really win wars. Well, ruling in such a way would be unviable, If I plan on expanding further. Since slave armies, tend to fizzle out once their slave master was away.
Then there are officers, I cannot delegate tasks to an inflexible slave. After a long uncomfortable silence as I walk myself towards standing in between Anders and his officers, in front of the army of three thousand soldiers.
The vast amount of people leaves me unfazed as I shout with magic, echoing my voice for all to hear, "Hello, soldiers, as some of you may know, I am the general of this army."
The resounding chatter was to be expected, "Now, due to my absence. It seems that chaos has engulfed this army."
My ring lights up as I stab to the ground my own experimental and personal sword.
"Now, I plan on crushing any disorder that has formed." The atmosphere tensed from my words.
I gesture my hand to the side and an officer hurriedly handed me a list. I show it before them,
"Now with this, I will determine your crimes against this organization."
"First-" Before I could say a name, a shout interrupts me.
"Why the fuck should we listen to you!?" A man steps forward, his demeanour almost intimidating,
A smile graces my lips, "Ah, there we are, a volunteer." He was angered by my clear provocation. Huh, quite a joy
I ignore him as I look over the list, "What's your name, sir?"
"Why the fuck would I tell you!?" He sneered at me.
I look behind me as I ask, "Name?"
The officer quickly replies with a salute as he shouts, "Jack, Sir! Leader of the Eastern Clique."
"Hmm, Jack you say?" I look to the list, finding his name.
"I see, then is there anyone else who agrees with Jack?"
A hundred men step up, I look to Anders on my right, "I see, then all of them are?"
Anders replies, "They are the leaders of the various cliques within the army."
I look down as a plan forms, before looking up again, "Ah, I see."
A grin crawls itself up to my face and everyone takes a step back. Who am I to deny the snake that offered its head to me.
"Do all of you agree to what Jake has said?" I spoke to them as I take my sword off the ground.
The hesitation present on their face was enough of an answer but I ask once more.
"Do you all agree to what Jack has said? Or, do you wish to admit to your crimes and take on your punishment?" I spoke in a calm manner, insisting that their next words will determine their fate.
A shout erupts as the men around Jake was angered by the threat.
"Then for the last time, Do you wish to disobey my orders and stand against the rules this army was built upon?"
I smirk as I watch them take out their swords, with a giggle bubbling inside of me, I smile.
"Then from your actions, I'm assuming that's a yes."
My sword lights up and runes crawl through the ground, leaving them speechless as I shout,
"Anders! What is the punishment for treason and insubordination."
"Death, sir."
I take off my coat and spoke, "Good."
I disappear in front of them, their eyes roving around the clearing, trying to find me.
A giggle escapes me and they look up, noticing the laughter.
With a swing, a downdraft pushes them down, destabilizing their footing. Taking this chance, I fall behind Jack, intent on taking his head. His sword lights up in the same power, blocking the fatal strike.
I grin at him as I inch closer and spoke, "I'll be killing you here today, I hope you have a nice rest."
He looks at me in fear but before he could reply, I kick him in the stomach. He doubles over and I take his head off in a quick slash.
Everyone was silent, the officers that were about to help were held off by Anders. Something which I have explained to him before.
The men around me take a step back, before rallying behind a shout,
"What are you waiting for!? Take him down!"
The men around me dashed towards me, their swords lighting up in enhancement,
Looking at this, I chuckle, "This won't be enough."
I dash in one direction, hoping to avoid getting surrounded. The soldiers in front weren't able to react. The last thing they ever saw was my smile as their heads flew to the air.
I weave through a dozen of men, with the feeling of adrenaline coursing through me, I kill each and every one with a slash to the neck.
The others back off in fear and I was unable to stop a giggle. The sounds of which urged everyone to take a step back.
Oh my goodness, I haven't fought in two years. The feeling of power, coursing through like a drug was more than enough to make me ecstatic. And with the countless frustration of what happened here, it was more than enough to sentence them to their death
Such thoughts put a smile on my face, a smile that was shown to them, their fear was obvious. Unfortunately for them, I've lost the little mercy I've had, once I've read their crimes.
"Make this a little harder for me."