
Castor's Armies Pt.1

Michael Magna Month 11, Day 22, Year A.F 652. City of Castor, Kingdom of Rosalia.

"Sir, everything is in proper order." Daniel walked in to my office, wearing what could be now called the armies' standard uniform.

A combination of green and black clothes, with the chest and forearms covered with a specially enchanted armor. It took a lot of gold to armor them in such steel, but I'm sure it'll be worth it.

I stood up as I reply, "I see," I give him a smile, "Then let's head out."

The walk towards the wall was nice. The buildings are being built as smoothly as possible, certainly now that a professional has joined the fray and the incoming expert workers from Rosalia flooded in.

We ride to the wall, only to meet with Madelaine, talking with a red-skinned demon. The demon bows the moment he notices my presence.

"Milord, may fortune be with you in your battles." The demon named Ebritus bows deeply as he spoke.

Madelain gave me a smile before saying, "Have a safe trip. I'm sure the wall will be done, the moment you come home."

I give her a small smile as we rode past to what was the beginning of a gate as I replied back to her with a smile, "Yeah, take care of yourself."

The moment we went past the gate, I came upon the army that I have worked on for so long. With the rising shining upon it, ten thousand soldiers, stood in a great display of discipline and exuding power almost unmatched by any army in this continent.

Tears almost prickle at my eyes as I watch everything I have worked for come to fruition. Perhaps all I need to realize it is this magnificent view.

Mary rode her horse to my side, her short red hair flowing through the wind as she rode to me, revealing her four thousand veterans.

She saluted at me before speaking, "Milord! Four thousand men are ready to mobilize at your command."

Anders follows behind her and does the same thing she did, "Milord! Four thousand men are ready to mobilize at your command."

Daniel then salutes as well as he spoke, "Milord! Two thousand men, ready to mobilize at your command."

I salute back and nod, realizing that this was a display of the hierarchy. "Then order them to move out, we'll be taking out Castor's enemies."


The ride was calm and serene, the upcoming almost an afterthought as we rode through the road. I look down to watch the dirt road and grimaced.

Orvin then rides to my side, his expression passive as he spoke, "Sir, what shall be my role in this upcoming battle of yours"

I give him a sweet smile, one that illicits a grimace from him, "You'll be my plan B, if I ever need large firepower, Im sure I could count on you to supply such."

He looks to me in irritation before nodding, he turns his back as he rode somewhere farther from someone that'll be stuck his master.

"After everything get settled, I'm going to need to connect the other three cities with paved roads. Though it'll take quite a long time before we get the necessary resources for that." I unconsciously muttered.

Mary taps my shoulders and amusement before speaking. "Shouldn't we think a strategy first before you plan on what to do once we win?"

I give her a smug smirk, "Why bother? The estimates on their forces were eight thousand normal infantry and two thousand knights."

She shakes her head, "Even so, we should minimize the casualties we'll get, so we could have a bigger leverage once we meet with their delegates."

I give her a shrug, "Sure."

"Then how do you wish to proceed." She asks me.

"I'm sure they'll be already sieging down Avern, something we could use to both bolster their support and our recognition and legitimacy." I said to her as we rode.

"I see. With the rate we're going, we'll most probably be arriving in three days." She says to me as she rode forward, her pants and armor similar to the other officers. A combination of green and black.

"Then all that's left is to fight them head on and hunt any of the stragglers." I say to her as we rode. Before I tap my chin in thought, perhaps I could also use my supplies to force them under my wing.

She gives a shrug of exasperation, "Well, I guess it's a good plan as any."

Niel Month 11, Day 24, Year A.F 652. Avern, Kingdom of Rosalia.

The morning was quite serene, certainly atop the walls of Avern. It would be such a beautiful morning, Unfortunately for us, it won't be lasting long, certainly with the latest reports of an army heading in our direction.

The farmers and merchants run back towards the gates, nearly stampeding through a

"Sir! Niel, the garrison is ready. The scouts report two thousand knight and eight thousand infantry all heading in the city's direction." The officer salutes as he shouts.

I give him a nod as I spoke. "Send a message to everyone. Man the walls and have every available citizen take up arms. We'll have to defend until reinforcements arrive."

"But sir, do we even have the supplies to last long enough for that?" He spoke with mild hesitation.

"No, we do not. All we have is enough for a few days. Let us just hope that our reinforcements arrive before the situation worsens." I replied to him as I look to the road.

The officer meanwhile remained before hesitantly saying, "Cant we just surrender? I think we'll just put our people at risk, with Lord Ivid so far away, we can't really expect a lot of help, sir."

I look at him before giving a sigh, "Orders are orders. We can't just surrender our cities without resistance. If the winds of war suddenly blow against our favor, we'll get executed immediately."

With a glance he straightened his back, "And how sure are you they'll treat our city fairly."

He ruminates on my words as he looks down and I continued, "That's why we'll fight till we no longer can. That's how us soldiers survive this."

The youth then saluted with an understanding expression, "Yes, sir."

"Good, send the word to ready for battle and man the walls. We'll try to hold as long as we can." I order him before he ran.

Now alone, I look at my shaking hands and muttered, "I guess I'll need to hold firm if I want this city to continue as it is."

Dane Alard Month 11, Day 24, Year A.F 652. Avern, Kingdom of Rosalia.

"Sir, the city is in our sights," A demon officer rode back to me. His red skin more than apparent through the armor.

He salutes at me and I salute back as I look to the road in weary nostalgia. I rub my head as I mutter, "How did I come back here? I thought my fighting days were over."

The army marches behind me as the knight vanguards push forward, their direction the city of Avern.

Though as we rode closer, the city grows closer, and the walls get higher. I sighed in relief the moment their wall's height became apparent.

It really is quite a bother to still be involved in something like this, always thought retirement would be kind to an old man like me.

No matter though, I'm sure the cities around here are easy prey. The four three cities dominating the wester part of Rosalia. Avern, Ivern and Berus.

Though there have been rumors and whispers of a growing city near the Principalities. But its highly unlikely to happen. After all, with the resources he could scrounge up from this sudden war, it should be highly unlikely that a sudden powerhouse would appear out of nowhere.

"Sir, how should we proceed?" An officer rides up beside me as he asked for orders.

I look up from my thought as I reply, "Have the knights move out. They'll be launching barrages unto the walls to open up a hole so we could move out."

The officer salutes, "Yes, Sir!"

The knight moved out, with a thunderous sound they sortied close to the walls and released thousands of fireballs, tearing chunks from the wall and hopefully destroying any semblance of morale.

A messenger suddenly rides to my destination, his face filled with panic as he spoke, "Sir, our scouts report an army heading to our position."

I look to him in alarm before asking for more information, "Where? How far? and How many."

"They are about ten thousand men and are about three hours away from our position, all of which are coming from the west. Just on the other side of the city." He spoke quickly, reciting the reports the scouts gave to him.

"Change of plans! Have every men ready for battle. We'll take this city before the enemy arrives." I shout out to the officers around me before they scramble to their positions.