A man unwittingly reincarnates to a new world. A world where humans hold no kingdom nor title. As the powers that be vie for dominance, watch as he crawls his way up and build an empire that will lead the world as it's HEGEMON.
Madelaine Pov
'That idiot really tried to run away and why the hell would he perform an obviously dangerous magic' I shake my head as I return back to my work.
A few moments pass before I read the record, the records of every transaction occurring within Michael's properties.
I massage my head, relieving the bit of tension, forming from the amount of information I had to go through.
I stand as I think to myself, 'Well, another day another coin.'
The thought makes me chuckle, with my salary on and a half gold coins is a better word.
I look down before sitting back down and spinning in my chair, 'This might be one of Michael's best inventions yet.'
I shake my head as I stood from my comfortable chair, 'Well, I better get started on that weekly inspection.'
I start walking as I take my clipboard, 'My first agenda should be the Smithy,'
I read the finances and records 'The iron deficit seems to be lessening, maybe more to do with Michael's less extravagant orders.'
'Though a monthly deficit of about five hundred gold coins does not bode well for business.'
I shrug my shoulders, 'Oh well, he has made that kind of weird orders before and it seems to have worked out well enough.'
I stop in front of a smithy, with its unusual lack of smoke, she goes inside.
Jake looks to the door as he shouts his greeting, "Lady Madelaine, It is great to see you."
Jake waves his hand, with a glowing sigil, something Michael has added to his employees.
'Well, at least those employees interacting with magic.'
I nod back, as my serious demeanour stops Jake from getting closer.
"I hope you are ready for the weekly inspection," Jake nervously nods, something that I find amusing, maybe having this much power over a grown man got to my head.
No matter, just gotta do my job, I gesture to the inside "So then, let's go." Jake nods hurriedly.
I walk through the smithy, checking for the workers and records.
I ask a question as we walk through the smithy, "Are the weapons not selling well?"
Jake shakes his head, "My swords have been selling more than before."
I raised an eyebrow at him, "Then why is it that you are losing money?"
Jake swallows dryly, a bit terrified. Something that makes me think 'Perhaps, I am terrifying.' I smile to myself 'Neat'
Jake replies, "The weapons and armour are selling more than they have before, But there isn't much demand, since we are at peace."
I nod at him in agreement which makes him sigh in relief.
"But that doesn't explain the increasing deficit you seem to be incurring."
Jake stiffly smiles, "There's something Sir Michael has ordered, about five hundred units of it."
I stop walking and faces him as, "Bring one to me."
Jake hurriedly ran off and I was left alone with the sounds of hammering iron.
Jake returns with a cylinder, I take it with my hand as I look through the hole.
"He made you do this?" I pointed to the one and a half meter of iron, Jake nods hurriedly "Hmm curious,"
I return it to him, Michael might have told me his plans, but he never told me the specifics.
I glance to the metal, perhaps this was one of those specifics.
I shake my head, I could ask him later, anyways.
I then take out my clipboard, "Did Michael ordered you to make this priority?"
Jake shakes his head, I see if he needs it urgently he would have told me.
I nod as I write it down to report it back to him, "Make it a second priority, make sure we finish all the sewing machines I ordered you to make."
"A new headquarters will be built in Alton, one concentrated on textiles,"
"Then when's the deadline?"
I thought to myself before replying, "Make it a month, that's more than enough, Right?"
Jake then looks to her, "Then should I go back to work, or."
I wave him off, "It's fine, I have seen more than enough."
I take my leave, now walking toward the so-called factory. Is what Michael calls it.
I take the record and read it, 'There doesn't seem to be any problem.'
She looks to the notes, 'There have been even some orders for the cloth. I'll have to pass that by Michael later.'
'So there isn't a problem at all then, sure maybe there's a surplus of cloth but with the planned expansion to Alton, I'm sure we'll need even more.' I thought to myself as I walk to the factory
I came in time to see a shipment of cotton come in, the designated supervisor waving at the moment he sees me, his bright sigil shining brightly.
I remember him being designated for the job due to his literacy.
"Madam Madelaine, the recent shipment of cotton just came in." He spoke with a smile
She shouts to one of her employees to take care of it as she opens the door.
"I'm assuming you know why I'm here?" I asked with a glance as the man's smile turns stiff.
"Of course, of course." He then opens the door to the factory.
The sounds of machinery nearly deafened me, the continuous spinning and threading really is magnificent.
I look to the man, "Then let's commence with the weekly inspection."
The man hurriedly nods, we walk between the machines as I watch the magic happen.
The men around us bow to me in greeting, their sigil shining brightly, I greet them back with a smile.
"So has there been any bad news?" I asked as i glance at him.
The man shakes his head, "None Madam, though there have been dress stores coming by for the quality cloth."
I nod to him, "I am aware, it is unfortunate but I don't think it is necessary for us to sell them."
The man looks confused and was about to ask a question before I interrupt him, "We plan on expanding production in Alton, if we start selling cloth now, the current supply of cotton might not be enough."
The man meekly nods, "Ah yes, the cotton as well has been becoming more expensive."
I glance at him, "How expensive has it become?"
The man swallows dryly, "one silver per bundle,"
I widen my eyes, "That quite the huge jump, isn't it?"
With wheat costing twenty-five bronze per bundle and cotton being fifty bronze.
I scoff, their ploy more than obvious "It's fine, we have accounted for this."
I check the spinning machine, "Just continue production like before."
The runes shine as the machine spins the thread, "I'm quite sure the income from the clothing store would be more than enough to make up for the deficit."
I shrug, "And besides we have plans on buying up farmlands from Avern.
I then start walking once more "I'm sure our reliance on cotton can be paid for by then."
I glance at him, "Where's the weaving machine?"
He hurriedly walked as he gestures to the door, "Ah, it would be here madam."
The sounds of thread being weaved was almost melodic if it weren't deafening.
"Has there been any problem with the machine?"
The man shakes his head, "None, though we have stockpiled some spare parts."
I nod to him, "Good, good. How about the runes then? Have you and you men learned the necessary runes in the case of malfunction."
"Yes, the pamphlet you have lent us was more than enough for us to understands"
I clap my hand, "That's it then, any notes you wish to add."
The man bows, "None, madam."
"Then I'll be taking my leave," I nod to him as I leave,