A man unwittingly reincarnates to a new world. A world where humans hold no kingdom nor title. As the powers that be vie for dominance, watch as he crawls his way up and build an empire that will lead the world as it's HEGEMON.
Madelaine. Month 10, Day 15, Year A.F 652. The city of Rosalia, Kingdom of Rosalia.
I look around, seeing the number of passengers, luggage and supplies coming through, A chuckle escapes me as I realized the absurdity of Michael's wealth. I chuckle, After all, it's kinda hard to see the man that has increased his influence by the day.
If you are interacting with the teasing and ever-smiling man behind it all. I quirk my lips at the thought, then there is his continuous desire to delegate off his work and concentrate on the countless magic artefacts churning out of his chaotically organized workshop.
"Hmm, it is kinda terrifying how he changed this part of the city that used to be slums into a busy point of destinations and departures." I look around, the once decrepit homes were now filled with laughing children as orphanages sprung up.
Along with the new work and his generous wages, a lot of them seems to be leading prosperous lives all of which in houses one can be proud of.
I smile to myself, his influence has been taking a positive turn, something that even I feel gratitude for. After all, where would I be today, if I didn't take his hand?
Well, I chuckle to myself at the thought of what happened that day. Maybe it was more of grabbing his hand so he'll take me with him as Mary bows to him in gratitude and desperation.
My thought halts as I think of Mary, I hold my hand over my chest, "May Gaea ensure her glory and safety." and I mutter a prayer for her.
She'll be fine, sure this might be her first war, but Michael has enacted so many measures to ensure her safety that perhaps it has become too much.
I chuckle at the thought, yeah, he always did worry a bit too much. A bell then rings, reminding me and the company itself of a break.
I smile as I stood back up from the bench they have put for waiting passengers, ready to meet with Alfred for his report and a confidential documents Michael had him sent through me.
The noise settles down, as the various restaurants and diners open up to take in the workers and customers ready to eat their lunch. Even some diners that are owned by yours truly.
As the people around me walk, I weave through them, heading straight for Alfred's office. I look around as I enter, I never really put much thought as to why Michael invested so much of his money on this company's decoration.
"Perhaps it's for the nobility, so they could see it as adequate enough for their patronage" I mutter to myself before shrugging, "Oh well, it isn't my money he spent on such lavish decorations." and besides this isn't the first time he did something that came up useful after a few months.
After a few minutes of walking, I end up in front of Alfred's office. A guard stops me by standing in front of it. I raise my eyebrow as I spoke, "Could you kindly move?"
The guard shakes his head as he spoke with authority, "Sir Alfred does not allow any visitors at this hour."
I gesture to myself, "I assure you, he's expecting me."
The guard sighs, looking at me, inspecting me and my clothing, determining the truth in my words. Seeing as I am wearing my work clothes, I assume that was enough for him to agree.
He knocks loudly as yelp can be heard from the other side, "Sir, there's someone here asking for you."
"Wait a minute please!" He shouts from the door as the sounds of grunting and panicked movements can be heard outside the door.
The guard merely returns to his post, standing awkwardly, his eyes never meeting mine. I guess he's thinking what I'm thinking.
After a few awkward moments, a shout comes from Alfred, "Let them in." His voice, a bit disgruntled.
I nod to the guard as I enter, once I did the view I came into was Alfred's face filled with disgruntlement and a woman standing at his side, looking a bit dishevelled.
Once he noticed me though, he widens his eye in shock as he immediately stood up and then bowed, "Madam, it's quite nice to have you here."
He immediately fixes his desk and the woman helps him do so, he looks up to me as he spoke, "I apologize for the delay," He smiles, "I didn't think you would come in such an early time."
I smirk at his panicked expression, deciding to tease him, "Oh really," I look to the woman beside him, "Did a come in a bad time?"
Alfred immediately shakes his head as he waves his hand in dismissal, "No, no, of course not. We were merely talking about something," He smiles at the nervous woman beside him, "She was just about to leave as well."
Understanding his words, she immediately bows as she left, her face a bit red as she glances at his small smile. She closes the door, leaving the two of us.
I chuckle at their antics, how cute. Though before it gets derailed further, I interrupt my thoughts as I spoke, "I believe you know why I'm here?"
Alfred nods as he immediately reaches underneath his desk, "Here, are the financial reports you asked for," He pushes it to me and I take it, perusing its contents for any inconsistencies.
"I see, it seems that A&M has been profiting quite well," I spoke to him as I stop at his supposed revenue statement.
Alfred nods in agreement, "It has, though it took a lot of convincing, the various nobility found a great use for the consistent delivery we offered, especially with the free delivery of letters, they were able to expect consistent replies."
I nod, the ingenious idea seemed to have worked quite well and with the first prince's influence over the countryside nobility, they were able to operate with little to no problems. The twenty thousand monthly revenue was more than showing of that.
As I look through the financial reports, I find an oddity, "It seems that you lost the majority hold over this company," I asked him with an eyebrow raised, "Why is that? Because the last time I've read this, I believe you held fifty-one percent of the shares this company has."
Alfred rubs the back of his head with a sheepish smile, "I might have reinvested Sir Michael's money back into the company,"
He smiles at me, as his eyes glisten in tears, "I never thought my two kids could ever study, never did I think I could ever hold so much wealth and live a daily life with my wife as we just enjoy our days like this."
Huh, so that was his wife. I look to his smile as I reply, "Michael's already rich as it is, I don't think he would've minded even if you didn't do this."
His smile was filled with gratitude, "I know but, he did so much for me, I'm sure he can use the money to help more people than I could ever have done."
The words might have been a bit cheesy, but it elicits a small smile from me, "I'm sure he would be happy that you think so highly of him, but with the rate your business is growing, I'm sure you can buy it back any time you wish."
Alfred quickly replied, "I have no plan to."
I smile at his words as I return back to reading the rest of his documents, a few minutes pass as I asked for clarification about the various accounts.
"Well, everything seems to be in order," I look back up to him with a smile, there goes the last of my work for the day.
He puts his fist to his heart as he bows, "Thank you, Madam."
"Now, I believe I still need to get some documents."
He nodded quickly as he takes out another set of documents underneath his desk, he looks around as he passed it on to me, "Here they are Madam." This must be something else if he's this cautious about it.
Holding the documents in my hands, I try to see what it could be about, though before I could open it, Alfred spoke with hesitation, "Uhm, Madam, I think reading it here would be a bit remiss."
I realize the meaning behind his words, perhaps I should ask Michael about it, after all, this was something he seems to be really cautious about. "I see, thank you, Sir Alfred."
I stood up from my seat as I shake his hand, "It's nice meeting you again."
With a smile on my face, I stood and opened his office, though as I open it his wife was waiting outside.
She blushes a bit as I walked by, though before I could leave, I teased them with a smirk.
"Have Fun!"