
A Star Trek Dream

Star Trek Voyager Reincarnation. Starting as a Vulcan/Klingon Hybrid at the start of Voyager. Will probably have epic powers later, but weak in the beginning.

DaoistbobU86 · Televisi
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6 Chs


"Hyperspace Physics were easy for me. What about you, Chitonn? How'd you do?"

"Science and Math is… incomprehensible to me. Strategy, tactics, commanding. That kind of stuff is second nature."

He looks anxious.

"Well, Starfleet needs people like you just as much as people like me. I think we'll both make it."

"I think so, too. Thanks."

"So… now that the prep course is over, we need to choose what classes to attend at the academy. I was thinking about taking… Medicine, Botany, Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Engineering, all the mechanics courses, Robotics as a hobby, Warp Design and Theory, Transporter Theory, Astrophysics, and of course required courses like Interspecies Protocol and Ethics."

"Uh… you do realize that's almost everything they teach?"


"And how do you plan on learning that much in only four years?"

"Actually, eight years for some. I want to take the advanced courses. Though I will try to shorten it down to get to space faster. I want to go where no man has gone before. Or woman." I laugh.

He laughs with me.

Chitonn has always been emotional, unlike Vulcans. Being half-Romulan does that to people. Of course, I'm no different. It's why we're such good friends.


2 Years Later

"Thank you for tutoring me, Ellie. I couldn't have graduated so fast with such high marks without you." Chitonn says.

"I was happy to help you, Chitonn. I'm actually a little surprised you learned everything the academy has to teach you so quickly."

"Not as fast as you, Ellie. All the science, medicine, and engineering courses, all with highest possible marks. It has to be some kind of record for the Academy."

"It is. Lt. Commander Jongo said it was. He especially liked my theories on more efficient Warp travel. Told me it would be reviewed by the Daystrom Institute."


"Thanks." I say before the time comes.

"And now, it is time for the Valedictorial Speech. This year, we are honored to have a graduate who exceeded all expectations and then some. Please welcome to the stage, Elikae."

I put a smile on my face as I walk to the wooden podium, adjusting the microphone slightly.

"Thank you, Admiral, for that generous introduction. And thank you to the rest of the teachers here at the Academy… When I came here, the only thing I knew was that I wanted to succeed. I wanted to explore the vast regions of space. Help alien civilization in whatever way possible. Help our own to grow. I wanted to go where no one has gone before. To walk the path not taken yet." I nod to the Literary professor. He gives a half-smile in response. "The Academy is here to teach us exactly how big the Universe is, and our place in it. Of course, that isn't decided yet. It is apparent to me how great the potential of the Federation is. We have the ability to unravel the secrets of the Universe. And when we don't know what there is to learn, we learn that. This Academy is the foundation of the Federation, and on it, we have built and will build something beautiful. Something beyond imagination. And everything starts here. Thank you."

"Thank you, Elikae, for that wonderful speech. What you said really spoke to me. Now, we would like to bring each of the teachers to come up one by one and share the words they've prepared for this momentous day."

I go back to my seat in the audience, in the front.

"So, Ellie. What do you plan to do now? I hear Voyager is looking for a crew, if you're interested. I was going to see if they'd take me as a Security ensign."

"You said… Voyager?"

Memories come flooding to me as I remember something I had tried to forget.

Voyager. The ship that is stolen from the Alpha Quadrant to the Delta Quadrant. I forgot because I was so immersed in my coursework. Trying to learn.

The reason I allowed myself to forget, to ignore the dreams, was because I didn't think they were real. Everything I've dreamt of could have just been my crazy imagination. But hearing the word "Voyager" made me remember.

"Um… Yeah, I guess I'll go there." I make a split-second decision, trying not to show that I know things that shouldn't have happened yet.

"Excuse me, Harry Kim, did you just say you were going to Voyager?"

"Harry Kim… You were second-best with your grades. I remember seeing you below Ellie's."

"Uh, yeah. Second-best, that's me… Anyway, Voyager? I was thinking about going there, too."

"Are you sure?" I ask, thinking about everything he would go through. "It's… not easy to be on a starship like that one." I'm trying my best to allude to the threat.

"Hey, I'm up to the challenge. The Academy made sure of that."

"Yeah, but…"

"I'm not some weakling, you know? Besides, I can't go into deep space and explore the galaxy if I'm not on a ship."

An awkward silence pervades the area as we both struggle to think of a way out of the conversation, both for different reasons.

"I should get going." He says awkwardly.

"Yeah, me too." I say quietly.

He nods and walks away quickly.

"What was that about? Ellie?" He says trying to get my attention.

"If you were to go join Voyager and be forced somewhere thousands of light-years away from your home, with no clear way back, would you still go on that ship?" I look forward as I say this.

He stops to think for a moment, clearly giving plenty of thought to this.

"I would certainly miss my parents, but they already know I wanted to get away for a while. If I were to be in that situation, I would feel lonely. But I wouldn't give up the chance for learning just because of that. Everyone who joins on a ship wants to explore. I'm no different. You know that, Ellie."

"Well… let's see if they take us." I force a smile on my face and head to the communications department.

Applications for deployment are easy to access anywhere.

'And so, it begins.'