
[29] Late Arrival

I slumped into the Uber's backseat, Marin's warmth pressed against my side. The city lights blurred past the window, a kaleidoscope of neon and shadows. Marin's fingers intertwined with mine, her thumb tracing lazy circles on my palm.

"You okay?" she whispered, her breath tickling my ear.

I nodded.

The Uber driver's eyes flicked to the rearview mirror. "You're Akira Hoshino, right? From 'Sweet Today'?"

"Yeah, that's me," I said.

"Man, that last episode was intense! You really nailed it."

"Thanks," I mumbled, grateful when Marin jumped in to chat with the driver about the show.

I let their voices fade into background noise, lost in my own thoughts. The money from this gig could solve a lot of problems. I could finally afford a place with better security, maybe even start investing in my music career. But a dating show? It felt wrong, especially with Marin right here beside me.

The Uber pulled up to our apartment building. I tipped the driver generously, hoping it would make up for my distracted silence. Marin and I rode the elevator in comfortable quiet, her head resting on my shoulder.

Inside our apartment, I kicked off my shoes and collapsed onto the couch. Marin curled up next to me, her legs tucked under her.

"Alright, spill," she said, poking my ribs. "What's got you so quiet?"

I took a deep breath. "Kaburagi offered me a job."

Marin's eyes lit up. "That's great! What kind of job?"

"A dating show," I said, watching her face carefully.

Her smile faltered for a moment before she caught herself. "Oh. That's... different."

"Yeah," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "It's for high school students in a performing arts program. We'd hang out on weekends, see if anyone gets close."

Marin bit her lip. "And you're thinking about doing it?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "The money would be good. Really good. But..."

"But it's weird," Marin finished for me.

I nodded. "Exactly. And I don't want to do anything that might hurt us."

Marin was quiet for a moment, her fingers playing with the hem of her dress. "Would it really just be acting? No real feelings involved?"

"Of course," I said quickly. "It's all fake. Just for the cameras."

She nodded slowly. "And the money would help with getting a new place? With better security?"

"Yeah, it would cover that easily. Plus, I could start putting some aside for my music."

Marin took a deep breath. "Then maybe... maybe you should do it."

I blinked, surprised. "Really? You'd be okay with that?"

She shrugged. "I trust you, Akira. And I know how important your career is to you. If this can help, then I think you should go for it."

I pulled her into a tight hug, burying my face in her hair. "You're amazing, you know that?"

Marin laughed softly. "I know. But it's nice to hear you say it."

We sat there for a while, just holding each other. I felt the tension slowly leaving my body, replaced by a warmth that had nothing to do with the temperature.

"So," Marin said eventually, pulling back to look at me. "Tell me more about this show. Who else is going to be in it?"

I groaned. "Well, that's the other thing. Aqua's involved too."

Marin's eyebrows shot up. "Aqua? The guy who played the stalker?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Kaburagi seems really interested in both of us for some reason."

"Huh," Marin mused. "That's... interesting. Did he say why?"

I hesitated, remembering Kaburagi's comments about Ai. "He mentioned something about us reminding him of someone. An idol he used to work with."

Marin's eyes widened. "Wait, you mean Ai? The legendary Ai?"

I shrugged. "I guess so. I don't really know much about her."

"Akira!" Marin exclaimed, suddenly excited. "This could be huge! Ai was like, the biggest idol of her time. If Kaburagi thinks you two have that kind of potential..."

I felt a spark of excitement despite myself. "You really think so?"

Marin nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely. This could be your big break into the music industry too."

I leaned back, letting the possibilities wash over me. A chance to follow in the footsteps of a legend. To make my mark on the industry in a big way.

But still, doubt nagged at me. "I don't know, Marin. It feels like a lot of pressure. And what if I'm not good enough?"

Marin cupped my face in her hands, forcing me to look at her. "Akira Hoshino, you are the most talented person I know. You've already proven yourself with 'Sweet Today'. This is just the next step."

I smiled, feeling some of my confidence return. "What would I do without you?"

"Probably starve," Marin teased. "Now, are you going to call Kaburagi and accept the offer or what?"

I pulled out my phone, my finger hovering over Kaburagi's number. With a deep breath, I pressed call.

"Kaburagi? It's Akira. About that show... I'm in."

(Two Weeks Later)

I woke to the gentle caress of sunlight on my face and Marin's warm body curled against mine. Her hair tickled my nose, smelling faintly of strawberries. I blinked groggily, trying to focus on the alarm clock across the room.

"Mmmm, morning," Marin mumbled, nuzzling closer.

I grunted in response, still half-asleep. Marin giggled and poked my side.

"Come on, sleepyhead. Big day today."

I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. "Five more minutes."

Marin's hand snaked under the blanket, her fingers dancing along my ribs. I squirmed, trying to escape her tickling assault.

"No fair," I gasped between laughs.

"All's fair in love and waking up," Marin quipped, her grin audible in her voice.

Just as I was about to retaliate, my phone buzzed loudly on the nightstand. Marin snatched it up before I could reach it.

"Hello?" she answered cheerfully. Her eyes widened. "Oh, Kana! Hi!"

I sat up, suddenly alert. Marin put the phone on speaker.

"Where are you guys?" Kana's voice crackled through the speaker. "I've been waiting at the school entrance for ages. You're going to miss the entrance ceremony!"

Marin's face paled. "Oh no, what time is it?"

"It's almost 9:30!" Kana exclaimed. "The ceremony starts now!"

I leapt out of bed, nearly tripping over the tangled sheets. "Shit, shit, shit," I muttered, fumbling for my uniform.

"We'll be there as soon as we can, Kana!" Marin promised before hanging up.

I rushed to the bathroom, toothbrush in hand. Marin followed, already dressed in her uniform. She leaned against the doorframe, watching me with a mix of amusement and concern.

"I told you we should've set an extra alarm," she chided gently.

I glared at her through a mouthful of toothpaste. "Not helping," I mumbled around my toothbrush.

After a hasty rinse, I darted back to the bedroom. I pulled on my white shirt, fingers fumbling with the buttons. The navy blue blazer came next, its gold trim catching the morning light. I struggled with the red tie, my fingers suddenly clumsy.

"Here, let me," Marin said softly, stepping in front of me.

Her nimble fingers made quick work of the knot, smoothing the tie against my chest. She stepped back, admiring her handiwork.

"There. Very handsome."

I gave her a quick kiss. "Thanks. You look beautiful, by the way."

Marin blushed, smoothing her skirt. "Flatterer. Now hurry up and finish getting ready."

I pulled on my light gray trousers and slipped into my maroon loafers. As I passed the mirror, I paused, eyeing my reflection. My hand drifted to my earrings.

"Should I take these out?" I wondered aloud.

Marin appeared behind me, resting her chin on my shoulder. "Nah, keep them."

I nodded, decision made. "Alright, let's go."

I grabbed Marin's hand and we bolted out the door, our footsteps echoing in the stairwell as we raced down. The spring air hit us as we burst onto the sidewalk, cherry blossoms swirling in the breeze.

"Shit," I muttered, realizing my mistake. No hat, no mask. Nothing to hide behind.

Marin squeezed my hand. "It'll be fine. We just need to move fast."

We power-walked down the street, weaving between pedestrians. I kept my head down, praying no one would recognize me. For a few blocks, it worked. Then I heard the first gasp.

"Oh my god, is that Akira Hoshino?"

I picked up the pace, but it was too late. A group of college girls blocked our path, phones out and eyes wide.

"Akira! Can we get a picture?"

I plastered on my best smile. "Sure, but I'm kind of in a rush..."

They crowded around me, Marin stepping back to take the photo. I posed, trying not to look as frazzled as I felt.

"Thank you so much!" one girl gushed. "We loved you in 'Sweet Today'!"

I nodded, already backing away. "Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Have a great day!"

We made it another block before an older woman stopped us. "Excuse me, young man. Are you that actor from TV?"

I nodded, resigned to my fate. "Yes, ma'am. That's me."

She beamed. "Oh, my granddaughter loves your show. Could I trouble you for an autograph?"

I scribbled my name on a scrap of paper she produced, acutely aware of the time ticking away.

As we approached a busy intersection, I heard my name being called from across the street. A group of guys waved enthusiastically. I waved back, picking up the pace.

"This is ridiculous," I muttered to Marin. "We're never going to make it at this rate."

She tugged on my sleeve, pointing to a nearby cafe. "Let's duck in there for a minute. Maybe it'll calm down if we're out of sight."

We slipped into the cafe, the smell of coffee and pastries filling the air. It was packed with college students, laptops open and textbooks spread across tables. For a moment, I thought we'd escaped notice.

Then a barista dropped a mug, shattering the relative quiet. "Holy crap, it's Akira Hoshino!"

Every head in the place turned toward us. I felt my face heat up as whispers and excited murmurs filled the air. Marin gripped my arm, her eyes darting around the room.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea," she whispered.

Before I could respond, we were surrounded. Students crowded around us, phones out and questions flying.

"Can I get a selfie?"

"Are you really dating?"

"What's your next project?"

I held up my hands, trying to quiet the crowd. "Guys, I appreciate the support, but we're actually late for school. Could you please-"

My words were drowned out by more excited chatter. Someone shoved a napkin and pen into my hand, begging for an autograph. I scrawled my name, only for three more people to thrust items at me for signing.

Marin nudged me, pointing to her watch. I nodded, understanding her silent message. We needed to get out of here, fast.

I raised my voice, putting on my best "charming celebrity" smile. "Everyone, I'm truly flattered by your interest, but I'm going to be late for my first day of school. How about this - I'll take one group photo, and then we really need to go. Deal?"

A cheer went up from the crowd. They quickly arranged themselves, and I found myself in the center of a sea of grinning faces. Marin snapped the picture, and I waved goodbye as we made our escape.

I burst through the school gates, panting and sweating. Marin stumbled in behind me, her face flushed. We both doubled over, trying to catch our breath.

"What... time... is it?" I gasped.

Marin fumbled with her phone. "11:13," she wheezed. "We missed... everything."

I straightened up, running a hand through my disheveled hair. "Shit. Well, better late than never, right?"

We made our way to the front office, our footsteps echoing in the empty hallways. I pushed open the door, bracing myself for a lecture.

Instead, a kindly-looking woman greeted us with a smile. "Ah, Mr. Hoshino and Miss Kitagawa. We were wondering when you'd arrive."

I blinked, thrown off by her casual tone. "Uh, yeah. Sorry we're so late. There was a... situation."

The woman nodded sympathetically. "These things happen, especially with your unique circumstances, Mr. Hoshino. We're just glad you made it."

She handed us each a stack of papers. "Here are your schedules and some forms for your parents to sign. Don't worry about missing the ceremony, we'll catch you up later."

I glanced at Marin, who looked as surprised as I felt. "Thanks," I said. "That's really understanding of you."

The woman waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, it's no trouble. Now, you'd better hurry to class. You're in 1-F, Mr. Hoshino, and Miss Kitagawa, you're in 2-F."

We thanked her again and left the office. In the hallway, I turned to Marin. "Well, that was... unexpected."

Marin grinned. "I told you it would be fine. Want me to walk you to class?"

I shook my head. "Nah, I'll walk you. It's the least I can do after making us late."

We strolled down the corridor, our shoulders brushing. I couldn't help but notice the stares and whispers from students in classrooms we passed.

"So," Marin said, breaking the silence. "You ready for this?"

I shrugged. "As ready as I'll ever be. You?"

She nodded. "Yeah. It'll be nice to have a bit of normalcy, you know?"

We reached 2-F, and Marin hesitated at the door. I gave her hand a quick squeeze. "I'll see you at lunch, okay?"

Marin took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. Good luck in your class."

I watched her disappear into the classroom, then turned to find my own. As I walked, I tried to psych myself up. It was just high school, right? How bad could it be?