
A Spark Half on Loan

Shockwave has fought in the darkness for eons. Longer, in fact, than many races have existed. He has outlasted even ideologies that lasted as long as some species' existence. Now, in the darkness of exile, what waits for him? Peace at last, or war? Freedom, or subjugation? (Set in the IDW comics, Fanfic/AO3 does weird sorting for TF)

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51 Chs

Fate's Hand - Finale


Official Supporters:

Compulsive Reader, The Impossible Muffin

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Requested By : Gib


'Are you nervous?'

Penny almost chuckled as she read the private-message and rounded the corner of the drab hall, meandering through Mantle's Council building as she wound towards her father's office. Was she nervous? Of course she was nervous - and then some. If she was caught, she would do more than die. What even happened to a soul that was unmade? Would hers be? What did the Relic's involvement in her creation mean for her…?

The lack of answers wasn't something she found particularly enjoyable…

But, after a moment, she just sent back, 'I am. But I will be alright.'

'You don't have to do this…' Ruby sent her a few moments later, 'Shockwave just said so, too.'

'I know.' And of course Ruby was on the lunar base for this - where else could she be right now? At such a pivotal moment for Penny, the answer was obvious. And it made Penny smile in spite of everything else happening around it. But, as happy as it made her, she added, "I am sorry. But I require focus for what is coming."

'Alright. Be careful.'

'I will.' She said, 'I promise.'

With that, she silenced the communications system she'd been given and rounded a last corner…

Up the hall, dimly lit by the morning sun, her father's office was flanked by a pair of guards dressed in simple, light grey fatigues. They had simple, smooth chesplates that covered most of their stomachs and their chests, and simple helmets whose sides swooped back over the ears in a gentle curve, coming around the back to cover the neck. And their faces were covered by the standard trooper mask - barely more than a simple, visored gas-mask with wide, cylindrical filters on either side to filter out gases and poisons. The helmet's visor, she knew, could toggle through thermal and electronic passive scanners, which made sneaking much of anything in hard for most people.

Luckily for her, scanning Penny wouldn't offer them much at all - she wasn't carrying anything with a temperature, and she was electronic. So those systems wouldn't offer much either.

"Miss Penny." The one on the right, Captain Penny funnily enough, said as Penny reached her. She could see the crinkle in her eyes through the visor of the helmet as she asked, "What brings you by so early?"

"My father has been overworking himself, as usual." Penny explained, using the truth where she could to avoid the chances of being caught. "So I felt I should… Well, make sure he isn't letting the trash overtake his office. Again…"

"Ah." The other woman nodded, chuckling under her breath. "That tracks, yeah. Do you, uh, know what's going on? You know, with all the-"

"I know what you know." Penny frowned, fiddling with her thumbs. "And suspect what, I am sure, you suspect."

"Yeah, was afraid you'd say that…" She sighed, turning and opening the door for her. "Head on in. Just don't break anything this time, yeah?"

"I will endeavor to avoid doing that." She promised, slipping inside and pushing the door shut behind her. She flicked a look around the room, scanning for heat and motion and sighing when she found nothing to worry over. Leaning against the door, she murmured, "Step one - complete. Now for the next one…"

The office had changed a bit, in the chaos of war preparations. The desk was shoved to the side, one end resting against the wall. It made space for another small table in the far corner. A map of northern Anima was laid out over it, with markings for deployments, movements, resources and the like all over it. And, against the wall the door was one, the bookshelf had been seemingly ransacked. Most of it was records and information her father had needed and been too busy to properly put back, leaving books laid out in front of others on the shelf, or stacked on the floor, or wherever else space could be found.

Tidying those was a swift matter for her alibi and, after, she made her way over to the map and sent a picture of it to Ruby. She wouldn't be able to put it to much use, of course, but…

Her friend would.

Finally, she came to his computer…

He'd left his Scroll connected to it, as he usually did, and nestled in the simple port beside the monitor. She didn't know his password, of course, and didn't even try to guess it as she sat down.

Instead she simply took a breath and said, "I'm trusting you…"

'Acknowledged.' Soundwave's quiet voice echoed in his head, a sort of…. Comfort radiating through her from him, through their connection. By his direction, her fingers moved on their own, reaching up and opening an access point on the side of the monitor. Then she let the tip of a finger open, her own access connector extending from the tip of her pinky to plug into it, and the screen lit up.

And, almost immediately, the internal files were open for them both to see.

"That was so fast…"

'This defensive network is rudimentary.' Soundwave responded, 'Simple password protections. Administrative access from there. Your father is intelligent in creation. But not in security.'

"I guess not…" She murmured, "How long will this-"

'Bugs planted, pressing information copied.' Soundwave cut her off, 'Maintain cover and withdraw.'

Her hands moved, as before, without her input. But once he had closed everything down and set her hands on the desk, they were under her control once more and she curled and uncurled her fists reflexively, glad to have the control back. Standing, she asked, "When will… When will it happen?"


"How soon?"

'Soon enough that you should be prepared.' Soundwave answered cryptically, earning a frown from her. He must have felt her displeasure because he explained after a moment, 'Within days. Shockwave is finalizing his work, and testing it. I do not know for certain. Can not. And interrupting him when he is so focused is unwise.'

"He gets mad…?"

'He gets distracted.' Soundwave answered, 'Be ready. I will notify you.'

"Alright." She nodded, turning and opening a drawer where she knew the dusting spray was kept and getting to work on what she'd said she'd come for.

And, from the overfilled trash can, her father had, in fact, been overworking himself…

For her sake, she knew.

'Take heart.' Soundwave said when uncertainty and anxiety filled her, that same comfort washing out from him to meet her. 'What you do is for him as well. From your report, you are being used to control him.'

"I know." She nodded, cleaning steadily as she spoke, "It still hurts, though…"

'I know.' Soundwave responded, 'I am here, unless you wish to be alone.'

"No." She smiled, "I… Enjoy the company, actually, I think."

'Very well.' Soundwave responded, content to… Just sit wherever he was, and keep his focus on her for now. She appreciated it and, as she'd expected, he said, 'I am happy to assist, Polendina.'

She smiled as she continued to work.


Shockwave finalised his tests' data and input it into his computer, leaving it to begin its collation program while he turned to another tab on his base-browser. The report was another collative lay out, this time forwarded to him by Soundwave. Whose efforts had born fruit as swiftly and effectively as ever. Troop movements, Lien stockpiles dipping low as recruitment rose, weapons development… It all pointed to one immutable fact.

Mantle was going to act. Soon…

He forwarded the information to Kali without a second thought. Vale and Vacuo would have to withstand the coming attacks alone - but Mistral would be prepared. Kali and the Council would ensure it. Even if the latter would never know from where he got the information. Or at least, they would not know until it was no longer relevant.

"And then we have Salem…" He rumbled, turning and resting a hand on the long cylinder on the work table and hummed, "An immortal…"

A challenge, to say the least. But so long as all went to plan…

"Lien for your thoughts?" He turned, meeting Summer's eyes where she sat, legs hanging off the edge of the platform with Ruby at her side in much the same way, leaning against her mother and tapping her fingers along her thighs nervously. He turned to her and she smiled, trailing fingers through the younger Rose's hair, and said, "When you get all still like that, you seem worried. And if you're worried…"


"I am not worried." He shook his head, turning and laying his cannon out on the table. Checking it over he said, "I am preparing. For what is to come. When the operation commences-"

"It will mean the second War of Remnant." Summer nodded, "We know. Tai is at Beacon right now. Glynda will listen, and she can get the Hunters of Vale ready. If nothing and no one else..."

"It will not be enough."

"They don't have to win, Shockwave." Summer pointed out, "They just have to survive, and hold the… The enemy back. Long enough for Vale to wake up."

"And then what?"

"We… Take the chance." It was Ruby who spoke up, looking up and meeting his gaze. "Take the chance, do what we can with it, and reach for the next chance. And we keep- We just keep doing that until we win."

"Or the chances are spent."

"Or that, yeah." Ruby smiled, "That's what a hero does, isn't it?"

"Perhaps." He rumbled, "But Soundwave and I, we are not heroes in this. We are just-"



"Sorry, Mom, but it is." Ruby sighed, standing and taking a breath as Shockwave cocked his head to the side in clear question. "You helped Menagerie when no one else would. Fought for it. Did your best. Even if it didn't end well… You tried."

"I committed genocide."

"I know, but…" She frowned and shook her head, "I can't really talk about that. Ya know? It's not on me. But Weiss… If you want to ask someone about it, she'd be the one."

"The Schnee?"

"Mhm." Ruby nodded, then shook her head and said, "But after that, you saved my mom. Helped her, even though you didn't have a reason to-"

"I gave my word."

"Monsters don't care about keeping their word, Shockwave." Summer offered gently, smiling her lopsided smile when he turned to her. Resting a hand on her daughter's shoulder, she said, "You might not think you're a good person, you might not even be a truly good person. But after everything?"

"You saved mom." Ruby reiterated, looking away and fiddling with the edge of her cape before she looked back to him and said, "And you're going to save my… Girlfriend. Whatever you did, you're my hero."

"I… See…" He rumbled, returning his attention to his cannon and realizing he'd forgotten to keep working on it. Resuming, he said, "Very well, then. Every chance, until they are spent and we lie dead or stand victorious."

"Shockwave." Soundwave's voice reached him, echoing from the door as he turned to meet him, "It is time. Mantle's military has begun to move to the final staging points listed in the layout provided to us. And Grimm are coalescing on every landmass, preparing to act in tandem."

"I see…" Shockwave rumbled, "Very well."

It was time for one more war…

And suddenly, the thought made him feel so tired.


Weiss Schnee sat at the edge of one of the cliff's that surrounded Beacon, this one looking out on the great bay behind the Academy. The view reminded her of Solitas, save for the green trees to either side of it. But it was a comfort regardless, even if it was a comfort darkly stained by her knowledge of what was to come. In more than one way, at that, and with much of her family trapped where it was most dangerous. A half-dozen little ships, all emblazoned with Beacon's logo, flitted around across the water, coming close to the shores before little boats were let off to land there. Hunters, she knew, coming at the Headmistress' call from all over the city. And for one thing…


"Grimm will come first." She murmured, knees tucked up against her chest and one arm around them while the other trailed along Myrtenaster's hilt. "That's what Ruby said, at least…"

That's why the Hunters had been drummed up, she supposed. What they had been told, Weiss wasn't sure. A warning about an incursion, most likely, judging by the numbers and the dispersal - all along Vale's outer reaches - but what they'd actually been told, she couldn't be sure. She hadn't checked her Scroll all day. Not since her brother arrived in Vale, and sent her his own warning…

"Hey." Weiss stiffened in surprise, and Yang chuckled as she plopped onto the ground beside her, close enough that their shoulders touched. Quietly, she asked, "You good, Weiss-cream?"

"Do not call me that…"

"Yeah, sure." The blonde smirked, "Anyway, how are you doing? You alright?"

"Not particularly…" She sighed, shaking her head, "Are you?"

"More or less."

"How?" She asked, shaking her head, "Your dad is out there. Your sister will be, too, once it all starts."

"I believe in them." Yang shrugged, looping an arm around Weiss' shoulders and pulling her against her own. She stiffened, flushed a bit at the proximity, but Yang went on before she could say anything. "I believe in all of us. You, me, Pyrrha- Best of our year. And surrounded by the best the world has to offer. What's to be afraid of?"

"Even the best die, Yang…"

"Yeah, but…" She sighed, "Do you believe in destiny, Weiss?"

"Destiny?" She frowned, turning and letting her legs rest, knees pointed towards her teammate, as she turned to meet Yang's smile with furrowed brows. "You mean… Like fate?"

"Mhm." She nodded, "So?"

"I don't know…" She shrugged, "Do you?"

"I think so, yeah." She nodded, "Like, think about it. What are the odds that the big purple bastards ended up on Remnant at all in the first place?"

"Not very high, I'm sure…"

"Right." Yang smiled, rubbing a thumb along Weiss' shoulder comfortingly. "So, like, the odds that they're here, now, to help us against what's coming… Super small, right? So destiny had to have a hand in it. Everything that happened, everything that built us all up, it's-"

"Fate's hand." Weiss murmured, sighing and nodding, "I see the idea… I don't think I believe it, but I see your idea."

"Mhm." Yang nodded again, "And it's fate that we win, too."

"How can you know that?"

"I don't." Yang shrugged, "That part's faith."

"I didn't think you religious…"

"Not that kind." The brawler laughed, squeezing her in a one-armed hug and standing with a grunt. Hands on her hips, she watched the horizon and said, "I meant faith in my family. My friends. I trust you all with my everything- And I know you won't let me down. Never have before, so why would I expect you to start now?"

"I…" Distantly, Weiss heard the alarms begin to toll, first from Beacon's lookout towers out along the bay and then the Academy itself. And after, the city, in the distance. Standing, Weiss said, "I suppose we'll have to put this to the test then. Won't we?"

"Yep." Yang nodded, "Let's do it."


"How many-"

"We have two hundred and four ready in the Karak district." Blake cut her mother off, sitting at one of a dozen desks crammed into the waiting area outside her mom's office. Without even looking up she said, "And fifteen Cybetronians. They're engaging the Grimm, but report Leviathans sighted by the Foundry's observers."

"Can you coordinate the response?" Her mom asked, appearing at her shoulder with a hand resting on the back of her neck, reassuring and warm.

"I have it." She nodded, waving her mother off and speaking into the little microphone on her desk. "Adrax, take your unit North, prepare to face the Leviathans incoming. Just distract them, if you can. I have Mobile Units being prepped to help you in the Foundry. Two hours wait."


"Good." She nodded, changing channels, "Scorponaut, are you-"

"Standing by." The massive machine reported, "Awaiting your word to defend location : Foundry, South."

"Do it." She grinned, more than a little eager to add, "Transform and engage."


Scorponaut hummed as it stood, sand and rock and the water of the beach he had settled on dispersing around him in a crash as his old, war-worn bays opened. Then, with a grunt, the top, where infantry had once manned cannons, opened up and slid back as his legs folded together and slid down, along his stomach. His bellow rolled, metal reshaping into a chest as his two new, thick and powerful, legs lifted him up and his claw arms retracted into shoulders, his forelegs reforming at their juncture to provide him with new arms, backed by his bladed claws all along his forearm. His Insecticon head twisted and turned to meet it and he stood, nearly two hundred feet tall with all the artillery he had once carried on his back bristling along his shoulders.

Turning, he spotted a Leviathan pulling itself from the water and opened fire, a hundred missiles ripping into its chest, neck and head and pitching what was left back into the ocean.

"Scorponaut," he bellowed, peppering fire from a dozen auto-guns along the ocean as amphibious Grimm tried to storm his length of sand and rock, the place he called hom, "engaging."


'It is quite alright.' The voice in his head spoke up as Oscar stepped off the boat and onto the long, metal pier jutting out from the huge warehouse. 'Humans have been welcome here since the war ended.'

"I'm not nervous about that…" He grumbled, following the line of families coming for work up the pier. "I'm nervous about-"

'I know.' Ozpin sighed, 'For now, we are safe. Focus on-'

Around them, alarms began to blare suddenly, and Oscar flinched as the people on the docks began to scream. Guards took control quickly, shouting them down and waving them up the dock, towards the warehouse. As they went, Oscar looked up at the great walls that protected Menagerie as huge cannons came to live and turned, firing energon-packed shells out to sea that he turned to watch slam down into a trio of Leviathans as they surfaced. Two died and one bellowed, limping forward as another volley came down and ripped it to pieces as well. But more came, Sea Dragons and Leviathans rising up as the sea churned, smaller Grimm surrounding them as the artillery kept coming and, overhead, aerial 'Bots turned, peppering the water in fire.

"Now can I be scared…?"

'I suppose so.' Ozpin answered, 'May I-'

"Yes." Oscar nodded, and felt the ancient thing seize control of his body, turning them and heading into the safety of the town. 'Why are you-'

"I need a vantage point, to appraise the situation. And, if and when needed, provide my support from a place where we might not be noticed. Better to have odd questions lingering in the air after than draw suspicion down on us, you understand." Ozpin explained quietly, hands itching with energy as he walked, the old rush of battle coming back to him as it always did, no matter how far away from his adventuring days he went. To himself, he said, "What is she planning…"


Salem sat upon her throne as Monstra rolled and roiled beneath her, each of her Relics resting on a pedestal to either side of her as she gazed out at the ocean passing by below. Smiling as the vast desert of Vacuo appeared on the horizon, she leaned forward a bit and spoke, "Hazel. Tyrian. Are you prepared?"

Further ahead, in the expanse of her throne room, her two waiting warriors turned and knelt, nodding and murmuring, "Yes, Highness."

"Good." She smiled, turning to gaze down, into the pit of the Grimm's great, cavernous throat, where corrupted machines in the dozens milled about lazily. So few, she knew, but Vacuo was a wide, scattered place, its people - of all races - scattered across the sands.

She smiled, "Easy prey… Raven."

The woman, terrified and trying to hide it as ever, slipped around the corner of the door, across the room, and nodded, "Yes, Ma'am?"

"Go ahead of us." She ordered, holding up a hand and slowly closing it around the approaching desert. "Find my prey. Kill the Hunters, take what you will, but remember that the Cybertronians are your target. You will add to my ranks, or Cloud-Strike will. Is that clear?"

"As always…" The woman nodded, turning and leaving without another word - or permission.

Salem let her go, though, reclining and waiting until, a few moments later, the dragon-like creature cruise around Monstra's side, and headed on. Towards the desert. Lifting her Scroll, she could see a report from Polendina - the fleets of Mantle were preparing to launch, within the hour. They would strike their first targets come morning, before they could send aid to their neighbors but after they would have organized a response to send in the wrong direction, compounding on the terror and confusion of her own attack. With two Kingdoms pinned by Mantle, and her sea-Grimm pinning Menagerie, she would be free to take Vacuo's Relic, Grimm and Cybetronians to add to her own power for the next plays.

All according to plan…


So, Salem is preparing for her opening strikes. Mantle against Mistral and Vale, while she sacks Vacuo. At the same time, Shockwave has prepared those he could for the coming fight, and is about to launch his own opening move.


Lea Rosenwulf :

I swing when I swing lmao.

Bakuto Masaki :

You… Aren't even wrong, lmao.

Poofy Ohio :

I respectfully disagree. I tweaked Nora's backstory, and think the details - and implications one COULD take - are very meaningful for this section. It also allows me to pass some time for certain other things that needed to be developed in the background of the story. Could I have just time-skipped? Sure. But I am loath to do that too many times in one story, and already have in THIS ONE numerous times.

It's a uh personal flavor thing. XD