Grayson doesn't have a bad life, not really. But given the chance to improve his on his alright life, he'll grab it without a second thought, even if he has to make a deal with a devil to do so. The sorting hat did say his ambition was dangerous, after all.
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Chapter 08: Brothers
- Damian Raum - Friday – 02/09/1994 -
"Damian... when you said you were going to grab your brother, I kinda assumed you had already asked him if he wanted to join us." his girlfriend said with a strange tone as she looked at the unconscious teen tied to the chair. "...why the ropes?" Angelina asked.
"Grays an introvert, if he wasn't tied up, he'd run away before I can convince him to stick around, and he wouldn't have come here willingly so I just... took the choice out of his hands." Damian explained easily, grinning proudly at his intelligence. "It'll be fine, he'll be game when he wakes up. Clearly, he's more fun than I realised, my Lil bro turning up to school hungover... I'm so proud." Damian said, miming wiping away a tear.
Stronger too, that was a decent shield he threw up, even if his weak magic wasn't able to stop Damian's admittedly powerful spells.
"...You're an idiot. You just kidnapped him, please tell me you didn't walk through the school with him over your shoulder?" Angelina asked with a sigh.
"Nah, hid him under my invisibility cloak and levitated him. This isn't my first kidnap- surprise relocation." Damian defended, watching his brother stir slightly. "Wakey, wakey, Gray, rise and shine!"
"What... well, at least I'm dressed this time." Gray deadpanned as he gave him a dull stare, barely phased by his situation. Gray was always real good at hiding his reactions, showing nothing but annoyance in his eyes.
"You aren't still mad about that are you?" Damian asked as he leans against a table with a grin, watching Gray test the ropes slightly.
" stunned me and left me stuck on the seventh floor, naked. It took me hours to sneak back to the dungeons, I ended up flashing Professor McGonagall. It's the kind of thing that sticks with a guy." Gray pointed out as he laughed.
"You ran into McGonagall? Damn, wish I could have seen that." Damian said with a grin.
"Why have you decided to kidnap me, this time? Do hurry up, I have Astronomy later." Gray said, almost lazily.
"Don't worry, You'll be free in time for class, you big nerd" Damian assured him easily. "Although... with an ass like Professor Sinestra I can't blame you for wanting to go to her class." he admitted.
Quite literally, the only reason he took Astronomy was to check out the hot piece of ass teaching it.
"...Wonderful." Gray said, frowning to himself. "What do you want, Damian?"
"Damn it, Damian, sorry about this Grayson, your brother is an idiot." Angelina said with a sigh as she sent a weak cutting curse at the ropes.
"I am well aware of that fact, I grew up with him after all. The only part of this I find surprising is that he actually found someone other than his two minions who could actually put up with him, I was born stuck with him but you actually the choice to date him." Gray said curiously, making Angelina laugh slightly.
"I lost a bet and had to go on a date with him as the forfeit, and he's like a bad rash, very hard to get rid off." Angelina said teasingly.
...Well, that just wasn't fair.
"It's my raw sexual prowess, once a girl has had a taste, she just keeps coming back." Damian boasted, unwilling to sit there and let his Lil bro and girlfriend mock him.
"Uhuh, sure. Maybe, muggle girls who haven't heard your reputation yet, all the decent witches run the other way the moment they see you." Angelina scoffed.
Eh, you break the wrong heart, and you're the villain for the rest of your life. Stupid rumours.
"That's not true... the Hogsmeade girls haven't caught on yet either." Damian said with an easy shrug.
Angelina was well aware of his libido, but they had an... open relationship of sorts, they weren't exclusive even if he used the free pass to fuck around more than she did.
"As entertaining as this is... would you care to explain why you decided to kidnap me?" Gray drawled, sounding an awful lot like Snape for some reason... did all Slytherins practice the sarcastic drawl?
"Oh, right... yeah, you see, I have come to a decision, little brother... we aren't close enough. You see, I thought you were all rules and studying... but anyone who shows up to school hungover isn't as straight-laced as he acts, is he? So, I decided to bring you along to a little get-together with some of my friends." Damian admitted. "I would have invited the other two but... Keira's... well, she threatened to defenestrate me and the twins.. whatever that means, if I bothered her again, after a little misunderstanding over the summer, and Morrigan is.... well, Morrigan." Damian said easily.
"...and you didn't think to just, I don't know... ask?" Gray said with the slightest hint of disbelief on his face.
"Would you have accepted?" Damian asked, his eyebrow quirking.
"Of course not, but I would have liked the choice." Gray admitted easily.
"Come on, it'll be fun! We are just gonna play poker and get drunk, and you clearly like drinking." Damian said, trying to convince his brother to join in.
"Ugh... I just got off a three day alcohol and possibly drug fuelled bender I can't even remember most of, at least give me a week to rest before you drag me off for another one." Gray groaned, rubbing his forehead.
Damn... his bender was that good?
"Wait... oh, I get it." he said, a sudden smirk on his face. "You need the money, and you're hoping to win my allowance of me."
...How the hell did he know that?
"Let me guess, you didn't realise giving up the heirship's meant losing the Heir allowance, and now you have the smaller allowance Keira and Morrigan have, while I have your old allowance. You... bet on the Quidditch world cup, and lost." Grayson said, staring him down as he paled slightly, seeing the judgemental look on Angelina's face. Grayson always was a smart one.
Gray's allowance would be way more than he could spend anyway... and he hadn't realised that his allowance was any higher than anyone else's before he checked his account and realised he had made a slight mistake.
Mother was... predictably less than sympathetic.
"Really, Damian?" Angelina asked with a disappointed sigh. "You said you wanted to get closer to Gray."
"I do! I just... thought I could solve two problems at once, multi-tasking!" Damian defended, still smiling even after being caught out.
"Fine, I'm in." Grayson said, making both their eyes widen. "I had other plans, but frankly... taking a bunch of Gryffindors money sounds like a fine way to spend my Friday night."
"That's more like it, I'm gonna crush you, but I appreciate the confidence, maybe you would have made a good Gryffindor." Damian cheered.
"...well that was just uncalled for." Grayson said, a frown on his face.
- Later -
"Would now be a good time to point out that we play poker a lot in Slytherin, for higher stakes as well. I don't play that often... but you're all amateurs in comparison to my usual opponents." Grayson said easily, rolling a poker chip between his fingers, a small mountain of them in front of him as they all stared at him.
"Fuck it, I'm out. I know when I'm beaten." Marian Hawke said, tossing her cards down in disgust. "There goes my allowance... guess I'll have to loan some off Beth next Hogsmeade weekend." she groans. "Are you sure you aren't part goblin?"
"Fairly certain." I deadpan back.
"He's cheating right, he has to be?" Fred questioned as he shared a look with his brother before he gave them a warning glare. They lost, fair and square... anyone else and he might have helped them get their money back, but Gray was family, and they were friends. He knew which side he'd pick if it came to blows.
"No, you were cheating. He caught you both, we've all been watching him, and not one of us has seen him cheat. His poker face is just too good." Angelina groaned, a dwindling pile of chips sitting in front of her. She was one of the better players, or maybe she just held her booze better.
Fred and George had tried using one of their inventions to spy on everyone else's cards, but Gray was no pushover and clearly dealt with better cheaters in Slytherin since he caught them in the second hand.
"I'm done, all out." Lee Jordon admitted with a casual shrug, his voice slightly slurred. He was always a good loser, after all he was smart enough not to bet what he couldn't lose.
Looking down at his own pile of chips, he paused in thought as he made eye contact with the slightly smug eyes of his little brother.
- Grayson -
Vengeance is a dish best served cold.
Watching the Weasley Twins growing panic as I take their money has been frankly beautiful. They are trying to save up to open a shop, and they had hoped to cheat me out of my money... but the Slytherins I occasionally play with (to stop myself from getting the same reputation as Morrigan by interacting with the rest of my house) are far better cheaters.
In Slytherin, cheating isn't just expected and accepted, it's encouraged. The goal of Slytherin Poker is to cheat as subtly as possible to prove your cunning.
I lost a fair amount of Galleons before I worked that out.
In Slytherin, I'm a decent player who usually breaks even... the upper years are better than me from sheer experience, but here? I'm the king.
Legilimency makes finding out what hands everyone has pathetically easy, I can just skim their surface thoughts and if I really need to win a hand... well, these cards aren't charmed against transfiguration like the Slytherin ones are.
No wands at the Poker Table, but a simple transfiguration doesn't need a wand if you are talented enough, I just need to make sure I don't make my cards anything that someone else already has.
I've lost a few hands, but that's just expected. You can't win every hand without giving the game away.
Damian is... odd.
Damian Raum, Headboy of Hogwarts
Faction – Hogwarts Students (Gryffindor)
Thoughts about you – Brotherly affection, competitiveness, amusement, slight panic
Lesser Secrets – He's in debt with Gringotts due to gambling, he's bisexual, he has an addiction to Pixie Dust
Major Secrets – ???
Biggest Secret – ???
Being Bisexual isn't really a problem for a Pureblood lord... as long as they get married and have an heir, keeping their 'degeneracy' behind closed doors. But Gringotts don't take unpaid debts kindly... and Pixie Dust?
Really, Damian?
It does actually explain a lot, as Pixie Dust is a magical hallucinogenic drug made from powdered Pixie wings amongst other things, and it has some side effects, including recklessness, poor judgement and manic behaviour. It's normally found in parties, and while it is illegal, it isn't something you'd really get into trouble for.
You'd get a slap on the wrist and a fine if you were caught with it.
Mother is going to kill him, getting addicted to a hallucinogenic? There's no way she doesn't already know, even if Damian probably thinks he has hidden it properly.
I can't say I'm surprised, Damian is a party animal, he's all about his fun, and I doubt he even hesitated to try out a minor drug.
I wonder how long he has been doing it? And where he's getting his supply... he does have Occlumency shields, not amazing ones but ones good enough to keep me from delving too deep without him noticing.
"There's no shame in accepting defeat, Damian." I say calmly, patting my pile of chips smugly. "Clearly I got all the skill in the family.
"Yeah, and I got the looks and power... but, I think not..." Damian says, looking at his own smaller pile. Angelina is losing, she has a small pile every hand, but Damian is actually pretty good at this. "I'll be taking my chips back before the nights through."
"We shall see, brother... we shall see."
- Later -
Despite my confidence, Damian isn't bad at this, it makes sense that he'd be smarter than I ever gave him credit for... after all, he has the same upbringing as me, Morrigan and Keira... and we are all geniuses.
"Fuck." Angelina says simply as we reveal our cards, Damian taking the round with a four of a kind, beating my flush and Angelina's own four of a kind, Kings beat Jacks.
The twins, Marian and Lee Jordon eventually excused themselves as the game just kept going on and on, apparently there were plans for a party of sorts, but Damian has decided to put it off so he can try and win his money back.
"And that's the last of your chips, time to let the big boys play." Damian says mockingly, making her roll her eyes.
"I thought I had something on that last hand... damn it." she growls, tossing her cards down in annoyance. "That's two Hogsmeade visits I'll be broke for." she grumbles to herself.
"As fun as this has been, it's quarter to midnight, and I have Astronomy soon." I point out making Damian's eyes widen.
"You can't leave the game half-finished!" Damian complains, making me roll my eyes.
"I have spent three years cultivating a reputation as the perfect student, I'm not ruining it. If you're still awake in an hour, we can continue, but I have to get to class." I say, calming him down.
I want to take the rest of his money, after all, I have a plan forming in my head.
Damian isn't forgiven for years of annoyance, but he's reasonably powerful, and frankly, he could make a good blunt tool. Not every situation needs a scalpel, sometimes you just need a hammer.
"Deal, you're on. I could use the break to sober up a bit... how the hell aren't you even tipsy?" Damian asks, looking at the empty glass next to me.
"...because I'm not a lightweight."
- Damian -
"You realise he's going to take the rest of your money, right?" Angelina pointed out in amusement.
"Can the audience keep quiet, please?" Damian asked sarcastically. "The guys who haven't already lost all the money are playing." he said mockingly as he laid out his cards, his eyes widening as Gray did the same with a small smile.
Both hands were three of a kind... but Gray's was a higher value.
"I'd advise you to avoid every playing for high-stakes, brother... they'd eat you alive." Gray said as he took more of his chips.
"How the hell did you get so good at this?" Damian asked. He'd thought sobering up would help him turn the tides... but from the moment Gray returned he had gone from good to great.
Apparently, he had plans tomorrow and needed the sleep, so he was finishing this up quickly.
"It's all reading your opponent's body language... and some basic counting. You tap your finger on the table when you are unsure about a hand." Gray pointed out, making Angelina laugh even harder.
" last hand, all in." Damian offered, making Gray stare at him with a growing smirk. His chips were just... vanishing, and dragging this out wasn't helping. Time to do something crazy.
"I have almost fifteen times your chips. You can't match that bet." Gray pointed out smoothly, lounging back in his seat with a satisfied smile.
"I know, which is why I'll sweeten the pot... I bet Angelina." Damian said, watching Gray's eyebrow raise in curiosity even as Angelina's laughter cut off.
" to repeat that, Damian?" his girlfriend asked with a cold tone.
"I'm calling in that favour from last year." Damian said simply, watching her eyes narrow, not in anger but in consideration.
"What are we talking about here?" she asked, looking between them.
"...a lap dance and a blowjob?" Damian suggested easily. "You in, Gray?"
Was he bothered about his girlfriend possibly blowing his brother? Nope. No more than Angelina was when he snuck off to Hogsmeade for some fun. Besides, he had a crippling fear of commitment, and he was probably going to drop Angelina within the next couple of months anyway.
"If Angelina is, I don't mind taking your money and your girl." Gray said, a smirk reminiscent of Damian's own on his face. Huh, so that's what that looks like from this side?
"...if you win, I want my money back." Angelina said, staring him down with a slight frown. Angelina was a fun girl, it was the only reason they had lasted this long.
"Deal... not that it's going to matter since I'm about to win it all." Damian said easily, watching her deal them both a hand.
Mere moments later, he stared down at his cards with a deep frown.
In the stories, the last hand is always the best, both players having a great hand and one beating the other, but only just...
One of Hearts, Three of Hearts, Four of Clubs, Seven of Spades, Ten of Diamonds.
"Called it." Angelina said with a sigh as she undid her robe.
...he was almost more disappointed at the shitty end than he was at the fact that he had lost, even Gray only had a three of a kind.
"Like I said, Damian... stay out of the high-stakes games, you really aren't that good at this." Gray said, taking the chips away, the pot won and the game over.
All the money they had bet was sat over to the side, and now it was all Grays.
"Damn it..." Damian grumbled, before grinned. "Good game, Gray. I don't think my friends would appreciate me bringing you again though." he said with a smirk.
Sure, it was a bit of a problem that he lost, but he would just have to find a new way to make his money.
"This has been... decent, enjoyable even, but you're right. Taking a bunch of Gryffindors money once is fun, but I'd rather not make a habit of it." Gray agreed. "How much do you owe the Goblins?"
"Eh... a thousand Galleons, give or take a few dozen. The interest is pretty high." Damian admitted. Not his best move, but he was sure that Bulgaria would win the world cup... Krum was a genius in the air after all.
"Which you would have been able to pay easily with the Heir allowance." Gray said, seeing where things had gone wrong as he gathered his winnings. "Here, as the Heir of the Raum-Black family I can't have one of my family disgracing us by getting into debt... but you owe me, three favours to be called in whenever I wish." Gray said, tossing the coin pouch over with a sigh.
"Heh, how very Slytherin of you." Damian said, complimentary for once. "You sure about this?"
"I have a personal account with a decent amount of money in it, and I have the Heir allowance, I can afford it. The Goblins have been known to go for the family when a debtor can't pay, and I'd rather deal with this problem before it gets too large, we have quite the collection of Goblin-made artefacts after all, and Gringotts have wanted them for a long time." Gray explained.
That was his Lil bro, the smart, always the planning and scheming one.
Dealing with a problem before it could bother him, all while getting three unnamed favours out of him, for something he could replace easily? As if he needed any more evidence that Gray was absolutely a Slytherin.
"In that case, thanks, Gray... let me know when you want those favours." Damian said with a fond smile, ruffling Gray's ever neat hair as he pocketed it.
"...stop that. Now, I'd like to enjoy my victory in peace, if you don't mind?" Gray said, glancing over to where Angelina had stripped down to her underwear, red with gold accents obviously. Despite being used for his bet, she seemed more amused than anything else.
"Run along, Damian, you'll have to deal with your hand tonight." Angelina said mockingly as she moved behind Gray, wrapping her arms around him and pulling his head between her cleavage.
Gray's usual stoicism didn't change, even with his head snugly between Angelina's ample bosom. Yeah, Gray was definitely not as straight-laced and well behaved as he acted.
"Well, I know when I am not needed. Have fun, Lil bro." Damian said with a smirk as he left the room. Gray was in for one hell of a night, Angelina had a thing for sucking dick.
Which was probably why he liked her so much.
...Still, Angelina looked sexy as fuck in just her Gryffindor bra and panties, and he didn't like masturbating. Weird, maybe, but he didn't like going back to jerking off after sex.
It was easily two in the morning already, too late to go to the three broomsticks and continue his quest to bed Madam Rosmerta, or just talk some naïve village girl into sleeping with him.
Most muggle clubs would be closing soon, or already closed...
He had a couple of friends with benefits, but they wouldn't appreciate him bothering them this late.
Walking towards the Gryffindor Common Room, he paused mid-step as he smiled as a familiar sound reached his ears.
People thought he was a good guy, but he'd learnt something years ago... if people think you're a good person you can get away with a lot more. He'd gotten so good at being the good guy that McGonagall made him Prefect, then Dumbledore made him Headboy.
Damian Raum was the white sheep of his family, the nice one.
As if anyone raised by Yennefer could be 'nice'. She taught them to be ruthless, to do whatever it took to get what they wanted and not to care who they hurt in the process. Family first, then themselves, everyone else could get fucked.
Not her exact words, but he was paraphrasing.
Casting a quick freshening charm to get rid of the smell of whisky, he pulled out is Headboy badge and attached it to his robe.
With a flick of his wand, the broom cupboard shot open, making the two teens inside jump in fright. Amateurs, Filch checked the broom cupboards as he patrolled, and their silencing charm was poorly cast.
Looking over the couple, he hid his smirk at the sight of the girl's naked developing breasts, making her cover her chest with a rapidly darkening face as she moved slightly behind her lover.
Smiling to himself, he was amused when the girl flinched. It was surprising what people would do to avoid getting in trouble, and the younger years were always more gullible than, the older ones.
When a Prefect said they were going to get expelled for some harmless fun, it was all too easy to make them believe it... and talk them into making a deal. And if he failed? Well, he might not be as good at Occlumency or Legilimency as the others, but the Mind Arts had more than that... Memory Charms were really just an extension of the Mind Arts when it came down to it.
Being Headboy had more than a few perks, after all.
- Grayson -
I could have used Damian's debt to get him into trouble with mother, nothing significant would have come of it, and if he couldn't handle it mother would have just paid it off... so using this to get him indebted to me was the right play.
I already have a single in with the Gryffindor house, and now I have a newer one.
Damian's position as Headboy, his power and his popularity all make him a potential asset in the long run, and I won't waste that over some pranks. Besides, revenge is best served very cold, and I am a patient man.
Besides, I'd say tonight has gone better than if I hadn't been kidnapped... as strange as that is to say.
Sliding my hands beneath her red panties, I groan slightly into her mouth as she grinds herself against me, her tongue exploring my mouth enthusiastically, both just in our underwear.
I was going to work on Pansy a bit more, but I can wait to train Pansy if it means I get a hot older girl humping me.
I figured this would work to put a bit of a wedge in Damian's relationship... but I realised he simply doesn't care, and Angelina doesn't either. It's fun, and neither of them wants it to be more than that.
So, I'll enjoy it as the harmless fun it is, after all... I worked hard to cheat them all out of their money.
Breaking the kiss, I have to admit... she's good. Yen is a better kisser, but she's better than Keira...
For my continued safety and peace of mind, I should never mention that out loud.
"Bored of my grinding on you already?" Angelina asks with a sultry smirk. "Eager to see your older brothers girlfriend on her knees, sucking your big fat dick?" she asks as I squeeze her ass.
"You are rather blasé over being used for a bet..." I point out as I reach up and undo her bra, pulling it off as she helps me, her large chocolate breasts displaying a surprising amount of perkiness even without them, each with a small dark brown nipple.
"I'm not one of the prudish Purebloods you have in Slytherin... this is just some harmless fun, as long as you keep this between us I'm fine with it, might even be up for a repeat given how big you feel under me. Honestly, I'm more disappointed that you clearly have some experience in this, I kinda wanted to be the first to suck you off, you never forget your first after all." Angelina said with a smirk as I played with her breasts, before she moved off my lap, falling to her knees in between my legs as she looked up at me with hungry eyes.
It takes me a moment to realise why she isn't moving.
"Take it out." I order, making her smirk grow as she reaches up and slowly pulls my boxers down, my dick bouncing free and slapping against her face as her eyes widen in genuine shock. There's a difference between feeling it under you and having it laying across your face after all.
I'm not that attractive in my human form, but there is one part of me I have confidence in. Being a Demon has its advantages.
"I believe the bet was for a blowjob, and unless staring at me until I cum is some advanced technique, I suggest you start sucking." I drawl, watching her eyes grow hooded at my mocking tone. "Well, slut? Open wide." I order again, seeing the surprise... and arousal in her eyes.
"Yes, sir..." Angelina says, her tone submissive and tinged with lust as she parts her full lips, leaning forwards and taking the tip into her mouth, never breaking eye contact as she starts to take it deeper, her hands resting on my knees.
Moving my foot forwards, I press my big toe against her already wet panties, rubbing it against her slit as she moans in surprise.
Angelina might just be the kinkiest girl I've met so far, and as I use my toes to pull down her panties, her only response is to speed up her bobbing, the moans vibrating along my length as I tease her pussy.
Placing one hand on the top of her head, I force her back down as she pulls back, staring down at her with a cold smile as she chokes, growing wetter all the while.
"I should have known you Gryffindor girls were all horny sluts." I mock, using Legilimency to make sure I don't go too far and ruin this as I force her to deepthroat me, feeling her throat tighten around my invading shaft, her tongue dancing against my dick. "Did you put Damian up to betting you? Or did you just hope and pray that he would lose so you would have an excuse to drop to your knees and suck my dick?"
"Nuh-Mhmm." Angelina replies, making my lips twitch.
"No? Let's not pretend you're reluctant about this... look how wet you are, your arousal is covering my foot." I point out, still guiding her head with a smirk. "You might be enjoying this more than I am."
In lieu of a response, she simply speeds up her bobbing, still staring up at me with her dark eyes, clouded with lust.
Taking it as a challenge, I speed up my own teasing of her, enjoying her moans of pleasure.
The next few minutes continue the same, and to my annoyance I lose our little competition as I cum first, groaning as I grip her dark hair and pull her from my dick.
As her mouth is emptied, she frowns in confusion, going to speak before her eyes widen in shock, the first string of ropey thick seed splashing against her face, the pale white contrasting with her chocolate skin as she simply opens her mouth up, sticking her tongue out as she waits for me to finish.
Not giving her what she so clearly wants, I aim a bit lower and the next string stains her heaving breasts, making her almost pout as she stares up at me, her hands on her knees.
My final load, I decided to give her where she wants it, aiming for her open mouth as it lands on her tongue and lips, watching as she licks her lips clean before she swallows, opening her mouth and sticking her tongue back out to show how empty her mouth is.
"I have to admit, the cum stained look suits you." I say calmly as she smirks up at me, her submissiveness vanished.
"And the domineering act suits you..." she admits as she goes to rise, pausing as I place a hand on her head again. "The bet was for a single blowjob..."
"I don't particularly care." I say, gripping my still hard shaft as I guide her head back to it. "Get back to work."
Angelina is a powerful witch, she's also popular enough to make my life uncomfortable if I make an enemy out of her... and yet as I roughly grip her hair, pushing her head down, her only response is to open wide.
"Good girl."
- Angelina -
Finishing pulling her pyjamas on, she tossed herself down onto her bed with slightly wide eyes, her jaw sore and her stomach feeling bloated.
When Damian bet her, she figured it would be fun to blow the strangely cute Grayson's mind, showing him the wonders of an older, less prudish woman.
Then he just took control...
His kisses were amazing, his hands knew just where to stroke to drive her wild... and his dick? Someone his age had no right to have a dick that impressive... if he kept growing to be Damian's size, his dick wouldn't be a trouser snake, it'd be a trouser basilisk.
Not to mention... he just didn't get soft.
After the second time he coated her face with his warm, sticky cum, he made her agree to keep at it until she made him soft, she'd agreed out of a strange sense of pride, how could she be outlasted by a fourteen-year-old boy?
Then she made him cum with her mouth about four more times, each orgasm bringing a huge load of cum that he either covered her body with or made her swallow, all while he mocked her with that posh drawling voice Slytherins seemed to like.
Eventually, she'd had to make it stop, her jaw just couldn't take it any more... so he had her use her breasts, then grind her ass against him, then suck some more.
And ultimately, he simply announced that he didn't have all night, and 'graciously' let her off since it was clear she was never going to make him go soft.
By that part, she was covered in cum, and had swallowed so much cum she could feel it sloshing around in her stomach as she moved.
Standing up, he claimed her underwear as trophies, and dismissed her with a small coin pouch, the money she bet, as payment for her services... he didn't outright call her a whore, but the implication was there... so why the hell did she thank him and take the money?
Laying on her bed, she chuckled to herself.
This was the boy Damian had called a boring bookworm for the last few years?
Grayson had made it clear he wanted... no, expected a repeat... and what did Angelina do, one-third of the flying vixens, the confident and independent woman?
She said 'Yes, Sir'. Still on her knees and covered in cum as he got dressed and left her with a simple head pat and a praising 'good girl'.
Raum men were insane, and she was starting to wonder if the rumours about Geralt Raum were real. She had an aunt who claimed he had slept with almost every woman his age and quite a few older and younger ones, and that half the woman in Britain cried when they heard he had passed away.
- Grayson - Saturday – 03/09/1994 -
Casting the spell, I let out a relieved sigh as I get a positive result.
Putting down '101 spells for a proper pureblood lord', I smile to myself.
The spell I just cast was a purity testing spell that was made to check marriage partners for virginity. It was made to be used on women, but it does work for men as well.
I don't remember what I did with Lucifer and Maze, but at least now I know I didn't lose my virginity... I'd be more worried about explaining to Keira why she has to alter the ritual than I would be at the loss of potential power.
She hides it, but she really wants to be my first and honestly... I want her to be as well.
With no classes during the weekend, I want to start my first... venture into the forbidden forest. Today, I plan to study up on any spells I might need and take a trip to Diagon Alley to gather some necessities... Heirs can leave Hogwarts without a note as long they don't miss classes after all.
Then tomorrow I'll try and explore the forest... not entirely, just a slow initial exploration to work out just how hard it is going to be.
Hogwarts is incredibly rich in magic, and building a lair around here will be far easier than making it anywhere else, but I need to work out just how far the Hogwarts wards go into the Forbidden Forest since I have suspicions that they might be able to pick up any larger magic like the type that I'll be using to create my lair.
I've asked... ordered really, Morrigan to join me in the expedition, and she claims she's almost finished with the ward scheme we will be using, less than a week before she's done and then some more time for it to be sent to Yen to be double and triple checked.
Keira is still avoiding me, but I managed to get into the head of Cho Chang, one of her friends, and see that Keira is planning a surprise for me, though Cho didn't know what the surprise was... and I think Keira realises that I am entirely too fond of Legilimency and is trying to keep her surprise a secret by making sure she never gets into a position where I could pluck the information out of her head.
I trust Keira, if it was Morrigan or anyone else I would be far more suspicious and probably force the secret out of her, but I will play along with Keira's games, but she's still going to be disciplined for dropping Marietta on me without warning.
I'm thinking a couple dozen spanks.
I've spent a couple of hours helping Juliet get the hang of Occlumency, and to my complete lack of surprise she has taken to it like a fish to water, Occlumency is easier for those with already organised minds, after all, Hermione would probably get the hang of it almost immediately as well.
I've been deliberately distant with Juliet, she wouldn't trust me if I was overly friendly so taking the path of the cold mentor figure has worked wonderfully... especially since she shares Hermione's worship of authority figures, and I've established myself in her mind as one.
Right now, she's almost useless to me, but with the rate she learns that won't be the same for long.
Nextly, I need to decide what to do about the Death Eater pretending to be a teacher. A part of me wants to find a way to send a message to Yen or even go and see her in person... but I'm hesitant for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, Yen hates Death Eaters for killing my father. I'm not thrilled about them either, but she has one hell of a grudge, and it clouds her judgement at times. She could act on the information without consulting me, and I can't have that.
Secondly... I'm a demon. How long am I going to hide behind my mother's skirt? Can I call this growing faction of mine truly mine, if I run to my mother for help at the first sign of trouble?
No, I need to make my own decisions and act on them myself. It's not just to prove myself to her and my sisters, but to prove it to myself.
I have never been in a position to make my own decisions before, and if I am honest with myself... I'm still hesitant to do so, but I can't keep this up, and I need to learn to stand on my own two feet lest I become a tool, lead around by those supposed to obey me.
I am a future Demon Lord, one who will rule over a plane of hell... I will not be controlled.
I do have one more thing I want to do this weekend... something essential.
I need to name my familiar.
"Okay, what about Gáta? It means Riddle." I ask, sensing her disapproval. "Right, not Gáta then." I say, crossing out the latest name. "How about Metztli, the Aztec goddess of the night?" I ask, feeling her pause as she thought it over, before shaking her head. "You liked the goddess idea but not the name? Alright, we're getting somewhere." I say, stroking her slightly.
Going through my books on Mythology, we finally find something she likes (after going over several pantheons).
"You sure? I thought you wanted to be named after darkness or mystery?" I ask, getting a feeling of certainty. "Well then, Tyche it is. The Greek Goddess of Fortune and Good Luck, here's hoping you bring us both." I say, giving the newly named Moke a gentle stroke as she pushes herself against my hand.
With my mythology books out, I decided to do some well-needed research while I have the time. I need to know as much about Da Ji as possible after all.
My research quickly reminds me of what I heard of her...
After Emperor Zhou defiled the goddess Nu Wa's temple with poetry proclaiming his eternal and undying love of her, as part of his attempts to court the goddess, she summoned the most conniving and wicked fox spirit and sent it after him to fill his life with misery, not realising her mistake.
Now loose in the world of mortals, it took on a mortal form and ensnared the Emperor (whose love was apparently not that undying after all), and in his eyes, she could do no wrong, allowing her to do as she pleased in his empire.
With free reign of the empire and its people, Da Ji revelled in their torture and malice. She tortured countless mortals to death simply to hear their screams and take joy in their suffering. Everything I can find about her makes her out as the ultimate sadist, and someone who lives to see others suffer. A truly vile and malevolent woman, and a master of manipulation.
Eventually, the people rose up, unwilling to be subjected to her cruelty anymore, and stormed the Emperors bedchambers and he took his life, but she was said to have escaped, and that was the most recent sighting of her I can find reference to... which was almost a thousand years ago.
There was a rash of 'fox spirit cults' shortly afterwards, but they were suppressed and destroyed apparently, guess they missed a spot.
Basically... Da Ji is a real fucking problem and one who almost certainly knows I am a demon.
If I take what I know and try and make sense of the stories... perhaps Nu Wa was a Sorceress of sorts and was pursued by the Emperor. Unable to dissuade him, she summoned a demon, Da Ji, to punish the Emperor, and unknowingly set a Demon Lord loose on our realm.
Or maybe she really was a Goddess? I simply don't know. A few months ago, I would have laughed at the idea of demons and Lucifer being real.
Now I'm a demon, and Lucifer is my drinking buddy.
Life comes at you fast.
- Daphne -
After hours of debating with herself, she finally made up her mind and went to the private room of her... fiancée, briefly marvelling at the rather advanced ward scheme he had set up around his room. She couldn't even decipher half of the wards, and they all seemed to be connected and feeding into each other to make some kind of feedback loop... she didn't know what would happen if one came down, but she had a feeling it would be bad for the person trying to break in.
She had her issues with him, but she could admit he was definitely smarter than her. From a purely clinical perspective, he was a good choice as her husband, intelligent with a powerful family name behind him, and he seemed willing to give her the space she wanted.
She didn't trust him, but for her ambitions having him on her side would help her immensely.
Knocking on the door, she kept her face carefully blank as she went over what she wanted to say to him, satisfied when the door opened almost immediately.
Walking in, her words died on her tongue as she took in the sight before her.
...A big part of her wanted to accuse him of breaking his word, to decree him as a pervert, but one look at Tracey made her realise that this was absolutely all her fault.
"Hello, Daphne." Gray said calmly, laying down with his head in Tracey's lap as she stroked his hair.
"...Where did you even get that outfit, Tracey?" Daphne asked with a sigh as she looked over her idiot friend, dressed in what could only be described as a green harem girl outfit, the tiny silk outfit doing nothing to cover her breasts due to its transparency.
"Parvati got it for me after I sent her a letter this summer." Tracey admitted easily as she fed Gray another peeled grape. "I figured that if I'm gonna be a sex slave, I should be an amazing one."
"I'm just going to pretend you aren't here." Daphne said to her friend, making her grin.
"Don't worry, a good slave should be seen and not heard, I'm basically part of the furniture." Tracey said, her peppy tone countering her words.
"...I hate you sometimes, you know that." Daphne said with no real heat in her voice, getting a giggle from Tracey. "Grayson, I wanted to ask you something."
"Go ahead, I have time." Gray said easily, paying attention to her despite the basically exposed breasts just above his head.
"Clearly." Daphne deadpanned, making him smirk slightly in acknowledgement. "Firstly, why did you help Juliet Granger?" she asked, wanting to confirm something as he rolled his eyes.
"A few reasons, first of all... it helped me make a connection with the Girl-who-lived. Rose Potter is a Gryffindor, and while she isn't quite the stereotypical all brawn no brains Gryffindor, she has a sense of honour... and now both her and Hermione are grateful... and they feel indebted to me for saving the precious little sister." Gray admitted calmly, making her eyes narrow in thought.
"You wanted Potter's gratitude?"
"Rose Potter is basically a storybook hero, and the civilians adore her... at the moment, sure they turn on her like the sheep they are on occasion, but they change their tune quickly enough. Right now, having her feel grateful is mildly useful for keeping the Gryffindors away, but in the long run? No matter what career I go for, having Potter's support could only help me." Gray said with a smile. "Secondly, it lets me flex my political muscles and show to the rest of the house that I am both willing and able to use my families power, which helps keep the Slytherins at bay as well. I have the connections with the dark families, I have connections with the neutral families, and by getting connections to the light families as well, I can play all three sides so no matter how the winds shift, I can come out on top. Also, Pansy is a straightforward creature, and her reaction to having her fun ruined was all too predictable."
That... was true, Pansy was never the smartest.
"So you got another sex slave out of it?" Daphne asked caustically, out of habit more than anything.
"True, I could get Pansy to do pretty much anything... but more importantly, I also got a spy out of it. Lyra has always been a jealous sort, and she wants my heirship. It's only a matter of time before she acts against me, and having someone in the 'Darker' circles of Slytherin will help me control their actions better. Pansy has done a good job of making Lyra think she hates me for blackmailing her, and Lyra has started to think that she has found an ally in dealing with me. Pansy might hate me, but she's a natural coward at heart, and she knows the consequences of crossing me... so she'll throw Lyra to the wolves to save her own skin without a second thought." Gray explained.
"...fair enough." Daphne admitted, reluctantly impressed at how easily Gray was handling Lyra, not that Lyra was the genius she thought she was.
"Third... Juliet is basically another Hermione with even worse self-esteem, and no Rose to help her grow confident. She's a genius in the making, and now she sees me as her saviour and mentor. Right now she is at her most vulnerable... and pliable, ready to be moulded by any artisan willing to put in the effort. I'd be a fool to ignore her potential because she doesn't have the right lineage." Gray said with a shrug.
"I didn't take your for a blood equalist?" Daphne said, her eyebrow raising.
"I'm not, make no mistake, Daphne... I am a blood purist, and I believe in the supremacy of Purebloods. People who have only just entered our society shouldn't have a word in how it is run, and they certainly shouldn't bring the ideals and laws of the muggle world into ours." Gray said seriously. "I simply believe that everyone has their place, and Juliet could be a powerful asset for anyone willing to work on her. If anything, I'd say making a muggleborn with immense potential into my servant is upholding the supremacy of the Purebloods." he said with a smirk. "That I have one of the champions of the light thanking me for doing it makes it all the better."
"You really think Juliet has that much potential?" Daphne asked, making him scoff.
"Hermione has almost managed to keep up with me, I want you to think carefully about what that means. She's a muggleborn who can't practice over the summer, I have tutors, one of the biggest family library in Europe, possibly the world, and I had a several year head start... and Hermione still manages to take first place every year, even if my magic is equally to blame. What would Hermione be like if she had a tutor, if she had access to the materials Hermione would never be able to get her hands on?" Gray said seriously. "Hermione might be a pain in my backside, but I can acknowledge that she is an almost unparalleled genius, even if she irritates me. I simply decided I want to get my hands on Juliet while she is at her most vulnerable." Gray admitted.
That... was surprisingly ruthless of him.
"You're mask is breaking, Ice Queen. You shouldn't be surprised, I am a Raum and a Black, too of the oldest Pureblood families, I have no intention of letting anyone do anything that would weaken my own power." Gray said smoothly, even as Tracey fed him another grape.
"Do you hate Hermione?" Daphne asked, still trying to work out the frankly mystifying teen.
"No. I don't like her, I don't like how she feels a need to answer every question the teachers ask, I don't like how she constantly tries to correct everyone around her, and I don't like her general distaste for magical society, and it's 'backwardness'. But I don't hate her, hate is... effort, hate takes dedication and obsession, and she is not worthy of my hatred. Very few people are." Gray said with a shrug. "I respect her talents, if nothing else.
"I see." Daphne said, buying herself some time as she re-planned her actions.
She had thought Gray might be more light than he let on after he helped Juliet, but no... Gray's mindset was more dark-grey.
"It has been brought to my attention that if I want to be Minister of Magic, I'll need to be more... sociable, and while my Ice Queen persona has done well in keeping myself safe and out of trouble, it has left most of the school with a rather negative impression of me." Daphne started, ignoring Tracey's smug look. "For the sake of my goals, I need to give the impression that I have... thawed out, so to speak." she admitted reluctantly, watching as Gray gave her an amused look, glancing up at the smug Tracey.
"I see... and why are you telling me this?" Gray asked, a knowing look on his face.
"Because as my betrothed, it would be believable if I started to thaw out around you, as such I am requesting that we... act like a couple in public. It would help your own reputation as well." Daphne reasoned.
"Hmm, and what exactly did you have in mind?" Gray asked, unsurprised.
"Some light displays of affection, such as hand-holding, light kisses with no tongue, hugging. I will accept some light groping as long as a single layer of clothing remains between your hands and me." Daphne bargained, ignoring Tracey's cough that sounded an awful lot like 'Prude'. "If people think we have a happy relationship, it would improve both our reputations considerably."
" realise that you constantly frown when you are around me, right? Body language can be more important than your actions and words." Gray pointed out as he stood up, moving from Tracey's lap.
"I am well aware. I will act happier from now on." Daphne said coldly.
"Uhuh... smile for me." Gray said, approaching her slowly as she glowered at him for a moment before she smiled, confident in her acting skills.
As Tracey outright laughed, her confidence took a hit.
" realise anyone with eyes will be able to tell that is fake. It's a beautiful smile, but it doesn't reach your eyes. You're still glaring at me, and your body language just screams... defensive. A happy relationship requires trust, and you are always on guard around me." Gray lectured as she felt herself blush.
As she went to reply, he leaned forwards and placed a light kiss on the side of her lips, not quite connecting with her own as she instinctively pushed him away before she could stop herself.
"I will happily act the part of the happy couple with you... when you can actually play your part convincingly." Gray said with a pitying smile as he brushed her hair out of her face, her face burning with embarrassment. "Fortunately, betrothed couples are often unhappy at the start so it will seem more realistic if we slowly start to get closer, perhaps we should use one of the Hogsmeade weekends for a 'date' of sorts? People love romantic tales, and two teens getting over their differences and making a betrothal work is something the peasants would lap up."
"...very well. I will... work on my smile." Daphne growled out, shame filling her that she couldn't do something as simple as smile. "That will be all for now, Grayson. I will take my leave, I take it you are staying, Tracey?" Daphne asked.
"Yup. This is pretty fun." Tracey said easily.
...if Tracey was willing, then she wasn't going to get involved.
"As you wish, good day to you both." Daphne said with another attempt at a small smile.
...When Tracey was alone, they were going to talk about how she was laughing.
- Grayson -
"...has she always been like that?" I ask, laying down on my bed as I read a book on survivalists spells, occasionally eating the offered fruit from my... harem girl.
"Yeah, Daph's got some major problems." Tracey admits with a quiet sigh, her usually peppy act falling as a look of sadness falls onto her face. "Daphne has always wanted to be successful... but she doesn't realise that being happy is just as important. I love Daphne... but she can be such a downer at times, anything that doesn't help her goals is a waste of her time in her eyes." Tracey sighs. "It's kinda why I'm excited about this marriage, I think you two could be a good couple, and you could make her happy... if she was willing to lower her guard."
"Somehow, I doubt she is eager to do that." I point out making her nod in bemusement.
"Which is why I talked her into the benefits of seeming like a couple, I think if she acts the part of the happy girlfriend, eventually she'll stop acting... whether she realises it or not." Tracey says with a smile.
" are sneakier than you act, Tracey. I'm impressed." I admit, making her grin.
"Every real Slytherin has a mask, some are just less noticeable. I would do anything for Daphne, if that means playing the slutty harem girl helps me help Daphne then so be it... besides, it's not a complete mask... I am kinda a slut." Tracey admits, her hands roaming down my bare chest and groping my barely developing abs.
"You seem awfully proud of that." I say with an amused smile.
"Please, are you really going to say you'd prefer me being a prude? Prudish girls make good wives, but sluts make the best mistresses... or slaves for that matter." Tracey says making me laugh. "A prudish wife will spread her legs for you on special occasions... a slutty slave will satisfy your every whim."
"Fair enough, slave." I say, giving her ass a squeeze as she moans in pleasure.
"So... are you really trying to build a harem?" she asks, making me give her a stare. "I'm just asking because I wouldn't mind having some sexy harem sisters, and I know a few girls who would absolutely be down for it."
"Wait... seriously?"
"Daphne is my best friend, but I made a few more friends who share my... primary interest. Lavender and Parvati share my interests, and we gossip and share notes, though Parvati is very, very... careful over her actions since if her father found out she'd be back in India by nightfall. Magical India is really... old fashioned, apparently." Tracey says.
I do know about that, since India has been a source of Pureblood girls who aren't related to us for the Raum men for a long time due to its high population and connection to Magical Britain from when the British Empire was still in charge, though we do use an (illegal) ritual to make sure the baby takes the fathers skin-colour since darker skin can be looked down on in Magical Britain.
"Personally, I hope you were telling the truth about wanting Susan Bones... because damn." Tracey says, her eyes glazing over slightly.
"...She is rather gifted isn't she?" I admit with a small smile, making Tracey nod.
"Definitely... she's the only girl in our year who had boobs when we were sorted, even Lavender's aren't that big. Lavender's are great though, you should feel them, your hands just sink into them..." Tracey says with a sultry smile as my dick twitches, making her grin. "Or would you prefer to find out just how amazing Parvati is at kissing... and other acts that she can put her very talented mouth to."
"...You are a teasing minx."
"Oh, not at all... a tease won't follow through, but I'm just an obedient little sex slave here to satisfy my master's dark lusts." Tracey practically whispers into my ear as she undoes her silky dancers top, letting it fall onto the bed. "As long as you let Daphne move at her own pace... I'll take care of your every wicked fantasy." she promises.
"You really are a wonderful friend, aren't you? Daphne doesn't realise how lucky she is." I say as I grip her buttocks, squeezing slightly. Despite her apparent self-sacrifice, I can sense her immense lust building up, she wasn't kidding about her act not being completely false.
I think me and Tracey are going to get along just fine.
- Bonus Scene – Working Pains -
She was a demon, the heir to a demon lord... she was genetically superior to any human, or even any demon of a lesser lineage... when she put her mind to it there was nothing she couldn't do.
"Ciri! Table five are still waiting for their drinks!" Madam Rosmerta shouted, making her flinch as she tried to balance the tray, overloaded with drinks, watching one of them fall as her eyes widened before a hand grabbed it, steadying her tray.
"Damn it... I should be able to do this." Ciri growled, making the other barmaid smile kindly, brushing her long ginger hair out of her face.
"Don't worry Ciri, you'll get the hang of it." Bea said with a gentle smile on her freckly face.
"I know." Ciri sighed as she brought the drinks to the right table, passing them to the Three Broomsticks patrons.
They knew not to try their drunken antics with her after she stabbed a fork into the hand of a mortal who was dumb enough to reach for her ass, clad in tight leather pants unlike the 'other witches'.
Madam Rosmerta had approved, oddly enough, cursing the man and throwing him out for trying to take liberties with her barmaids.
Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Heiress of the Demon Duke Emhyr, Bearer of the Elder Blood... serving as a barmaid in a small village pub.
She was stuck in this village, and Rosmerta had taken her in out of kindness, giving her a room and a job to earn her keep.
As a demon, she should laugh at the idea of kindness and generosity, but right now she was Ciri, the muggleborn barmaid with nowhere else to go.
Gaunter O'Dimm had placed a demonic ward around the village to hide her presence, as long as she stayed around Hogsmeade and the surrounding area she would be hidden from her father's minions and the 'Wild-Hunt'.
She could plan her next move from the safety of this little magical village... but there was one problem.
There was another demon here, or in the nearby castle to be exact. She'd sensed them when the students arrived on the 'Hogwarts Express' for the new school year, but the students had been too tightly packed for her to work out which of them was the demon in disguise.
To make things worse, she recognised the signature... Raum.
She had no quarrel with the new Raum, but if they knew the fate of their predecessor, they would likely be less than happy with her.
She was the one who opened the portal to let her father and his allies invade the old Raum territory, after all, bypassing Raum's clever defences and bringing about his downfall.
She could probably beat the new Raum, but using her powers like that would draw her fathers attention, the Merchant of Mirrors ward was only there to hide her presence, if she actively used her demonic powers she'd draw the attention of her hunters.
Right now, keeping her head down seemed the smart thing to do... but she needed to work out what she was going to do about Raum before one of their 'Hogsmeade' visits.
Authors Note: Woo! Eye infections are so much fun.
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