
A Song of Ice and Fire: Raenon Targaryen

I don't own Game of Thrones or any rights over books, characters, or intellectual properties. I'm just a fanfiction writer. If you want to read ahead, you know what to do. ~~~Synopsis~~~ The Story of Raenon Targaryen. Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. Separated in 284 AC after birth. It was deemed safest to separate some of the children of Aerys II. So Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen went east to Essos, and Raenon Targaryen was sent to The Shadow Lands west of Westeros. On the other side of the world from his remaining family. This is where the story of Raenon Targaryen begins. At the young age of 12, Raenon Targaryen begins to chase power in magic, blood, and fire.

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75 Chs

Small Council Meetings and Temptations Taken

~~~(POV: Eddard Stark)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 34 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Kings Landing, The Red Keep, Small Council Chambers)~~~

~~~(Date: 297 AC)~~~

"I bloody told you, Ned!! I told you that getting rid of the dragon spawns would be for the good of the realm!! But your damn honor blinds you!!"

My King is yelling at me because of the news Varys has just relayed from Essos. More specifically, in Pentos. Varys spy sent us a message, and we received it this morning. It's noon now, and Robert has been on a warpath.

Not only that, the message is already a few days old. Meaning things are out of our hands.

Robert is yelling at anyone that gets in his sight. And at the moment, I don't blame him... With what we know now, I might've agreed to end Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen when we had the chance.

But no one could've anticipated Raenon Targaryen.

His existence has been conclusively thought to have ended. No one heard anything regarding the boy. And now he's got a dragon bigger than a carriage and has magic.

"Now isn't the time to yell at one another for what's happened. It's time we found solutions."

Renly tries to bring some sense to his brother, but Robert doesn't listen that well... Especially when it concerns the Targaryens.

"No! You listen to me, Renly! I want every assassin from here to Asshai after Raenon and Daenerys! And make sure Viserys is in that order too! I'll not have any more Targaryen madness in Westeros!"

He abruptly stands up and leaves the room. Likely to drink and whore around. That's the only thing Robert does anymore.

As the Kings hand, I'm the one that's actually in charge of The Seven Kingdoms. And Everyone on the Small Council is looking to me. They know what must be done, but it's not going to be as easy as Robert wants it to be.

Not when Raenon has a dragon.

"Varys... Is it true that Daenerys and Raenon have 3 more dragon eggs?"

If this is true, the remaining Targaryens will bring Fire and Blood to Westeros at a time we can't know. The Spider himself remains calm as he pulls the message from his robe.

"My spy said the 3 dragon eggs are supposedly petrified. But I don't see why Raenon and Daenerys would take them if they didn't have significance. Perhaps they're not petrified. Dragons are magical creatures after all."

I have no doubts the dragon eggs will prove to be alive in time. And they'll have 4 dragons. But there is chaos growing in our own realm. And we can't afford to divide all of our attention to Essos. A decision has to be made about what we do from now on.

But there is something else that grows to concern me... I've heard things... Little whispers about the legitimacy of Robert's children. All of his kids that are in line for the throne are, in fact, not his. I must check this out for myself.

And if anyone would know, it'd be Varys.

"This Small Council meeting is closed for the day. Everyone may go."

Everyone begins to stand.

"Except you, Varys. I need to talk to you about a few things."

~~~(POV: Daenerys Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 13 years)~~~

~~~(Location: The Rhoyne River, East of Norvos, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 297 AC)~~~

Rae and I stopped off in Norvos to pick me up clothes that were fitting and comfortable. I'm wearing leather and cloth armor. Similar to Raenons, but more feminine looking. It's light blue, unlike his black leather armor.

We're currently resting on the bank of The Rhoyne River. And Rhaenys is resting in the shade provided by some cliffs and trees.

"Now, you want to keep your sword parallel to the center of your body. And focus the core muscles with your arms on your strikes. This is the best way to start."

When we were in Norvos, we sold the wedding ceremony dress for training swords. Rae is teaching me how to fight, and we're starting the basics today.

I do as he instructs, and he inspects the way I'm holding the stance. He makes his way over to me and slowly circles me. Mentally checking everything.

Being under his gaze like this...

It's exhilarating.

"Here, let me adjust a few things."

He steps toward me, and his hands land on my hips. His grip is firm yet gentle. The adjustment is quick, and his hands leave my hips and move to my shoulders. He shifts them back a little, and I feel the weight of the training sword lessen.

His hand finds its way under my chin as he's now in front of me, and he adjusts how my head rests.

But we end up staring into each other's violet eyes as his hand is yet to leave my chin. I move a bit forward in hopes something might happen. But his hand darts away, and he takes a step back. I immediately drop my form and straighten up.

"Why'd you do that? I just fixed your form."

I'm in no mood for games. I've been patient these past 13 days, and I'll not stand here and just wait for something to happen anymore.

"I'm upset with you, Rae. You and I get into moments where something might happen quite often, but you always back out at the last second. And I'm tired of it. So, you either stop backing out. Or, I'm going on the offensive from this point on."

I drop the training sword and make my way to the small tent. It barely fits both of us. Rhaenys hasn't had any trouble carrying us, the small tent when packed, and the two training swords. But Raenon still makes sure she gets plenty of rest and food.

"C'mon, Dany. Don't just storm off like that. I'm trying to teach you stuff that will save your life one day."

I ignore him as I enter the tent and take off my boots. The sun will be setting in a few hours, and I want to be comfortable for when it's time to sleep. And I make sure that I take off my clothes and set them outside the tent.

All I'm wearing now is nothing.

That's right.

I'm in the nude, and if Rae wants in the tent. He'll have to share it with me while I'm like this.

That's what I mean when I said I'll start being aggressive. The soft and fluffy blankets make the small tent comfortable. And I try to distract myself. But in my attempts to occupy my mind, footsteps approach the tent, and Rae stops at the entrance.

"Dany... I don't know if I can do all the things you want me to do... It scares me... I've never known pleasure... Or love... All I've known is survival... And incest is considered an abomination everywhere in the world..."

He slowly explains what's on his mind and heart from outside the tent. And I feel for my twin. But I'm not letting him get away. Not with fear. The only way that I'll let him go is if he tells me that he doesn't love me.

I can tell he's waiting for a response, so I give him one.

The tent entrance swings open in a single motion, and his eyes widen as he gets a full view of my bare body. His eyes look away fast, but not before getting a glace at me.

"How will you know if you don't give it a chance? C'mon, look at me."

I spread my legs in an attempt to draw his eyes back, and I watch with joy as his head turns slightly and he looks. Only for him to turn away again. But that's good. He looked at me.

He swallows his building saliva and slowly looks back at me. This time, he's not looking away. His eyes glide up and down my body, and it's exciting for me. I look at his waist and see a growing bulge.

A dragon is trying to break free.

"But... If we do any of this... There is no going back for us, Dany... Kissing is one thing, but bedding you is another..."

That's how the world works. Man meets woman, and soon after, man beds woman. It's always been this way, and there are no taboos on how fast people get together.

My hand reaches up from the blankets on the ground, and I run my hand through his hair. His eyes close as he enjoys the feeling. I pull him into the tent, and he doesn't resist and falls to my side. I'm already working on his belt as my lips clash with his.

I pull away for breath as I get the belt off. And his eyes open. Looking up at me since I'm above him. He's doing it. This is the chance that I wanted him to give. Just let us have a chance at this.

"Don't worry, Rae... Our first time won't be our last... Once we experience real pleasure together, it'll show you a whole new world... Along with me..."

A part of me knows there is a slight chance that I'll end up with a child in me. I've recently had my Flowering. A few days ago, the most fertile days for women are after they have their Flowering. But knowing Rae, he'll pull out.

But I don't care if I end up with a baby in my belly. Not if Raenon is the father. He's the only one I'd want as the father of my children.

"I hope you're right, Dany..."

His voice is light and breathless from all the kissing. He leans up and takes off the top part of his leather armor. All that remains are his leggings. The only thing keeping his dragon from popping out. Even now, I can see it's a considerable size.

It runs in the Targaryen blood.