


Haula's POV.

Has there ever been a time in your life when you're so speechless, the time when

you can't even say anything because you're scared if you do, everything will

change or just that you can't just spill the words.

People come and go, so does time and we can't stop it we just have to live that

moment and hope for the best.

When I first met Theo I thought no, no way I can't go for this guy then I found

myself doing the exact opposite and now I've fallen in love with him which he

has to, and its a good thing.

But what is love if the person is not here with you?

He is leaving, he has to go and I can't do anything about it. I can't let him

stay and I can't go with him as much as I want to, but I can't let my selfish

desires get the best of me.

Hope. That's the thing I'll hold on to.

/"Haula are you okay? You don't look so good,/" Theo asks me. We're at the airport