


Haula's POV.

What I'm I going to do? I'm so bored.

I pick my phone and call Margret but it rings and rings with her not picking. I

call again still not picking.

Where could she have dropped her phone?

And now Theo says he would be back today till tomorrow as their flight booking

had some issues.

I lay on the couch, picking my phone and listening to music maybe I'll sleep off

and pass time.

I start drifting off to sleep when the doorbell rings. Why is it when I'm

starting to fall asleep?

/"Coming!/" I yell over dragging my lazy legs to the door. I'm sure I look like a

mess. My hair is loosed and packed up in a mess, and I'm wearing some old worn

out jeans and baggy top. That's what staying at home all day does to you.

/"Surprise!/" Wait what?

My eyes came face to face with Theo and I quickly slamm the door shut as I lean

on it.