


Haula's POV.

I search round with my eyes but I can't find her. Fortunately for me I am just

done and waiting for the next band to come up.

Where could she have gone? I just saw her.

The next band comes in as I walk away from the stage searching round the crowd

one by one, but I still cann't find her. My heart begimsbto race.

I just left her here.

/"Mom,/" I call going deeper into the mall. I call and call but I can't find her.

I would have called her if my phone and bad wasn't with her.

/"Mom are you there?/" I call again as I hear noise coming from a corner.

The mall is full but not like other days, as most of the people are at the show.

/"Haula?/" I hear someone call my name, as I turn back but it isn't my mom. /"Haula

right?/" A lady in an army uniform approaches me.

She holds a gun in her hand which scares me as I look at her from her face to

the gun.