


Theo's POV.

/"Derek,/"Â I stare at him like I have just seen a ghost.

How? What? How is he here?

/"Its good to see you again Theo,/" he smiles with a glass of drink in his hand as

he drops it on the table.

/"How have you been? How are you here..oh God where have you been man?/" I jump

into series of questions as Derek looks at me.

/"I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but right now I just want us to enjoy

the moment that I'm alive and well,/" He replies as I smile back.

At least today is not a complete disaster, I'm so happy Derek is here yet I'm

also concerned, but as he said let's enjoy the moment, because I'm sure things

are about to get more spicy.

/"Come here man,/" I tell him as we both go in for a hug.

/"So how have you been?/" Derek asks.

/"Well you know just hanging around the streets and news,/" I reply him. /"You?/"

I ask.