


Haula's POV.

My legs immediately feeling wobbly as I fall to the ground crying still looking

at the picture on the TV, my nose red due to all the sniffing.

How could he?

I trusted him, he.... He told me he worked for for the government, he never said

anything about being a soldier and worst of all I had to find out from the news.

Oh my God I'm so stupid, so dumb to think that someone like that would actually

be honest with me. What did I expect?

A happy ending of course.

And what's killing me right now is the fact that upon seeing this I still love

him, I love him so much and I don't think I can ever stop loving him.

I hate myself for this, I hate myself for letting him crawl into my heart and I

let him, I didn't say anything instead I took him in, but he never once even had

the urge to tell me he is a soldier.