
Chapter 16: Right Wrong

After I reached home, I hit the bed, utterly exhausted. My body sank into the softness of the mattress, while my mind whirled with a series of thoughts and emotions. I stared at the ceiling, contemplating the events of the day, replaying each scene in my head like a movie on repeat.

Jealousy and insecurity gnawed at my insides as I recalled the image of a woman hopping into Baby Corrigan's car. It seemed so casual, so intimate. Questions raced through my mind. Who was she? What was her connection to him? Why did it bother me so much?

My mind couldn't rest until I took action, so I grabbed my phone and dialed Adele's number. She was my confidante, the one who always listened without judgment. As the phone rang, I felt a mix of relief and apprehension.

"Hey, Adele," I greeted her, my voice laden with exhaustion and vulnerability.

"Hey, love. How was your day?" Adele's soothing voice carried through the phone, instantly putting me at ease.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before delving into the tangled web of emotions. "It was… complicated. I saw this woman get into Baby's car today, and it made me feel so jealous and insecure."

Adele's silence allowed me the space to pour out my thoughts. I told her about my impromptu visit to St. Jude's hospital, hoping to find answers but ending up with only embarrassment. "Turns out, the lady from the car incident was actually the receptionist, Mia. I felt like such a fool."

There was a gentle understanding in Adele's voice as she responded, "Oh, honey, I can only imagine how that felt. But listen, your feelings are completely normal. Jealousy and insecurity are natural human emotions."

I sighed, grateful for her empathy. "I just can't help but wonder if my actions today make me a bad person. I pretended to be sick, and Baby saw through it after using the stethoscope to check my heartbeat. And I was so rude to Mia. I regret it now, but in the heat of the moment, I couldn't control myself."

Adele's wisdom flowed through the phone, like a beacon of clarity in the midst of my turmoil. "Darling, we all make mistakes. It's how we learn and grow. You're not a bad person for feeling jealous or acting out of character. What matters is how you handle it from here on out."

I listened intently, grateful for Adele's guidance. She shared stories of her own past, some less than pleasant actions she had taken in relationships, reminding me that we all have our flaws and moments of weakness.

"You know," Adele began, her voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia, "I've had my fair share of less than pleasant actions in relationships. Moments where I let my emotions get the better of me, making choices I later regretted."

Her words resonated within me, making me feel understood and less alone in my own struggles. "Really? Can you give me an example?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

Adele chuckled softly, as if reminiscing about a distant memory. "Oh, where do I even begin? Well, there was this one time when I let jealousy consume me. I started snooping around Eric's things, looking for any sign of infidelity. It was a dark period, and it only pushed us further apart."

I nodded, feeling a mix of relief and empathy. "I can relate to that. Jealousy can cloud our judgment and drive us to do things we wouldn't normally do."

Adele's voice carried a sense of understanding as she continued, "Exactly, love. We're all human, and we all have our flaws. It's in those moments of weakness that we truly learn who we are and how we can grow."

I sighed, feeling a weight lifting off my shoulders. "Thank you, Adele. I needed to hear that. Sometimes, I feel like such a mess, but knowing that others have gone through similar struggles makes it a little easier."

Adele's voice held warmth and reassurance. "You're never alone in your struggles, my dear. We all stumble and fall, but it's how we pick ourselves up and learn from our mistakes that truly matters."

I felt a sense of gratitude wash over me, grateful for Adele's openness and willingness to share her own experiences. "Thank you for being so vulnerable with me. It means a lot."

Adele's response was filled with sincerity. "Of course, darling. We're in this together. Remember, you have the strength within you to navigate through these challenges and come out stronger on the other side."

Her words resonated deeply within me, igniting a spark of hope and resilience. With Adele by my side, I knew I could face whatever lay ahead. We said our goodbyes, but the connection we had forged through our shared vulnerabilities remained, a reminder that I wasn't alone in my journey.

As our conversation came to a close, Adele left me with a piece of advice. "Remember, love, communication and understanding are key. Talk to Baby, express your concerns and fears. Trust and honesty will help you navigate through these challenging moments."

I thanked her, my voice brimming with gratitude. Adele had once again offered me a lifeline, showing me a path forward. I hung up the phone, feeling a renewed sense of determination and hope. Tomorrow would be a new day, an opportunity to grow and heal, armed with the lessons shared by my wise friend.