

"You will be rich but in return… You will marry Kouki-kun!"

"Eh! No way! I'd rather be poor!"

The group girls said as they play.

"Oi Kouki! What are you lookin' at?! You're gonna fight back huh!"

"There's no way that's happening, Kouki is a coward after all"

A group of boys said while laughing.

"Kouki, from now on your Grandmother will take care of you"

A woman said as she left the house.

"Kouki… Do your best…"

An old woman said as she gradually closes her eyes and stop breathing.

I open my eyes. I slowly stand from my bed and do some stretching. Today is the start of the summer vacation, usually I need to be in school since I'm the vice president of the student council.

But they said that they will take care of anything so I just let them do the work. After I got to the living room, my phone suddenly rang.

I picked up the phone. It was my mother, she said that I should spend my day off in the province. I became silent for a second. I'm a bit hesitant but I agreed with the proposal of my mother since it's been almost three years since I last visited my Grandmother's grave.

Looking back now, I didn't really have a good childhood days. The only thing that I remember good is my Grandmother, she cherish and doted me. Although the happy days quickly end, I am still happy that my Grandmother took care of me.

During her last days, my Grandmother told me to do my best, and since this is her first and last request, I decided that I will fulfill it. But there's a problem, I didn't know on what thing I should do my best.

After I moved to the city, I decided to do my best in study, and in return I got to study in one of the most prestigious Academy in Tokyo.

I decided to do my best in any kind of sports, I enter the judo club and karate club and in return, I currently a black belt 1st dan in both.

I decided to do my best in music and I can now play any kind of brass, string and keyboard instrument decently.

I kept doing these things while hoping that my Grandmother watches me with a proud expression. Mother said that the plane ticket have been arranged before hand, I just need to show myself in the airport.

One day passed, and I just landed on the provincial airport, while walking I notice a man holding a cardboard with a 'Shakuga' written on it.

Shakuga is my last name, so I suppose that this guy is the one that's going to guide me.

"Yo, are ya Kouki-kun?"

The bald man is about 30-37 years old. His skin is all tan and you can see his muscle bulging under his shirt.

"Yes, please take care of me"

I lightly bowed my head as I express my gratitude, the man looks bewildered.

"Is something wrong?"

I asked as I tilted my head.

"N-nothing, yer Kouki-kun right? How should I put this… Ya look really different, ya look more mature and dignified"

He said. I slightly smiled and said.

"Is that so? Now that you're saying it, I'm a little embarrassed"

I chuckled as I cover my mouth. It's not something you would say to a stranger.

"Man, the boys in the town will surely be worried about this"

The man eyes became distant, he might stay like this if I don't do something.

"Um, what's your name?"

"Eh! Yer serious! Ya've forgotten about me?"

I smile wryly and gently shook my head. The man sighed and started to speak.

"I'm Aoji-chan remember? I own the village's general store, ya used to buy yer stuff at my shop"

Oh, now I remember it, this man is Aoji, although I only have a vague memory about him, he used to help me with my school project when I was a kid.

"Anyway, follow me, I got some car to pick ya'up. Though don't expect some fancy car from me"

Aoji-san started to walk and I follow him from his back. We were greeted by a mini truck, the one that can be used when picking up merchandise and flowers.

We enter the mini truck and Aoji-san begun to start the engine.

As we hit the road, green rice fields and large trees covered the sceneries. Compared to the city, the air in the province is much cleaner.

The cold wind gently collide with my face, it feels nice.

"Ya still remember yer grandma's house?"

Aoji-san said while keeping his eyes on the road. The truck would sometime tremble because of the stones on the road but I don't mind it.

"Yes, I still remember it"

"Good, because yer mom said that ya'l be livin' there"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, don't worry, my wife clean the house just for ya"

"I see, please say my thanks to her"

The trip continues while we're having a little chat, he said that it will take 2 hours for us to get to the village.

"Man, it really brings me back. I can't really believe that yer Kouki-kun"

His expression suddenly darken, maybe because he was aware that I was bullied when I was a kid, he suddenly stop smiling.

"Ya know Kouki-kun… I know that ya have more painful experience than a happy one in the village… Ya know I—"

"Don't worry about it"

I said. He looks surprised, perhaps he was still waiting me to continue as he stayed silent, I began to speak.

"I know that it might sound unbelievable but, I don't really mind it. And it's not like they continue on being like that, sooner or later a person will mature, I think that we are currently in the ripe age to reflect on our actions"

Aoji-san smiled, although he was not looking at me, I can feel the warmth in his eyes.

"How em I supposed to reply to that? Ya sound more mature than me, but yer right, the kids in our village do matured, ya might be surprised if ya happens to see one of them"

"Well, I'm looking forward to it"

After a few more minutes, we arrived at the village. The houses are awfully away with each other, most of them have their own fields. The houses in the village have more wooden house than a cemented one.

We finally reached the house of my Grandmother. It's also made out of woods, the front is a sliding door that's made out of bamboo, in the back, there's the backyard where my Grandmother used to plant flowers and vegetables.

Just by being here brings so much nostalgia into my heart, I feel happy just by being here.

Aoji-san opens the door of the house, inside there are only three rooms that are separated by another wooden sliding door, and the three rooms is the Living room, the Kitchen and the Restroom.

Me and my Grandmother used to sleep in the living room, we just lay futons before we sleep.

You can hear the wood squeak every time I step inside the house, the house looks old but nevertheless it's clean.

All of the appliances that I used to see are all present, including the old radio and the small electric fan.

"Ya look so happy, anyway, can ya still remember the way to er house?"

I shook my head as a reply, unless they guide me I will not remember it. Aoji-san sighed and scratched his bald head.

"Ya just go forgettin' anythin' , I will pick ya up, I told my wife that I will invite ya to dinner, yer fine 'bout that?"

"Of course"

After that, Aoji-san bid his farewell and left the place. All of the necessities to live in this village are here, they have electricity, drinkable water and that's about it. Although this house has landline, there's no internet connection as one would expect.

I started to unpack the baggage, I brought some clothes, my laptop and my personal document. Oh right, maybe I should ask Aoji-san if he can guide to the nearest town since I don't know where I can withdraw my money.

I decided to take a quick nap after organizing my belongings and before I know it, it's already past noon. I slowly open my eyes and there, I saw a girl sitting next me, staring at my face.

Although I'm still a little bit dizzy, I began to speak weakly.

"Who are you?"

My eyes are half open but based on the girls movement, she seems flustered.

"Wha! You're awake!"


I slowly raised my body and start to sit in seiza, on the other hand, the girl was sitting in a awkward position, her arms is supporting her body on the back while her legs are wide open. Indeed she was wearing short but a lady should not sit in that way.

"I know it's a little late but, welcome to our home. May I know the reason of your visit?"

The girl immediately fixed her position and said.

"U-uwah… It's like one of those clerks in the town… A-anyway… My father said that there's a guy in the village, he said that he's inviting you to our dinner"

"By father, you mean Aoji-san?"

"Oh, you know my father?"

"Yes, he was the one that brings me here. Please wait a bit, I'll just change my clothes"

I stand up, and take my clothes from the cabinet. I changed into an easy to move clothes. I also wore my prescription glass.

"Thank you for the wait"

Now that my vision is no longer blurry, I finally noticed girl that's in front of me is a real beauty. She had strong and cheerful dark brown eyes, her lips are pink and thin, the complexion of her skin is tan just like her father. Her hair is long and bleached, it's pretty long that it reaches her waist. She's wearing black top and jeans.

"I-it's nothing"

For some reason, she was looking at me without blinking.

"Oh the glasses? Do I look nerdy in this?"

I push up my round glasses and chuckle a little to hide my embarrassment. Hearing that, she waved her hands in front of her chest as if denying it.

"N-no! It-it looks good on you!"

"Really? Thank you"

Her face is a little red for as she said that. Almost everyone will be happy if someone complimented them, I'm the same, I'm a normal human after all.

"Alright, please lead the way"


She excitedly stands up and goes outside, I followed her as soon as I closed the door.

The sunset is nearly reaching its limit, dark clouds and orange light envelopes the sky. The girl and I are leisurely walking as we enjoy the view. I could see the rice fields dancing as the gentle breeze sway then up.

The street lamps flickers as we passed through them, and since the place was dead silent, my slippers makes an audible sound as it hit the asphalt road. I look at the girl and she's not minding the silent at all.

"So where's your house?"

I said, the girl said "There" while pointing her finger on the house ten minutes away from us.

"Bike will be convenient in this village"

"Sure it is, almost every one of us had a bike since the bus rarely visit this place"

She said, we continue the little chat while walking, the girl is friendly and kind, I can see the image of Aoji-san in her.

A few more minutes and we reached a huge stone house. It's covered in white, the house have a second floor too. There's a huge sign saying "General Store" the light outside the house help the sign more visible.

As we enter the house, various scents stimulate my nostrils. When I look around, numerous items can be seen. From daily necessities like soaps and shampoo to canned goods and even paper and pen, they have it here.

We head to the dining room and see an oval table inside and chairs, there are five of them. I asked Aoji-san if there's something I can help with and he said that I can place the food on the table, its curry, fried fish, chop suey and eggs.

"That's a lot"

I said. The woman beside me suddenly speaks.

"It's because darling is a big eater, anyway, I'm Yuki, the wife of Aoji"

She slightly bows her head. Yuki-san has a motherly aura, she was plump, her face is gentle and kind like her smiles and movement. I bowed too but before I can open my mouth, Aoji-san slaps me in the back.

"Keep it a secret for now!"

I didn't understand what Aoji-san said, neither her wife Yuki-san.

"Auntie! Uncle! I'm here!"

The door suddenly opens, a girl enters the dining room as if she owns the house. She must be quite close to the family if she can enter the house without hesitation.

"Wha! Aya, there's a visitor!"

The Aoji-san's daughter approached the girl named Aya. Aya is a girl with sparkling coffee eyes and a small lips, she's wearing heart shaped earrings. Her brown hair is tied to the left side of her head, her body is petite so it doesn't matter that she looked childish. She's wearing a white frilly dress and brown slippers.

"Visitor? Wh—"

Our eyes met. I smile wryly at her but she's only looking at me.


She didn't respond to my greetings but instead she only mumbled some inapprehensible words.

"A-An-no! I-I'm!!---Guh!"

"You're only embarrassing yourself!"


Aoji-san's daughter hit the head of Aya, Aya is scratching her head while looking at the floor.

"Puff --hahaha"

I burst into laughter. What is this? It's like one of those comedy due that I always see on the television.

The two of them are looking at me with ashamed expression. Perhaps they thought that I am laughing at them in a bad way?

"N-no, it's just, I just thought that you two must be really close"

After that, Aoji-san called us saying that the dinners ready.


""Thank you for the food""

Delicious! Everything on this table is delicious.

"Ara, you look like you're really enjoying yourself"

Yuki-san said after noticing me grinning, I tried to hide my smile with the bowl that I'm holding. I let out a smile without even noticing? It's embarrassing…

"Hahahaha! On the first time we met, I thought that you're the most mature child in your age, who would have thought that you're also the most childish one!"

"I can't take it as a compliment Aoji-san"

I stuff my mouth with the fried fish to hide my discomfit. Yuki-san looks at Aoji-san and said.

"Darling, I think that it's time for you to introduce us this young man"

Not only Yuki-san, her daughter and Aya are looking at Aoji-san too. Aoji-san gulped down and started to talk.

"Now, don't be surprised okay?"

Aoji-san sighed and looks at me. The atmosphere somehow gets tense while waiting for him to speak.

"Believe it or not, this man right here is Kouki-kun"

Silent… It's like the time has been frozen, and now, all of them are looking for me for confirmation.

"Long time no see?"

I somehow manage to squeeze these words out of my mouth. Aya and Aoji-san's daughter looks guilty than surprised while Yuki-san's smiling like she found it a little funny.

"We all know that, this village only done bad things to Kouki-kun. I asked him if he's holding a grudge but it looks like he doesn't mind it"

Since Aoji-san doesn't sound convincing, I follow him up.

"I don't really mind you know?"


Out of nowhere, Aya asked.

"It's true, in fact, I can't even remember the faces of kids in my childhood days"

"You can't remember?"

Aya asked in disappointment, she hung her head down while staring at her rice bowl. It's not like I don't completely remember them, I think I can recognize them if they try hard introducing themselves to me. Yuki-san coughs and started to speak.

"You two, I think you should introduce yourself already"

After a little silent, the daughter of Aoji-san starts talking.

"My name is Mitsuki… Do you still remember me?"

Mitsuki… Mitsuki… I can't remember at all.


I said, hearing my reply, Mitsuki's face became complicated, it's like she's happy but she's not. The next one to speak is Aya.

"H-hello, my n-name is Aya, do you remember me?"

"Aya? I'm sorry but I don't remember you"

"Really? Are you sure?"

She leaned on the table as she peered right into my eyes. Wait a minute. She's somehow looks familiar. And all of the sudden she took of my glasses and undo her hair and split it into two, her image suddenly collide with a figure inside my mind

"!!!!... four eyes!"

I said in surprise, it's her! I recognize her. I know that I can recall someone if they tried hard enough.

"Mouh, don't call me with that anymore, my real name is Aya, call me Aya-chan!"

She said as she tilted her head and blinked at me, she still looks cute even if she messed her hair. She took off the glasses and put it back into my eyes.

"You've turned into a pretty lady fou—Aya. I never thought that you will changed this much"

Aya comb her hair with her hand and tied it again.

"Looks who's talking, you always look gloomy and weak but now you look like a pretty decent guy"

"I wouldn't say that, I'm always the same, I never did try to change myself"

"Heeh, I bet that all the girls are like, going crazy for you right?"

"It would be great if that was true…"

"Eh? You mean you're not popular?"

"Popular? No, I mean, I'm too busy with all my clubs and studies… I spent my school days with only a little interaction to people…"

"T-then, you don't have a girlfriend?"

"Of course not"

"Heeeh, it's too unbelievable to---"


Before Aya could even finish her sentence, Mitsuki suddenly cough loud enough for Aya to stop talking.

"We're still here you know?"

Mitsuki said. Both Aya and I became quiet as we can only agree on her. The dinner was finished without any problem. I should ask about the town before I forget about it.

"Aoji-san, can you take me to the nearest town? I just need to withdraw money"

"I can take you there"

The one who said that is not Aoji-san but Aya. She approached me quickly.

"Of course, you will treat me in return"

She smiles broadly while puffing her chest. It's normal for me to give her something in return since I am the one who asked a favor.

"Sounds like a good idea, it's getting late so I should take my leave"

I bow my head and then left the place. It's been only one day but I feel tired. I should sleep early today since I've got things to do tomorrow.


Hellotwocreators' thoughts