
A Simple Cultivation

Every empty book and paper has potential for a great story, it is the job of the writer to discover it. This story is a test and experiment for me, discovering the story as I go.

DaoCommoner · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 5: Her Side

His face is a little large. No, no, his nose is large. His eyes are a little too wide, and his eyebrows a little low. Doesn't look like someone who would be able to find a wife whatsoever. 

I saw his lips move but didn't hear anything. I wondered what gibberish he was spouting now. 

Then I saw his hand gesture, don't worry about me, child. Focus on your strength. 

What did he think I had been doing for the last couple of days? Laying about catching on sleep. What if I go back to having no home? I'm going to make sure I can provide for myself. 

I threw my left fist forward, twisting my front foot as if squashing a bug. It collided with the wooden mannequin, which left a small bruise on my knuckle. I winced but didn't know what that sounded like—a sharp exhalation out. I twisted my back foot this time and whipped my right hand around. It was a bit sturdier but still left an ache in my bones. 

Vibration moved near behind me, and a stick smacked the inside of my right ankle. I turned to stare at the old man. 

You bring your foot closer to below your core mass and keep it slightly outside of your shoulder. Otherwise, with no strong roots, you will be uprooted after one punch. 

I thought for a moment and nodded. I threw another right punch, and this time, my foot stayed slightly outside of my shoulder instead of coming inward. 


I would've heard the wind cut but only felt the smack after it happened. My left shoulder moved back further than it was. A little cut remained from the little weed the old man held. 

Relax your body, child. 

Yes, I kept my hands loose and my shoulders down. 

I can't remember the last time my body worked this hard, one, two, three, four... When is this going to end? 

He walked before me and gestured with his fingers, tired of working. you can give up now, and it changes nothing. 

I bit my lip and shook my head, I get nothing from giving up now. Stop trying to dissuade me, old man. 

Okay, okay. He held his hands in defeat and moved to the side to continue watching my training. I can't understand why he keeps trying to dissuade me into leaving, maybe he is going senile. 

And so days passed, then weeks, then months. The same marble courtyard, the same pavilion. But now it snowed, covering the plum blossom trees in a contrasting white. 

You're growing into a fine lady, little one. The old man looked weary. I crunched my forehead slightly without realizing it. His back hunched, his smile a little wider, his eyes a little more grey. 

Don't look at me like that child, I am still a strong tree that will hold the sky for the little ones. I knew he wasn't lying, but I couldn't help the sickening feeling in my stomach. 

How much had this man held on his shoulders? Everyone expected him always to help and be there for the sect, and yet no one was grateful for him. No one thanked him. 

I will make sure to grow up fast. 

I saw a smile appear on his face 

I questioned that smile. Was it real? That smile.