
A Simple Cultivation

Every empty book and paper has potential for a great story, it is the job of the writer to discover it. This story is a test and experiment for me, discovering the story as I go.

DaoCommoner · Fantasi
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20 Chs

Chapter 14: Search

How do you think this happened precisely? 

Who knows? I shrugged, your guess is as good as mine. But we need to move quickly if we want to avoid his comrades.

I turned around to see clouds of sand rising into the sky on the horizon. 

I looked forward, the horizon in front turning green. Tall trees and grey mountains reach above the clouds. If there were any safety to find, it would be grounds that the people of the sun were not used to. 


I and the little girl hid in a crevice on the side of a mountain, above tree level and masked by a ridge that blocked the view into the crevice. 

I sliced the rabbit in my hand and hung it over the fire. 

Will that not alert anyone of where we are? 

It will, but we need to eat now, regardless. The little girl eyed the surrounding forestry and looked back at the rabbit over the fire. 

Were you in situations like this before?

I nodded my head, and I closed my eyes.


"Little Bird, your technique is still rough. We need to survive so we may go back and drink all the wine and talk to all the beautiful men and women together."

I shook my head, "I will leave the men to Haoran, haha!" I smacked the gourd open and took a long gulp. I lifted it to eye level and took a look inside. "Empty already?"

"You took a very long gulp. It's good to see you are as dumb as ever." I threw the gourd and hit him in the head.


Haoran took a deep breath. This time, the cheap alcohol failed to take the stress off his shoulders. He looked around. Piles of bodies and blood littered the distance, the red a sombre equal to the green leaves and shrubbery. 

"I hope this ends early, Blue. I don't know how much longer we can keep doing this." 

"I know, but-" My head shot to the sides. Horns wailing in the distance. Far behind are the comrades and enemies who entered the afterlife. Light shone, tiny sparks, but their size and numbers increased as they drew closer. 

I drew my sword and clung to Haoran's side. More and more soldiers clambered from their rest, some without weapons, some without armour. Some without both. We moved forward to the enemies with haste. With a lack of light, we could catch them. 


"I know, not enough numbers nor enough supplies. It looks like command wants us to catch them before they can catch us." Our bodies moved with swift nimbleness. 

The lack of weight allowed us to move in the dark, but the enemy continued with sparse formation. The warning wails echoed in different directions, distracting them from where we were. 

Soon, I saw the front line collide with the enemy. Clangs of metal echoed of rock, leather ripped, and dirt scattered. 

I lifted my sword in hand, the silver shine glimmering under the firelight. The man lept to me, his spear aimed at my heart, his eyes wide open. Threatening to fall out, his mouth spread open, yellow teeth ready to rip me apart, baring in anger. Muscles tensed under leather armour. 


Tap, tap, tap. I opened my eyes and stared at the little girl. She was squatting on the ground, staring at my eyes. 

You stopped talking suddenly, and I thought you had fallen asleep. 

"I just had a simple thought of my friend." 

The girl tilted her head in confusion. Was he a good friend?

I nodded, "a great one."