
A Silver Of Hope In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter Book 2)

After the Incident Kimui is hurt mentally, and her friends are no good either. They didn't think her as an enemy but as a threat. Kirai disappears out of sight and even Sasuke can't find her. The dangers of Kara increase. Will Kimui survive through her state or will she become her old cold self? Book 2 I really recommend you read Book 1 before this one or there'll be some confusion. (A Ray Of Silver In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter book 1) Boruto Naruto Next generation book. Sequel to The darkness series. Some of the Pics aren't mine but some are, Also Boruto belongs to the creator not me but the OC's are all mine.

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37 Chs

Starting Point

Kakashi's POV

Kimui fell asleep in my arm and I laid her back down on the bed. I stood up and I noticed the bandages on her arms. Don't do it Kakashi, she'll tell you when she's ready. My mind told me but I ignored it. I slowly unwrapped the bandages and I saw that her hand was covered in small burn marks. What has she been doing. I thought. By further investigation I found out that, the burns were mostly on chakra points. I tucked her in making a note to talk about this when she wakes up.

I walked down stairs hearing someone knocking on the door and I open it to see two of my students. "We need to talk Kakashi." Sasuke said and I let them into the house. "So, what is this about." I asked setting down a cup of tea in front of the two. "Well, we interrogated a member of Kara who came to us willingly today." Naruto started. "Kimui is stronger than she shows, Kakashi." Sasuke said. "We sensed a very disturbingly strong chakra, I went to investigate it, and the chakra was coming from her, I knocked her out but I think the chakra may have done some damage." Sasuke continued. "So we thought that you, or Sasuke could seal some of her chakra, till she can control it." Naruto suggested.

"I could train her first, then we could go for the sealing process." I said after thinking about it. "As for what Amado said she should try to control it faster, or it could be a huge danger for her and others." Sasuke said and I nodded. "Give me a week, then we can go for sealing alright." I said and they agreed to it. "Also we have planned to move her to a bunker with Kawaki, so they'll be safe for as long as possible." Naruto said and I nodded walking upstairs to wake Kimui up.

I opened the door only to see her sitting up on the bed, she looked strained and her eyes were slightly puffy from crying before.

Kimui's POV

I woke up to the sound of talking from downstairs. I heard the door open and I looked at the door to see dad standing in the door way looking slightly tired. "I need you to get dressed Kimui, we can talk downstairs alright." Dad said before he left the room after closing g the door. I got up from the bed heading to the bathroom to take a shower and wash up before I get dressed and heading downstairs.

I felt two more chakras while I was brushing my waist length hair. I tied my head and going to the living room. "Hey Kimui chan." Lord seventh said waving at me and I didn't respond. "So we're moving you and Kawaki to a bunker, for extra protection." He said and dad sighed. "Yeah fine." I said not wanting another explanation. "You're not going to ask why? " dad asked surprised.

"It's got something to do with the chakra right?" I said and dad nodded making me shrug. "Sasuke." Dad said and he nodded leaving us alone. "Naruto said that your chakra is growing stronger too fast, so we might have to seal it." Dad said crouching down. "I'll train you Kimui, before they can even plan out the sealing." Dad said and I nodded knowing that he would be the one to do the sealing. "Be careful alright, I don't want to see you get hurt again." Dad said pulling me into an embrace. "I'll be careful, but no promises." I said and he chuckled knowing me and how I was with promises. "Alright, just stay safe, and know that I love you." dad said pecking my forehead.

I smiled at him and walked out of the house and Mr. Sasuke opened a dimension and I walked into it. I saw Kawaki sitting cross legged on the floor of the place, and there were two packs on the ground. "Hey." I said sitting down on the ground next to him. "They took you in too huh." Kawaki said more calm than usual. "Yeah." I said looking around the place. "So are you going to tell me or what?" Kawaki asked and I sighed.

"What do you want to know?" I asked Kawaki. "Why did you tell me to go fight with the others, in the dimension." Kawaki asked. "Kirai is my fight, I think you know that." I said trying to not lose much of my cool. "That is very unlike you to get attached, Kimui." Kawaki said reminding myself of who I was when I was taken into Kara by force. "Some things have changed." I said and I felt a strong chakra inside me. "Then why did you leave me behind." He asked and I froze up.

"I didn't, I thought you were following me, but when I realized it I was already too far away, so I started to head to konoha, to find a safe place I guess." I said feeling guilt crawl through me. "I did plan on going back, but I ran into Kirai again, she removed some of my memories, and I didn't remember anything before I met you in the lab." I explained and Kawaki nodded. "I'm going to look around." he said getting up and walked out the room.

I sat near the wall and went into a meditation state. "Been a while Kimui." Nayuki san said. "I need to train so I can control this new level of chakra." I said and she nodded. "I met with the same problem, before I got the koyougan." She said. "What do I have to do to control it." I asked curious. "You would have to distribute your chakra, to every one of your chakra points, evenly." Nayuki san explained. "Distribute huh." I muttered. I closed my eyes feeling my chakra spread through me, I felt it run through every chakra point growing stronger near my eyes.

I opened my eyes in the real world and I saw a time space ninjutsu portal in front of me. I got pulled into it. "Kimui." Kawaki yelled from the other side.

I struggled to get free from Isshiki's grasp, as he was trying to choke me. I twisted my leg and kicked him in the face landing on my feet behind him. "Guess you brought the wrong person." Boruto shouted and I saw that he was hiding behind a boulder making me sweat drop. "You just gave up your cover didn't you, Boruto." I yelled and realisation crossed his face. I saw that Mr. Sasuke and Lord seventh were a little further away from us both looked tired.

"I'll end you first." Isshiki said aiming six rods at me. "Not yet." I said and I punched the ground making a shield from the dirt that shot up. "She's another Sakura." I heard the two Uzumakis say and I smirked.

Hey all sorry for the long break I took, my mental capacity was not at its best so I had to take a small break.

Never thought it would last a year.

Lylee_Salymcreators' thoughts