
A Silver Of Hope In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter Book 2)

After the Incident Kimui is hurt mentally, and her friends are no good either. They didn't think her as an enemy but as a threat. Kirai disappears out of sight and even Sasuke can't find her. The dangers of Kara increase. Will Kimui survive through her state or will she become her old cold self? Book 2 I really recommend you read Book 1 before this one or there'll be some confusion. (A Ray Of Silver In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter book 1) Boruto Naruto Next generation book. Sequel to The darkness series. Some of the Pics aren't mine but some are, Also Boruto belongs to the creator not me but the OC's are all mine.

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37 Chs

Nightmare or Vision

Kakashi's POV

After arguing for almost fifteen minutes I agreed to take Kimui to Lady Tsunade to check her seal to see if there was something wrong with it. "It doesn't look like, anything is wrong, maybe you over reacted Kakashi." Lady Tsunade said letting me back into the room. "But if the seal is not there then, why should it burn." I protested and she sighed. "I assure you Kakashi, there is nothing wrong with the girl, now go home." Lady Tsunade said getting annoyed. "Alright, alright, let's go Kimui." I said turning towards the bed. "I let her leave, since she agreed for me to train her tomorrow." Lady Tsunade said making my eyes wide like saucers. Is she crazy. I thought thinking about Sakura telling me how brutal her training with Tsunade was.

Kimui's POV

"You seem to be fine." Lady Tsunade said and I put my shirt back on. "I heard that your training with Sakura was cut short, so while I'm here, I have a way for you to continue it." She said and I looked up interested. "I will train you, that is if you accept it." Lady Tsunade finished. "I accept." I said after thinking about it for a couple of seconds. "Then you can leave now Kimui, meet me tomorrow at 7 am." She said and I nodded jumping out of the window. It was already dark outside, and many people were out with their families hanging out after a long day.

"Hey Kimui, wasn't expecting to see you out." I heard Shikadai from behind me. "Yeah, I guess I do head home kind of early huh." I said seeing that the whole team was there. "You guys back from a mission?" I asked and quickly regretted it. "It was a great detective expedition." Cho Cho said and I tilted my head slightly. I think those movies finally got to her. I thought deadpanning. "We investigated on the stolen information, with lord sixth." Shikadai said seeing my confused expression. "Too bad we lost him though." Cho Cho said munching on her potato chips. "I'm sure you guys did a good job." I said smiling and I felt my phone buzz. "I'll see you guys around." I said jumping onto a roof top turning towards my home.

I checked my phone and I stopped looking at the massage that was from Kawaki.


'You said that you would tell me why.'


'Right, maybe we could talk tomorrow.'


'You better tell me.'

I shook my head, shun shining to the front door, I took out my keys and opened the door taking my shoes off. "Dad, you home." I shouted and shrugged when I didn't get an answer. I walked upstairs and got ready for bed. I have training with Lady Tsunade. I thought closing my eyes.


I saw myself standing in front of a blood bath. An Otsutsuki who looked like Jigen stood in front of me. Lord seventh was standing in fighting position, he looked different, they fought while I looked at the bodies around me and I saw my team as well as team 10 and the old team 7. I looked forward and saw the otsutsuki stabbed lord seventh and I saw that Kurama wasn't inside him anymore. Which allowed him to die too. "You'll join me soon child." The Otsutsuki member turned to me and I stepped back only to trip over something and fall.

I look to see dad's body and I rushed back to get away from the dead corpses. "Why so afraid, you're the reason they are dead." The man said and I looked at myself in the blood to see that I was covered in it. "No, that's not true." I said moving back. "Release." I said trying to test if it was a genjutsu. "This is real, this is who you really are, a monster, a threat to everyone around you." The man said and I looked down at my hands and saw more blood. "NOOO, THAT'S NOT TRUE, NONE OF THAT IS TRUE." I screamed trying to stop the voices.

~Nightmare end~

I woke up screaming and I quickly put my hand over my mouth so dad won't hear anything. After I was sure that he wasn't coming I put my hand down taking a couple breaths to calm myself. I wiped my eyes free from tears and decided to not sleep for the night. I got up from my bed checking the time and saw that it was only half past 2 in the morning. I entered the bathroom taking a cold shower and brushing my teeth, before getting dressed in my training clothes. I exited my room through my window and headed toward the training grounds.

I made sure that I wasn't spotted by anyone while I made it to the secret training grounds. I concentrated on my chakra before I started making hand signs for a jutsu I've been making. I decided to not tell anyone since this jutsu will become a forbidden one. The justu is a lightning chakra jutsu which I named Lightning flicker. While doing the jutsu I let lightning chakra flow through my whole body completely, through every chakra point and make the required hand signs before moving my body to a distance.

I did the required the hand signs and I felt lightning course through my body and I moved at the normal speed of running but I made it to the other side of the training ground. I breathed out feeling the amount of chakra I lost due to the jutsu. And the after effect of the jutsu hit me making me stumble back. "Does that have to happen every time." I hisses my veins feeling like fire. I felt a presence behind me and I flung a Kunai towards the signature and instantly regretted moving. I slowly got up and turned around, I saw that no one was there.

"Your sensing skills need work." I heard Mr. Sasuke's voice and I froze up. "H-hi, Mr. Sasuke." I stuttered nervously. "I won't tell Kakashi, if you can give me a reason not to." He said and I let out a breath of relief. "Well I was training because I wanted to work on a new jutsu, which no one can know about just yet." I said and he looked at me without a word. "Also I could tell you about something I know." I said and he nodded for me to continue. "There is this man who looks like he's from the otsutsuki clan, I think that might be the person who implanted Karma in Jigen." I said trying to not get into trouble a day after I got out of the hospital. "I'll see through to it, and I won't tell Kakashi just this once." Mr. Sasuke said and I blinked in disbelief.

"Okay, not that I'm not ungrateful, but what?" I said surprised that he let me off so easily. "I trained in the night a lot when I thought I was weak." He said and left the ground. "I'm not weak." I yelled to practically no one. "I'm just not strong enough to stop things, that can destroy too many lives." I mumbled falling onto the ground. What I saw tonight, was that a nightmare or a vision. I thought picking myself up and heading back home to sneak in before dad woke up.