
A Silver Of Hope In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter Book 2)

After the Incident Kimui is hurt mentally, and her friends are no good either. They didn't think her as an enemy but as a threat. Kirai disappears out of sight and even Sasuke can't find her. The dangers of Kara increase. Will Kimui survive through her state or will she become her old cold self? Book 2 I really recommend you read Book 1 before this one or there'll be some confusion. (A Ray Of Silver In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter book 1) Boruto Naruto Next generation book. Sequel to The darkness series. Some of the Pics aren't mine but some are, Also Boruto belongs to the creator not me but the OC's are all mine.

Lylee_Salym · Komik
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37 Chs


Kimui's POV

I opened my eyes slowly and I saw Boruto getting beat down by Isshiki. I got to my feet shaking off the drowsy feeling that I was getting at the moment. The two cubes, that is where he is in. I though coming up with a quick plan. "Rinne sharingan." I said activating my eyes. A cloak of chakra covered me and I realized that I activated Susanoo, something I couldn't do before. My susanoo was white unlike any other I've seen or hear of before. I smirked running towards Isshiki taking out my chakra blade, which was a sword in the Susanoo, and I slashed at Isshiki making him dodge it by jumping back.

My eyes were bleeding as I made Isshiki move back towards the two cubes where lord seventh was. "Earth style; Mud slide." I said deactivating my rinne sharingan and clasping my hands to the ground making it move like jelly. Isshiki rose higher above the ground and I started making fast hand signs. "Lighting style; body flicker." I said running towards the cubes as fast as I could. Isshiki appeared in front of me and my smirk got wider. "Do you think it would be that easy." Isshiki said catching me by the neck and raising me higher. "Who said, that this wasn't my plan." I said struggling to breath. Isshiki smashed me into the ground with all of the force his hand could mutter, and I saw a cube over me. "I smiled widely as the cube came down to the ground and Isshiki flickered outside of it leaving me inside.

"That hurt." I said to Shinju sitting up and healing my wounds as my head was bleeding. "Dad's going to kill me." I sighed wiping blood off my face with the back of my hand. "Are you ready for this kid." Shinju asked me and I nodded determined. "The damage your body would get will be severe, and I can't heal you, I only have this fight, which the old man let me protect you in, and after that I'll disappear." Shinju explained. "Thanks shinju, for this and before, but now I'm ready for this." I said and the ten tails smiled down at me.

"Let's do this." I said and I felt a strong wave of chakra coursing through me, and my body became cloaked in coal black chakra and I activated Koyougan getting ready to get out of the cube. "Inferno style; Inferno spikes." I said and spikes shot from the ground all around me blowing the box into the air. I gathered chakra to my feet and I jumped into the air above the cubes where lord seventh was in. I used my leg and came down on the cubes breaking them in half with my chakra. The two halfs fell to two sides as lord seventh stepped out from the trap. "This girl." Isshiki muttered rather loudly as lord seventh ran at him activating tailed beast mode. Isshiki raised his hand up and shot rods at me to which I made a shield with the chakra cloak around me.

I sighed before running towards Isshiki dodging most of his attacks as both me and lord seventh attacked him at the same time. Isshiki kicked lord seventh in the stomach making him fly back. 'Might want to heal him first Kurama.' I said inside my head fighting with Isshiki using taijutsu. I gathered chakra into my fist and I punched him making him move back a little. I flipped back and I started making hand signs for a special jutsu for koyougan wielders. The sky became darker and Isshiki looked up surprised.

"Elemental style; Strikes of death." I said and spikes rose from the ground, as bolts of lightning came down aimed at Isshiki. Small balls of water surrounded me before I aimed it at him pressured water shot at Isshiki, and some of them put out the fire made by the lightning, while some them became strong by the wind that kept swirling around the two of us. I felt blood seep out of my eyes and they became blurry making me close my eyes, which was a big mistake.

I managed to open my eyes as the wind got knocked out of me, I saw Isshiki as his hands closed around my throat strangling me as I gasped for air. Isshiki was kicked off me by lord seventh who caught me as I coughed up trying to gulp up as much air as I could. "Stay put Kimui, he only has a couple minutes left." Lord seventh said and I nodded weakly feeling the effects of the jutsu and using Shinju's chakra cloak. I closed my eyes slowly welcoming the darkness.

I was startled when I felt another chakra in the dimension and I stood up slowly. I saw Kawaki on top of a cliff and he started to get away from Isshiki. I activated the lowest stage of my kekkei genkai running to help Kawaki. "Silver style; shielding barrier." I said going at Kawaki protecting him from the raining rods. "Kimui." He said surprised before the rods stopped. "You have to get out of here." I said to him and we heard Isshiki shout out to Kawaki.

"If you don't come to me in 20 seconds, I will kick open your beloved Hokage's chest, and make sure that he is dead, this time." Isshiki yelled and I saw fear all over Kawaki's face. "We can fix this alright." I said shuffling to my feet as I felt drained. I gave him a closed eye smile before I headed back to where Isshiki now was. Three chakra storages, one for ninjutsu, one for chakra attacks, and the last one for medical ninjutsu. I thought back to what Sakura sensei said while trying to regain as much chakra as I could.

I ran towards Isshiki as fast as I could gaining more momentum with the distance, I gathered chakra into my hands as I curled them into fists. I punched Isshiki with all the force I could with a small amount of chakra, halving my the chakra I had left. I managed to get Isshiki off lord seventh, but he got hold of my neck for the fourth time today. "You better come out quick Kawaki, or she will die." He said and a rod appeared out of his hand. I tried to get his hands off me which was turning out worse, as I felt my air supply run out slowly.

"Kawaki." Isshiki said throwing me to the ground. My blurry vision caught sight of Kawaki before I closed my eyes, feeling pain course through me.

We saved Kurama yay! To tell the truth I was never planning to kill him off even if Kishimoto did. So I'll see you guys is the next chapter, which I believe is the last chapter of this arc.


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