
A Silver Of Hope In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter Book 2)

After the Incident Kimui is hurt mentally, and her friends are no good either. They didn't think her as an enemy but as a threat. Kirai disappears out of sight and even Sasuke can't find her. The dangers of Kara increase. Will Kimui survive through her state or will she become her old cold self? Book 2 I really recommend you read Book 1 before this one or there'll be some confusion. (A Ray Of Silver In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter book 1) Boruto Naruto Next generation book. Sequel to The darkness series. Some of the Pics aren't mine but some are, Also Boruto belongs to the creator not me but the OC's are all mine.

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37 Chs

False Mission

Kimui's POV

"So we're stuck in this place and this psychopath lady wants revenge for something we didn't do." Boruto said pacing around the room. "I didn't know that my dad was a rouge." Sarada said and I was starting to get annoyed. "Uncle Asuma, how does she keep a grudge against him." Konohamaru sensei mumbled. "Will you all keep it quiet I'm trying to think of a way to get out of here." I snapped and the others quickly shut up.

"Hey kid I can help you get out." The Biju said. "Yeah and lose control again, I can't use your chakra even." I shot back and it kept quiet.

I reached my hand up my hair and smiled to find my charka blade still there. "Kimui, I have a plan, do you." Sensei asked seeing me smile. "Do any of you guys have any weapons." I asked and sensei took out a few kunais and shurikens and Sarada took out two paper bombs, while Mitsuki got out some charka rope. "You literally don't keep any weapons hidden." I said to Boruto. "Well neither do you." Boruto said back at me and I pulled out my hair pins and concentrated my chakra on it until it became a blade. "Hmph" Boruto said. "We can use some of our chakra so, first to break through that door." Sensei said and the others nodded.

"The doors made out of metal so we need a strong jutsu." I informed. "We can combine our jutsus like how we did on the chunin exams." Sarada said. "Fire and Wind." sensei said and we started doing hand signs. "Kimui I need you to aim purple lightning as soon as the door is hit with fire." Sensei said to me and I quickly changed my hand signs to purple lightning. "Fire style: Fire ball jutsu." Sarada and sensei said in unison. "Wind style: Immense break through/ gale palm." Boruto and Mitsuki said. "Purple lightning." I said and ran to door and it broke into pieces.

"Let's go head for the gates of the village." Konohamaru sensei said and we bolted for the gates. We were stopped on the middle of the road by three people. "Well, well did you think it would be that easy." Kaori said standing between the three people. "I introduce you, Itachi Uchiha, Asuma Sarutobi, and finally Hanare Kakoi." She said and my eyes widened. "H-how?" Sensei said almost shaking, in fear I think. "My friend Kabuto taught me a couple of things when we were young." Kaori said and they started to come at us. "Boruto, Mitsuki take Kaori." Sensei said and went to fight his uncle.

"Kimui, I suppose you didn't come for me after I died." Mom said slashing a kunai at my face which I dodged. "You're not real." I said reminding myself and I wielded my chakra blade. I ran at her and she was able to make many blows at me. Come on she's my mother do you expect me to fight her with no mercy. "I wish I killed you when you were born then I could have stayed with Kakashi." She said and I froze. She kicked me in the stomach and I got blown into a tree. "Don't let your emotions get in the way any of you." Sensei shouted to all of us. "They're a corps jutsu all you have to do is kill them." Sarada said. "Easy for you to say you never met the person you fought." I shot back at Sarada as I ran at my mother.

"Why won't you just die, It's not like anyone cares about you anyways." Mom said as I slashed her hand. "I couldn't care less about what you say." I said tears streaming down my eyes mixed with blood since I activated my Mangekyou sharingan. "The tears explain what you say." She said laughing. "I do believe what you said some of it, your right my friends hate me but I don't show it and you were the one who taught me that." I said but I didn't know that the others were listening. I charged up my jutsu. "Lightning style: twin dragon running technique." I shouted aiming the jutsu straight at her heart. She yelled out a scream before turning to a rubble of earth. That's great I just watched my mother die twice and this time I did it. I thought.

"What took you so long." Boruto said seeing that I finished fighting and I noticed that they we're just tying up Kaori. "Why do you care." I responded to him still not back to my usual state. "Since this was not a real mission we'll be returning to the boat now." Sensei said and we started walking toward the boat which we'll be travelling to Konoha on.

I headed straight for the room that I was staying at and Boruto grabbed my hand and I swapped it away. "Kimui we just want to talk." He said. "I heard what you said in the hospital two months ago you were all there weren't you." I said turning my head around and looking at them. They didn't reply. "Just as I thought." I said before going into my room. I took a shower and got ready and waited till we docked it was a three hour travel so it was short.

Our way back to Konoha was quiet. Boruto will open his mouth but decide not to talk and close it again. "I'll report you guys should get home." Sensei said when we reached Konoha gates. "Kimui wait." Boruto said and I stopped and faced them. "We were wrong about what we said at the hospital, we just thought that you were angry for no reason." Boruto explained.

"Can you forgive us." Sarada finished. "Sure, yeah it's fine." I said and turned around again. "Do you want to go to Ichiraku maybe that's where we go after missions." Boruto said. "Thanks but I want to be alone now." I said and teleported home. "I'm home." I said and realized the house was empty. I sighed and went upstairs into my bedroom and locked the door, before crumbling onto the floor. I have held in my emotions for a while now. I fell to sleep on the floor where I was.

I woke up next morning and sensed another chakra in the house. I got up and changed my clothes after a shower and went downstairs. I came face to face with an angry Sakura. "Please tell me that dad didn't leave you to keep an eye on me." I said annoyed. "You little, aren't you suppose to meet your team today." She yelled. "Mrs. Sakura too loud, it's too early for this." I whined. "Have you been crying, what happened." She said her voice a little soft. "No my eyes are red because I was using my Mangekyou yesterday." I lied, boy it was much easier to lie than get bombarded with all her questions. "Well I'm suppose to meet my team and I have to get ready so see you later." I said rushing upstairs.