
A Silver Of Hope In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter Book 2)

After the Incident Kimui is hurt mentally, and her friends are no good either. They didn't think her as an enemy but as a threat. Kirai disappears out of sight and even Sasuke can't find her. The dangers of Kara increase. Will Kimui survive through her state or will she become her old cold self? Book 2 I really recommend you read Book 1 before this one or there'll be some confusion. (A Ray Of Silver In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter book 1) Boruto Naruto Next generation book. Sequel to The darkness series. Some of the Pics aren't mine but some are, Also Boruto belongs to the creator not me but the OC's are all mine.

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37 Chs

Chakra Burst

Kimui's POV

I walked down the stairs to see dad in the kitchen and I hurried my footsteps to get out of the house. "So, where did you go at midnight?" Dad asked and I froze up. "What do you mean?" I asked back trying to act dumb. "I knocked on the door three times this morning Kimui, and when I opened the door I didn't get hit by any pillows or any sort of weapon, I wonder why." Dad said turning around from what he was doing. "I was on the roof." I lied. "Why?" Dad asked setting breakfast down on the table. "I wanted to see the sunrise." I said mentally kicking myself for how bad I was lying. "It's 6:30 already, I have to go, I don't want to have your reputation dad." I said and rushed out of the house running to the training grounds before he could respond.

"I see that you're on time, unlike Kakashi." Lady Tsunade said and I sweat dropped. Why did he have to make a reputation as a late person, I bet he would even be late for his date with mom. I thought. "Let's begin, first of all how long has it been since you have been storing your chakra?" Lady Tsunade asked. "About 4 months." I said thinking back to when I started to train. "Good, Sakura told me that you have a strong kekkei genkai, so we'll use it in your training as well." She explained and I nodded activating my kekkei genkai, but not to the fullest. "Medical ninjas should be able to stay strong in the battle field without getting injured, so that they can heal others." Lady tsunade said launching an attack which I dodged. She kept launching attacks and I ran around blocking or dodging everything.

My back started burning where the seal was before, and I felt the chakra near my eyes grow stronger. Lady Tsunade stopped her attacks and I fell on to my knees trying to control the strong chakra coursing through me. "Kimui, you need to relax, that will lower the effects." She said trying to calm me down. I tried everything but things kept getting worse. I felt another chakra in the training grounds, and I saw a swirling sharingan before I blacked out.

Sasuke's POV

I was in the room interrogating Amando with Naruto and shikamaru, when I started to feel a disturbing chakra. "The target right now is Kawaki, and the girl." Amado said and I snapped my attention back to him. "Who are you talking about?" Naruto asked and I also looked at him interested. "The Hatake girl, she used to have the ten tails sealed within her, Jigen once decided to put isshiki's karma inside her instead of Kawaki, since she could hold up a higher amount of chakra than most people, but he changed his mind." Amado said.

"Then why does he need her now?" Shikamaru asked. "She is much stronger than she shows, I am quite surprised that she never shows it, Jigen made contact with Kirai Shimura only for this cause, he has been waiting for her to unlock the koyougan the eyes of many secrets, the wielder can only be from the Hatake clan, and is a reincarnate of Nayuki Otsutsuki Hatake." Amado answered. The chakra got stronger and even Naruto detected it, I nodded body flickering to the chakra and I saw Lady Tsunade next to whoever was emitting the chakra.

I quickly walked towards them to see that it was Kimui, her eyes were bleeding and the blood was black as were her eyes. I quickly activated my sharingan knocking her out. "What happened?" I asked Tsunade looking at the now unconscious girl. "She lost control of her kekkei genkai, and maybe her chakra." She replied still looking a little stunned. I flicked back to the interrogating room and Naruto gave me a questioning look. "It seems her chakra is growing stronger, aren't I right Sasuke Uchiha?" Amado said before I said anything. "Yes, I suppose we should alert Kakashi on this." I said to Naruto and we turned back to the fight.

Kakashi's POV

I sat on the couch reading Icha Icha peacefully until I heard someone knocking the door. I sighed getting up from the couch. I wonder what Naruto would say today. I thought annoyed that I had to stop reading. I opened the door to come face to face with Lady Tsunade and Tenzo who was behind her. "Yo." I said casually and Lady Tsunade sighed. "I came to bring your daughter home Kakashi, she might have a slight fever, Sasuke or Naruto would explain the rest." She said walking back towards the road and I saw that Tenzo was carrying Kimui. "Have a nice day, Kakashi senpai." Tenzo said going after Lady Tsunade after handing me my unconscious daughter.

"What happened, Kimui?" I said mostly to myself placing her down on her bed. I headed into the bathroom to get a rag to calm down the rising fever. "Morning." I said seeing her open her eyes and she flinched slightly. "So what happened?" I asked setting the rag on Kimui's forehead. "I don't know." She said making me raise an eyebrow at her. "Really?" I asked and she nodded before wincing and stopped. "Does it hurt?" I asked lifting her head up slightly. "Sort of." she replied. I noticed bandages on Kimui's arms and I started to unroll them before she yanked her hand away from me.

"I- I put those on this morning." Kimui said and I furrowed my eyebrows, but decided to ask her about it later. "Get some rest alright, we'll talk later." I said to her pecking her forehead and leaving the room. I walked into the kitchen deciding to make some lunch which would probably become dinner.

I finished cooking some miso soup and eggplant which was consequently both mine and Kimui's favorite food. "I should wake her." I said to myself looking at the clock seeing that two hours had already passed. I walked towards the stairs calmly not trying to be in such a hurry. "STOOOP." A scream came out from the upper floor and I rushed upstairs to Kimui's room.

Kimui's POV

Dad left the room and I felt tiredness from the night before hit me like a brick wall. I closed my eyes welcoming the darkness and some sleep.


I was back in the room I saw the night before but this time there weren't any corpses around the place. I blinked looking around the dark room letting my eyes adjust to the darkness. I saw Boruto but his left eye was glowing and the marks were all over his body. "You are next." He said shoving the person he was choking away and I heard a deafening crack from the now lifeless body that belonged to Mitsuki. "B-boruto, s-stop." I stuttered moving back. "Boruto." Sarada yelled from the surrounding but he ignored it coming towards me. I did hand signs for a jutsu and aimed at him but nothing happened. Boruto took up a kunai and I sumbled back falling. "STOOOP." I yelled as the kunai came at my chest.

Nightmare end

I woke up sitting up on the bed in an instance and I quickly covered my mouth. I heard loud footsteps coming fast to my door before it bursted open. Dad stood at the door for a while before walking towards me worry written all over his face. I tried to act like nothing happened and opened my mouth to make an excuse, but before I could say anything I was enveloped in an embrace. "Let it out Kimui, it's okay to cry." Dad said and I buried myself into his chest letting out some tears. Dad raked his had hand through my hair in a calming way and I started to feel sleepy again.

Hey guys, we're heading to the bigger part of this arc, so fasten your seatbelts and grab a tissue box cause this is a long and painful arc for our dear OC.

Sayonara for now

Lylee_Salymcreators' thoughts