
A Silver Of Hope In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter Book 2)

After the Incident Kimui is hurt mentally, and her friends are no good either. They didn't think her as an enemy but as a threat. Kirai disappears out of sight and even Sasuke can't find her. The dangers of Kara increase. Will Kimui survive through her state or will she become her old cold self? Book 2 I really recommend you read Book 1 before this one or there'll be some confusion. (A Ray Of Silver In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter book 1) Boruto Naruto Next generation book. Sequel to The darkness series. Some of the Pics aren't mine but some are, Also Boruto belongs to the creator not me but the OC's are all mine.

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37 Chs

Captain Round

Kimui's POV

"Well this is a boring entrance." Cho cho said looking at the gate we were suppose to go through. It was two poles with a banner hung on them saying 'second round'. "You guys should really be more excited about this." Shikadai said and I agreed with him. We went into the field and were met by lord seventh and the other proctors for the exam. "This is where the Chunin exams were held before." Megumi sensei said to us. "This part of the exam will see how you handle things as Captain, right now there are injured subordinates inside the forest, your job as captain is to rescue them." Mr. Shikamaru explained

"Unlike before, you will be on your own in this part of the exams." Mr. Sai said. "There are 12 subordinated in the forest, so it is as the early bird catches the worm." Megumi sensei spoke and three of the genins jumped into the forest only to be snatched inside. "Just so you know there are creatures in the forest, that will attack you." Megumi sensei said with a wink. "Not only that but there are chunin ranked ninja in the forest working as your enemies, so don't let your guard down." Mr. Shikamaru said and Sarada stepped up.

"Just to confirm, even if we save the subordinates, if we don't get out of the forest in time, would we not pass to the next round." Sarada asked and people started murmuring. "There is no third round in this exam." Mr. Sai announced. "That's great, then if we pass this round we get to be chunin." Boruto yelled out in joy. "Alright, your 45 minutes starts now." Megumi sensei shouted and we all rushed into the forest. "You can go on your own Kimui, we're a part of a trio anyways." Cho cho yelled and I smiled biting my finger. "Kimui, what's going on." Hana said as we sped through the forest.

I stopped on a branch making a seal and activated my Yureigan, searching the area I saw a chakra signature and I smirked quickly heading towards the area. "You have got to be kidding me." I said and Akio looked up to me. "In my defence, I didn't see the spider." He said and I saw a giant spider on an even bigger web. I ran at it as it came towards me and I punched the spider hard in the abdomen, sending it flying out of the zone we were in. I cut Akio out of the webs and I started healing his leg. "Thanks Kimui chan." He said and I got him on my back running through the forest hurriedly.

"Looks like you're also going to pass huh." I heard a voice and saw Daiki next to me carrying another subordinate. "Keep dreaming princess." He said and threw a kunai at me which I dodged. I made hand signs and aimed my jutsu at him and his attacks. "Silver style: Silver flames." I said launching flames at him to which he put out with a water jutsu. "You're dead." Daiki said and threw shurinkens at me. I dodged most of them but one of them cut my thigh in the process, and one of them scratched my cheek.

"Akio, I'm going to do a jutsu, just one question, can you use lightning style." I asked dodging more Kunais while talking. "Yeah, why do you ask." He asked. "Just wanna make sure that you won't die." I said and I saw his freaked out expression. "Lightning style: Body flicker." I said and flickered as close as I could to the gates. "We made it." Akio said and I looked back to see Daiki throw another Kunai. I turned my back to the gate and blocked the Kunai, stepping through the gate at the same time.

"He really has some hate for you." Cho cho said as I met them. "I guess you could say that." I replied healing my scratches, made by the attacks Daiki made on me. I healed Cho cho's arm which to she said that a branch pricked her as she was rolling with her chunin. "Is the chunin alright." I asked her. "Yeah, he's fine." Inojin replied sighing. "Though he did have some injuries, none major." He said as Cho cho blabbered away.

"Sarada made it." Cho cho said and I looked at the gate to see her put down the chunin. "Guess everyone is almost out." I said looking around. "Accept Boruto." Mitsuki responded and I caught a hint of worry in his tone. "He's fine Mitsuki, and not so far from the gate either." I said looking into the forest with my yureigan to find Boruto's chakra. The time was ticking down to the last seconds and we saw Boruto come running towards the gates. He managed to get one foot out as the time went up. "He failed." Sarada sighed beside me.

"I almost made it." Boruto said slumping down on a boulder. "It'll be alright Boruto." Iwabe said trying to cheer him up. "These are the ones of you that passed." Mr. Sai said and the names started showing up on the board. All the names came up and I saw mine, and to last there was Boruto's name. "What, I passed." He exclaimed astonished. "You saved a comrade, even though you couldn't cross the finish line, we can't let go a participant that saved a comrade, so you passed." Mr. Sai explained and Boruto jumped up in joy.

"Now we will meet you again, for the final round of the exams." Megumi sensei said. "Wait you said that there was no more rounds." Inojin pointed out. "Yes, before you told us, that there will be no third round." Sarada agreed with him. "Yes, we did say that there will be no third round, but there will be a final round." Mr. Sai responded. "And in this round you will be facing off against each other." Mr. Shikamaru said and I looked around at everybody. "I would have to fight one of you guys." Sarada said as the others murmured. I can't fight any of my team, not after what happened last time. I thought and images of the last chunin exams flashed my mind.

Well that's for now, hope you guys like the chapter and I think you guys know how the exams are going to go. So I'm not going to go into much detail as I continue this arc.

See you next time.

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