
A Silver Of Hope In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter Book 2)

After the Incident Kimui is hurt mentally, and her friends are no good either. They didn't think her as an enemy but as a threat. Kirai disappears out of sight and even Sasuke can't find her. The dangers of Kara increase. Will Kimui survive through her state or will she become her old cold self? Book 2 I really recommend you read Book 1 before this one or there'll be some confusion. (A Ray Of Silver In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter book 1) Boruto Naruto Next generation book. Sequel to The darkness series. Some of the Pics aren't mine but some are, Also Boruto belongs to the creator not me but the OC's are all mine.

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37 Chs

Calm Before The Storm

Kimui's POV

"First let's see how far you can go with your kekkei genkai." Chinami said looking at me. "I guess we could do it that way." I said before activating my kekkei genkai and black chakra enveloped my body. "Is that the farthest you can go." Chinami taunted making me angry. "Don't tease me, I already know how far I could go." I said and my hair flared in the air and Chinami's eyes widened. "Kimui, I think you should stop letting out that much KI." Akio said moving behind Chinami. I calmed down and my hair went back to normal.

"How far did I go?" I asked. "Well, far enough, no one has ever gone higher than the second level, I believe that you're special now." Chinami said and I thought about what Nayuki san said last night. "Well, I guess I could be." I said shrugging. "Alright, then do an Inferno style: Needle jutsu." Chinami said and I nodded making hand signs. "Inferno style: Hundred needles of death." I said and jumped in the air spinning, causing hundreds of needles to go everywhere. As I landed I heard yelps and ouches from the bush behind me. "You four can come out now." I said and three of my teammates and Cho cho stepped out of the bush. I guess Shikadai thought this was too much of a drag. I thought looking at them. "Hey Kimui, how did you know." Boruto said and I rolled my eyes. "You're chakra concealing abilities need more work." I said and Sarada deadpanned.

"It doesn't need work." Boruto said pouting. "To me it seems it does, and don't you all need to train, it looks like you're still genin." Chinami said and I smirked. "What about you guys, which rank are you." Sarada asked and I internally rolled my eyes. "I'm Chunin, and Chinami is ANBU." Akio said making the others stare at Chinami wide eyed. "See you guys later." I said making them leave the training grounds allowing me to get back into training.

~Time skip around till noon~

"We're done training for today." Chinami said as we stopped training. "Sounds good enough for me." Akio said falling down in exhaustion. "I guess I'll get going then." I said quickly trying to leave before Chinami told me to help Akio home. "Hey wait." She said but I cloaked myself and disappeared from her sight.

"I'm home." I said entering my house to find it empty. I hope nothing happened. I thought heading upstairs to my room. I almost closed my room door before I heard a knock on the front door. I opened the front door to come face to face with Sarada. "Did you hear that there was an attack, some lady from Kara attacked Lord Seventh, Boruto, Himawari, and Kawaki?" Sarada asked speaking in a rush. "I don't think I did." I said before Sarada dragged me out of the house. "Where are we going?" I asked getting slightly annoyed by her dragging me around. "We're going to the Uzumaki residence, to see how they are, Mitsuki's meeting us there." Sarada said and Mitsuki came up to us.

"I don't really see a point, I mean if they're fine, I bet they'll want sometime." I said and we stopped in front of the Uzumaki residence. Sarada knocked on the door and Himawari opened the door and smiled at us. "Oh you guys are back." Mitsuki said as we walked into the house. "Are you here to spy on me again?" Kawaki asked facing Sarada and Mitsuki. "We came to see if you guys were alright." Sarada said and I moved slightly back not wanting to face anyone's anger. "Well since you guys are okay, I'm just going to go." I said stepping back a little more trying to leave.

"You really didn't want to come right." Mitsuki asked and I nodded sitting down on the couch. "Well at least be a little respectful, since I brought you here." Sarada said and I rolled my eyes. "I could have been resting right now." I mumbled and gladly no one heard. "What are you going to do with only one hand?" Sarada asked Kawaki. Boruto showed her a robotic hand and explained how it works. "So a hand that uses Lord Sevenths chakra, it must be pretty strong." Mitsuki said and I said nothing still not wanting to be there. "He said that people are connected with chakra, but I believe that this would somehow make him weaker." Kawaki said looking at the arm.

"It does make sense since he's an Uzumaki and a Jinchuuriki." I said and the others turned towards me. "I am not explaining, so go ask him." I said seeing their expressions. "How do you know anyways?" Boruto asked and I raised an eyebrow. "I was a Jinchuuriki." I said bluntly at him. "Oh yeah, Kimui you told us that you'll show us your new chidori." Sarada said gleefully interrupting the silence. "I did?" I asked not remembering when I had told her that. "Yeah, come on lets go." Boruto said and we left the house leaving Kawaki behind since he wasn't allowed.

"Are you guys sure about this." I asked and Boruto nodded as Sarada showed us where she was training for the last couple of days. "Lets do this." Sarada said excited. I ran on the water towards the waterfall with my Chidori charged up. "Inferno style: Chidori." I shouted activating my kekkei genkai and my chidori turned black. I hit the waterfall with full force and it separated creating black flames in the water before it disappeared. "That was so cool." Boruto shouted as I came out of the stream. "I've really got to catch up with you guys." Sarada said deflating. "You're pretty good already Sarada." I said trying to cheer her up.

"Yeah but you guys are on a another whole level." Sarada said frustrated. "Boruto's worse than you." I said and Boruto started yelling at my ear. "Fine lets spare." Boruto said after me ignoring him for too long. "I'm not really interested in sparring with you Boruto." I said. "Or are you scared." Boruto taunted and I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't overestimate myself if I were you." I said and agreed to spar with him. "No deadly jutsus." I said and he nodded in agreement.

We went at each other and our weapons clashed before I flipped into the air making my chakra blade flare up in black chakra. "And you said no deadly stuff." Boruto said as I blocked all of the shurikens he shot at me. "If you're going to be like that, then I'm going all out." Boruto shouted creating a Rasengan making me roll my eyes. "You're dead." I said and punched he ground cracking it and his Rasengan disappeared. "No fair." Boruto wined and I smirked before cloaking myself completely disappearing from sight.

"Release." Boruto shouted. "It's not a genjutsu Baka." Sarada shouted from the side. Boruto ran forward trying to find me while I laughed silently in front of him. "Come out already will ya." Boruto shouted and I smirked. "If you say so." I said and punched Boruto in the face making him fly back. "You just never learn, do you." I said looking at Boruto who was still on the ground. "I've learned new tricks too." Boruto said and his clone disappeared. How did I not notice that. I thought. "Rasengan." Boruto shouted and it hit me in the back. "KIMUI." Sarada and Mitsuki yelled in unison before my lightning clone turned to lightning and electrocuted Boruto.

"That hurt." I said panting while Boruto was on the ground. "How can you say that, I'm the one who got electrocuted." Boruto said sitting up. "Well even if it was a clone, it still does feel pain." I said as Sarada and Mitsuki came up to us. "What happened to not using any deadly jutsus." Sarada said facing the both of us. "I did stick to the rule." I said and she turned to Boruto. "She's better than me." Boruto mumbled and I smiled. "I'm sorry what was that." I said making Sarada smirk. "I said YOU ARE BETTER THAN ME." Boruto screamed and the three of us laughed at his antics.

Hey guys, this is the end of the arc and I'll be starting a new one soon. Hope you like the chapter.

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