
A Silver Of Hope In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter Book 2)

After the Incident Kimui is hurt mentally, and her friends are no good either. They didn't think her as an enemy but as a threat. Kirai disappears out of sight and even Sasuke can't find her. The dangers of Kara increase. Will Kimui survive through her state or will she become her old cold self? Book 2 I really recommend you read Book 1 before this one or there'll be some confusion. (A Ray Of Silver In The Darkness (Kakashi's Daughter book 1) Boruto Naruto Next generation book. Sequel to The darkness series. Some of the Pics aren't mine but some are, Also Boruto belongs to the creator not me but the OC's are all mine.

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37 Chs

A Rank Mission

Kimui's POV

It's been three weeks now and we have been stuck with D rank missions within the village. "Hey guys guess what Shikadai is chunin now." Boruto said coming to the training grounds late. "Well, next time be on time Boruto. Now you will spar with each other, to see how you have improved." Konohamaru sensei said. "Sarada and Kimui your first." Sensei said and we nodded. "So lets end this quick." Sarada said activating her sharingan. "We'll see." I said running to her with kunai at hand.

"Fire style: fireball jutsu." Sarada said. "Water style: Water wall." I said and our jutsus collided creating a thick layer of smoke. "Lightning style: Lightning balls." Sarada said and I jumped into the air dodging the balls of lightning. I landed on the ground and activated my eyes. "Yūreigan." I said before starting to move faster than the eye could track. "Cha!" Sarada shouted aiming a punch to the ground. "Silver style: Silver trap." I said and Sarada stopped moving and I stopped and smirked. "What is this." Sarada said tryin to move but the silver travelled further up her arms and legs. "It's impossible to break out of." I said calmly. "I give up." Sarada said and I release the jutsu. "Good job you two you have improved well." Sensei said. "Oh come on, both me and Mitsuki can defeat the two of them." Boruto said and we looked at each other and smiled.

"You know we can fight them." I said and sensei sighed but agreed. "Alright." Boruto said loud as ever. "Begin." Sensei said and Boruto made shadow clones and ran at us. "Shadow clone jutsu." I said creating 30 clone half of them as Sarada and half of them as me. Sarada fought Boruto while I fought Mitsuki. A hand came from under boruto and pulled him down to the ground, while he kept screaming. "Surprised." I said Showing up next to Sarada. "Mitsuki." Boruto called out looking for him. "I'll get you out Boruto." Mitsuki said running to him. "Lets do this." Sarada said and I nodded. "Cha!" We both said in unison and punched Mitsuki, which he blocked but still went flying back. "Girls win." Sensei announced and there was cheering from team ten who arrived at the training ground at sometime.

"Can someone get me out of this." Boruto shouted and Sarada walked up to him. "Here." She said punching the ground near, Boruto and he stared wide eyed. "Th-thanks Sarada." Boruto stuttered. "Yeah girls are the best we always kick boys butts." Megumi sensei shouted and Konohamaru sensei mumbled something.

"This is a mission to the land of valleys, we are going to help a woman named Mia find her husband, this is an A rank mission." Sensei explained. "And Big bro Mugino is coming with us?" Boruto asked and sensei nodded. "His name is Anato and he has been missing for months, please bring him back." Ms. Mia said crying. "We'll bring him back, I promise." Boruto said smiling. "Let's go." Sensei said and we split into teams and scouted the area.

"Guys there's a weird chakra on the edge of the left side of cliff." I said as soon as I spotted it with my Yūreigan. "Mr. Anato we're here to take you back to Ms. Mia." Boruto said to the man and he turned to us. His skin was grey and he looked a lot different than in the photo. We fought him and Konohamaru sensei and Mugino- san arrived helping us. "Lightning style: snake lightning." Mitsuki said hitting the Mr. Anato and he passed out. "We'll be taking this from here." A man said coming to the scene with a couple guards. And my memories started flashing.


I came back to consciousness and saw wires everywhere some were even connected to me. "Victor I need the Biju out of her I don't care even if she dies." Kirai said facing the man. "Yes that will be the case but the machine doesn't seem to be working." Victor said.

Flashback end

"Kimui are you even listening." Sensei said and I looked up and scratched the back of my neck. "Sorry I just thought I saw something." I said and Mugino-san looked at me giving me an 'I'm not buying it' look. We left the location and waited near a stream till Sensei confronted Boruto about going home. "What actually happened." Mugino- san said turning to me. "What do you mean." I said giving him a confused look. "Konohamaru told me that your not the type to daydream so what happened when you saw victor." He asked a little strictly. "It's nothing important." I said walking to Sarada.

"He's burning up." Sarada said and I focused my chakra and used medical ninjutsu on Mitsuki. "It's not working and his chakra is changing just like Mr. Anato's." I said and stopped healing him. "Then we have no choice, I know someone who has good medical skills we'll go there." Mugino-san said. We walked for an hour before making it to a dome like place. In just a couple minutes a man came running out of the place and fell down. "Yubina." Mugino-san said. And the talked for a while and we went inside and laid Mitsuki down. "Any of you have skills in medical ninjutsu she asked and Both Sarada and I nodded. "Then the both of you'll assist me." She said and told the others to leave.

"It's done." Sarada said to the others and they came inside. "This was what I found inside him." Yubina said taking out a piece of wood. "Hashirama cell." Sensei said looking at the peice of wood. "The land of silence that is the only place." Mugino-san said. "We'll be going to the land of silence." Konohamaru sensei confirmed.

We traveled to the land of silence taking short breaks around time. "We're here." Boruto said looking at the gate. "Now we'll have to blend in so, take off your head bands and put these on." Mugino-san said giving us all cloaks. "Well, well I wasn't expecting to see who I wanted here." Kirai said jumping behind me and she put me in a headlock. "Any of you move she dies." She said pointing a kunai to my neck. "Let her go. We'll give you anything you want." Konohamaru sensei said. "I want what is inside her and the machine is finally complete and ready for it." Kirai said and I swung my leg back and kicked her, but she didn't move.

"Like old times huh, Kimui except this time you won't getting out of this alive." she said Detonating a smoke bomb and I lost consciousness.