

The year is x368 {4 years old}

Quick change he needs to be genin to buy D ranked jutsus

He can be any rank to use any type of of jutsus


Kukunochi-(What do I need to do to rank up To genin?)

[Already meet with conditions genin title acquired pick a forehead protector]

Kukunochi-(Let's see purple cloth, more the metal part for the symbol otsutsuki clan's oh i can add horns, ho horns I'm not putting it on my head)

Lets look at the justus I can buy and They cost from 1,000 to 5,000 wow I only have enough for one. Let's buy leaf gale and that's all my points well time for my clones to train. I almost forgot about my random d-rank justu and it's the Leaf whirlwind.

Kukumochi-(So how much are points and how do I get them?)

[1,000 points is 10000 jewels, you can accept D and C rank mission]

Kukunochi-(Holy shit one sage points is five million jewels how do I get mission?)

[Are you an idiot?]

Kukunochi-(Nope so I assume I would need to join a thief guild or something like that and accept missions that way?)


Well I let's make some shadow clones to train the new Justus while I use my summoning technique. Maybe I can learn some some things from them.

I take out the scrolls I need to make a contract by signing my name in blood then some marks and then the fingerprints of my one hand and the contract has been made. After I was done with making the contract I bite the hand I used to sign with my fingers and summon a slug.

Slug-"Oh hello did you summon me?"

Kukunochi-"Yes I did my names Kukunochi Otsutsuki and my goal's are to become strong enough to protect people from dragons"

Slug-"Oh that's nice my names sludgy I'm a medical slug here take this it's dangerous to be alone" sludgy gives him an shining egg.

Kunuochi-"So this is my summon?"

Sludgy-"Give it a name"

Kumunochi-"Um Saiken"

Sludgy-"Slug isn't in it but it's still a good name here take this as a gift you can summon us if you need help, same thing with us if we need help we will summon you" them he poofs away leaving a book.

The book contained knowledge on how to raise a slug it also contained the healing techquie, water release: water bullet and water release: syrup trap. I need to learn these and teach the sailed these techniques.

[Completed hidden quest rewarded: 6 taild chakra... Do you want to integrate with the chakra or do you want to give it to your summon?]

Kumunochi-(Give it to saiken)

Well now time to learn some more jutsus by abusing shadow clone the best way to train. I just realized that I don't need to wait to train my body because my body is stronger then normal people so time to take out might guys training book and feel the power of youth.

Ok the basic training is :

Run 10km

Handwalk 500 Meters

500+ Push-ups/Fingertip Push-ups

One Leg Forward Hops- 100 Meters Each Side

Wall Sit- 5 Sets for MAX Time

Double Lateral Hops- 100 Each Side

500 Punches to Striking Post/Heavy Bag

500 Kicks to Striking Post/Heavy Bag

{ See this website https://www.realanimetraining.com/maito-gais-basic-training/ }

Ahahahahahah To bad I can't use shadow clones to train my body I wonder when I can get the 8 gates technique. At least I have something I can do instead of replacing my shadow clone in school because I'm bored I should try to make some jutsus anyway let's see my stats.

[kumunochi Age: 4 years old


Chakra Reserves - 1 tails level

Shinobi points - 0

Kekkei - Wood release, Steel release]

Yes i basically gave him the 6 tails

Spear_For_Kittenscreators' thoughts