
A Shadows Life

I exist and everyone knows what I am, but I'm often forgotten. I am always there, but go unnoticed. I have no features of my own, and yet I can be seen. I follow where you go and what you do, but no one ever does the same to me. I am visible and always present yet no one speaks to me. I disappear at night but no one goes to search for me or worries.

Vanilla_IceCream16 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs


Seashell, seashell, on the sea shore, why aren't I picked when people need more? Perhaps it's because I am not an attractive color. Maybe it's because you can't hear ocean waves in me. Mayhap it's because I don't have a cool design. Probably the fact that I can't be touched. Probably the fact that I'm gray or black. But most certainly the fact that I'm not a physical object. Well, what are you? You may be wondering. I am a shadow. Nice and small. Kids scream and play, adults get a tan or barbecue, I sit in the blazing sun and wait for someone to cherish me too. I enjoy the rhythmic lulling sound of ocean waves hitting the sand, the peaceful nights, the phenomenal sunsets and sunrises. But even with all that I get lonely and wish to be taken away by a caring person. But like all wishes, not a lot of them come true. Afterall I am just a shadow.

Hello, check out my other novels? ;)

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