
A Shadows Life

I exist and everyone knows what I am, but I'm often forgotten. I am always there, but go unnoticed. I have no features of my own, and yet I can be seen. I follow where you go and what you do, but no one ever does the same to me. I am visible and always present yet no one speaks to me. I disappear at night but no one goes to search for me or worries.

Vanilla_IceCream16 · Fantasi
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27 Chs


I exude a brave and confident aura, but no one ever looks over. I am lion's shadow. If it wasn't for my glorious mane, I would look the same as a lioness or a cheetah. I am overshadowed by my 'owner's' aura and features, which is pretty ironic coming from it's shadow. Think back, how many times have you seen a picture purely dedicated to me? Not often. Of course it makes more sense to care about the actual animal, but it's still sad never being popular even in photos. My tail is also a dead giveaway of what I am but, compared to the real thing, it's not something I should be proud about. I feel like I'm always forgotten when photographers come take photos. Sometimes this makes me think, would people pay more attention to me if I was an actual lion? I can't become a lion, obviously, but it's nice being able to dream.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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