
A Shadows Life

I exist and everyone knows what I am, but I'm often forgotten. I am always there, but go unnoticed. I have no features of my own, and yet I can be seen. I follow where you go and what you do, but no one ever does the same to me. I am visible and always present yet no one speaks to me. I disappear at night but no one goes to search for me or worries.

Vanilla_IceCream16 · Fantasi
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27 Chs


Sometimes I feel so glad I'm not a diary and just the shadow. You may wonder why but the answer is simple. A diary is a place to share your inner thoughts and feelings but it's a rather sad place. Sometimes while I watch someone open up their diary I see tears drip down or happy smiles turn into disappointment. If I were a diary I would know what they write even if I don't truly understand. It's hard knowing what others feel because then you feel obligated to act on them but you find yourself a loss for what to do. I think being a shadow is great because I don't have to understand or be understood. My life is simple and that's the way I like it.