
A Shadows Life

I exist and everyone knows what I am, but I'm often forgotten. I am always there, but go unnoticed. I have no features of my own, and yet I can be seen. I follow where you go and what you do, but no one ever does the same to me. I am visible and always present yet no one speaks to me. I disappear at night but no one goes to search for me or worries.

Vanilla_IceCream16 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs

Angel statue

With wings but unmoving. A statue of a little angel sits on swirled shells with a hand holding the chin and an expression of boredom. I sit blended in with the shadows of two flightless pelicans and a short vase filled with orange flowers. Much like the little angel I sit with I have nothing to do and no one to play with. I would say my expression is one of boredom as well but I am a shadow so you are unable to see my face. I watch the family move about and their grandchildrens visits. I watch arguments and greetings. Partys and lonesome nights, I witness it all from my spot under the living room table. I remain unscathed because none goes near a table just for decor not large enough to be of use. Perhaps if one were to come near and crack the little angel I would have another part of myself to speak to. But until such an event occurs I sit in boredom witnessing lives continue one.