
A Secret Melody

Max enjoys creating music with his best friends from high school. But what happens when they get signed by a music label? He meets the sweet, beautiful, hardworking, Jayde. Will this be a terrific love story or the end of a tragic romance? Read and find out!

Axel_Mills · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


The man before her was none other than her ex father-in-law. Yes, Jake's father was the owner of the recording studio she was employed at. So she had no choice but to play nice. Internally, Jayde was preparing herself for the sexual comments that were coming her way, as they always did.

But, to her surprise, they didn't come. Instead, he asked, "How are you doing? Have you had lunch yet?" He noticed the surprised look on her face and quickly added, "This is a personal visit. I needed to discuss something important with you."

Jayde just nodded an agreement and he followed her to the elevator.

A short while later, they ended up at a taco truck on the side of a road. Jayde couldn't wait any longer. The anticipation was killing her. "So, what did you want to talk about," she asked him before popping a nacho into her mouth. She didn't care that it was the least bit attractive. Nothing else on the menu looked good to her.

He chuckled as a bit of cheese fell on her chin, the corners of his eyes wrinkling. "Well," he began as he handed her a napkin. "It's about Jake actually." Jayde's eyes shot at him, giving him a silent warning not to go there. His hands flew up, surrendering. "It's not what you think."

Jayde stared at him in silence for a while before nodding her head and letting him continue.

"Jayde, he's sick," he didn't go into anymore detail right away, but looking at his face and the tone of his voice, Jayde knew it was serious. "He has cancer and it's pretty serious. We've all tried contacting you but you must have changed your number. Jake asked me to come find you and-"

Jayde quickly cut him off. "And? There's an 'and'? You realize he and I aren't married anymore right? I sacrificed so much for him! My family! My friends! My career! Just so he could throw me away for...," Jayde couldn't finish her outburst. The horrid memories came flooding back to her as she spoke about the first and only man she'd ever loved.

"Jayde, I'm not asking you to forgive him, by any means. I'm asking you to go visit. I'd rather he pass knowing he did all he could and apologize to all those he hurt. You have all rights to be angry. I'm furious for you! But, at the end of the day, he's still my son. I want him to have no regrets leaving this world," Jake's dads eyes filled with tears that he tried to fight back. He didn't want to look weak in front of a woman.

Taking a deep breath, Jayde looked down at her plate and shook her head, thinking that this would be a huge mistake. "Fine. Where is he," she lifted her gaze to see the gentleman staring at her, tears threatening to fall as he smiled.

Max had just finished packing up everything he'd need from his room, except a few clothing items that he could use when he came home to visit. He was ecstatic to be leaving home for the first time, although he still felt guilty having to ask his dad for financial help.

As he loaded the last bag into his car, his mind wandered straight to Jayde. What was she doing today? Could he call and see if they could meet up for a drink later? It was a Friday afterall, how could she be so busy on a weekend?

Max smiled to himself and pulled his phone from his coat pocket. Scrolling through his recent calls, he spotted Jayde's number. He hesitated before pressing the small phone icon next to her name.

Holding the phone to his ear, he heard 2 rings before she picked up. "Mr. Jaxson, what may I assist you with," Jayde sounded to be in a better mood that she was the last time they spoke on the phone.

Max smiled to himself. "Miss Jayde, I'm not calling about business but I will inform you that we're moving into our new place down there today."

Jayde felt herself smiling at this, then shook herself. "Oh! It slipped my mind that you were moving down here. Well, if you didn't call about business, what did you want," her heart ached as she heard the cold tone to her own voice return.

Max chuckled lightly before replying, "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to get a drink, or even dinner, with me tonight. I figured you've been really busy with work and everything so-"

"Mr. Jaxson," her voice rang through his phone. "Are you asking me out on a date right now? That's against company policy and completely unprofessional. You have some nerve." Max wasn't sure what to say.

Jayde was holding her hand over her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh of her own. "Miss Jayde, you can reject me as many times as you wish. I refuse to go anywhere."

Jayde rolled her eyes slightly as she smiled. "Mr. Jaxson, why do you insist on pestering me?"

Max laughed heartily, "Because, I'm undoubtedly obsessed. You can tell me that night meant nothing to you, but it was something special to me. I'll pick you up from the office at 9 tonight."

Without giving her a second to decline his proposal, Max had hung up on her.