
A Secret Melody

Max enjoys creating music with his best friends from high school. But what happens when they get signed by a music label? He meets the sweet, beautiful, hardworking, Jayde. Will this be a terrific love story or the end of a tragic romance? Read and find out!

Axel_Mills · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


Jayde had the documents, sitting in front of her, on her desk as she waited for Max to call saying that he'd arrived.

She peeked at her watch, seeing that it was already 9 PM and let out a long sigh. He hadn't called yet. She hadn't heard anything since he left. And there was an unknown tightening in her chest as she thought maybe he had forgotten their plans.

Or, maybe he just wasn't interested in her the way she was in him? Just as she began to become overwhelmed with her inner dark thoughts, the elevator dinging. Jayde lifted her head and met the eyes of the very man she was beginning to worry about.

"Miss Jayde, I apologize, deeply. My cell phone died and I lost my wallet. I'm afraid we'll have to reschedule our dinner plans as I won't be able to pay tonight," Max's voice was soft and regret was written all over his face. She smiled at him and shook her head.

Picking up her coat, Jayde said, "Come now. What would you like to eat? I'll buy." She was relieved he was okay even if he was late. Her heart danced happily as she approached him, his cologne meeting her nose.

"I don't feel right having you pay for a date," Max looked down at the floor. He couldn't ask this beautiful woman to pay for him. Although, he was extremely grateful for her offer.

Jayde's heart ached as she saw his face fall as he declined her offer. She stepped closer to him, lifted his chin and leaned in. Her lips almost touched his as she said, "Don't worry about it. I got this one. You can pay me back later."

He met her eyes, wanting nothing more than to close that slight gap between their lips, as her warm, minty breath brushed across his face. He felt his stomach tighten as he held back the urge.

"Are you sure? We can just stay here and go over the papers if that'd be more convenient for your schedule," Max whispered back. His words were getting lost as his heart began to race.

Jayde smiled, turned his face slightly and placed a kiss at the corner of his mouth. "It's fine. Let's go," she said as she walked passed him. Her hips swayed with purpose and Max couldn't help but stare.

Max mentally shook himself. He wanted so badly to pull this woman into his arms and make the world bow before her. But all he could do was follow her. Max kept reminding himself that they were going to be colleagues soon and it would be not only unprofessional but also awkward to work with someone you work with.

They met each others eyes as they stepped into the elevator. Jayde hit the button for the lobby and smiled to herself. She knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted to spend the night with her and she wanted the same thing. She wanted him tied to her bed, face covered in sweat and moaning beneath her.

When she stepped back to stand beside him, she intentionally brushed her hand against his thigh.

That light touch sent electricity through Max's body. He looked down at her hand that accidentally touched him and thought about what it would feel like to have those delicate fingers brushing against his bare chest, caressing his body as they lay together. The image of her, clinging to him like her life depended on it, played vividly in his mind.

This woman had such an affect on him and he didn't understand why.

The elevator ride was quiet and seemed to take forever. Max was becoming anxious with his thoughts.

Jayde noticed how uncomfortable he was becoming. In an attempt to ease him a bit, she linked her arm through his and rested her head on his shoulder. She smiled as she felt his tense muscles relax under her touch.

At that moment, Max couldn't help but rest his head against hers. He could tell she was exhausted but she insisted on working this late at night. She was so devoted to her work and he admired her for that.

Max pulled his arm from her grip, making her lift her head in confusion. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his chest. As soon as Jayde was against him, her breath against his neck, he felt his body responding to her. But he refused to give into his natural urges.

Jayde smiled and rested her hands on his shoulders. Her heart skipped a beat and she wondered what this country boy had done to her. Why was she having these thoughts? Why did she want his touch so bad?

She decided it was best not to read too far into it. She was most likely over exhausted. She hadn't gotten much sleep lately. It made sense, as to why her body would crave a man she'd only just met, when she was this tired.

When they reached the lobby, Max was reluctant to let her go, but he did anyways. Feeling her pressed against him like that just felt right. He had to remind himself again that they were coworkers. He stepped out of the elevator and asked her to wait there while he went to get the car.

She watched him run off and rolled her eyes. How could one man be that sweet and caring? He doesn't need to fake so hard to get in my good graces, Jayde thought to herself.

But what if this wasn't fake? What if this was just how he was? She chuckled to herself. No, he's a man. They only know how to chase what benefits them. She'd learned that long ago.

Just then, Jayde began thinking about her ex husband. They'd been high school sweethearts back home. And they stayed together through college. After they graduated, they agreed to do a small courthouse wedding.

It wasn't even a year later that she caught him in bed with his boss. She was willing to forgive and forget. But Jake had insisted that he had no feelings for Jayde anymore. That's when he handed her the divorce papers.

Jayde felt sick to her stomach again. Every time she thought about Jake and what was and could've been, she felt nauseous. Her stomach tightening, and not in a good way. Bile rose in her throat.

Max walked in and held out a hand for her, "Are you ready?" He watched as the disgusted look quickly left her face as she met his gaze quickly disappeared. He wondered what she'd been thinking of.

Jayde smiled as he helped her into the car and shut the door behind her. When was the last time a man had opened and closed a door for her? Never. This was a first. She mentally reminded herself that he was no different. He was still a man.