
Chapter 24 Ice Ruler: Ymir Vs Hero Assassin Steins


In the middle of one of the many alleys of the city, a scream full of anger resounded throughout the space, a white flash ran down the walls and floor, destroying everything that got in its way.

--A little chick? You should go home to mom~

A flat faced man with parched ash skin dressed in a vile and vicious looking red and black combat suit, armed with multiple knives and a Katana taunted the white armored youth.


--Oh! I see you are a learner~ but you are still green~ you can still improve~ you can still get back on the right track~

The man spoke in a slow and calm tone almost as if he were giving a lecture as he dodged and parried the strikes of the young man in white.

--Hero Killer Steins!

--Yeah? I've killed a few~ of those~ Supposed Heroes!

With his last sentence the man swung his sword with force cutting the young man and sending him against the wall.

--Those heroes! They are nothing more than parasites using the word "Hero" as a cover! A Hero must be someone pure! Noble! Someone who seeks the salvation of others over his own!

The man's black eyes along with his maniacal smile were illuminated by the reflection of the blade showing an emaciated and disfigured face that licked the blood from the blade with a coal-black tongue, however the words from his mouth had some persuasion.


A new voice reached the alley along with a torrent of ice.

--Another little bird~ Pathetic!


With a single twist the ice parted like the sea of red, leaving the half red, half white haired youth in full view of the hero slayer.


The young man could only curse under his breath as he faced the criminal.


On the roof of some building.

--Looks like the party's already started?

An ebony-black haired youth dressed in an ivory military uniform calmly watched the partially one-sided three-way fight between two students and an assassin.

--Truth be told Steins is very strong~ for someone who doesn't possess a physical enhancement Quirk, his reflexes and technique are one step away from perfection~


--IIDA - KUN !!!

A high-pitched, tearful cry echoed through the alley along with a rumble.

--And here is our protagonist~ Hey! Already lost?!

Before the young black-haired man could take advantage of the green-haired's incursion, the latter was defeated with a single cut and kick.

--Fuck~ I just wanted to fight Steins~

Cursing, the young man let himself be carried away by the law of gravity while he created a sword of purple ice.


-- Midoriya -kun!!!


The two young men saw their partner fall after just one exchange, while the Hero Killer continued his preaching.

--You! I know you? Shonen you are brave, your eyes are pure, you are that one! Approved! He grows up as a boy and takes the title of True Hero! What's your name?


The young green haired man growled as he tried to stand up without success.

--Hero Deku!... but you, your spirits are flawed, your motives are hypocritical and impure, you are just another couple of impostors ...!


A shadow followed by a flash fell from the sky, a trench coat stamped with a demonic symbol, a young man with ferocious platinum eyes swinging his sword in a deadly cut, the crunch of metal against metal filled the eardrums of all present.

--Looks like I'm late for the party guys~ Ah!

-- Another?!

The two swordsmen exchanged blows and thrusts moving all over the place and slashing everything.











--You are good, young man… but your sword is full of blood.

--And is it wrong to kill criminals? Just like you judge heroes, I judge criminals, I'll break a thief's arm or leg, a murderer's head, a drug dealer's stomach and a rapist~ Oh~ I'll have fun cutting him into pieces slowly~ Tell me Steins~ Don't you think justice is overrated? In a society with so many "Heroes" petty criminals still abound, thieves, pickpockets, con artists, murderers and rapists are the daily bread for the police and those so-called "Heroes"~ I will not say that I am a saint, nor much less a hero~ I'm just an executioner~

The young man spoke in a low voice only for the ears of the man in front of him. Who smiled widely in response before speaking.

--Marvelous! Tell me, young swordsman, do you hunt for pleasure or to bring your judgment to those who require it?

The empty eyes of the Hero Slayer looked at the young man with madness and expectation.

--Someone has to do it. Not so Steins!

--Good answer!

The two warriors swung their weapons vigorously again, ignoring the terrified faces of the three paralyzed youths.




--V-very fu-er-te...


The young men in white and green could only curse their own weakness in the face of their partner's display of violence.


--You are a great swordsman Steins-dono~

--Not many have reached this level Boy your name?

--Ice Ruler: Ymir.

--Ymir? Marvelous! The name of a giant, the name of an ancient evil! Now you carry that banner to bring judgment to those who evade justice! I recognize you!

--Thanks, but it's time to end this don't you think~

The young man in the trench coat bowed slightly to his opponent and pointed to the battered and cut state of the narrow alley.

Yes, it's time to finish.

The two took their positions, each displaying their own supremacy bringing an unfathomable stillness to the place.

-- …( One Blade : Linear Flow)


A flash and a gale, the two parties switched places in a mere split second both motionless.


--*Spit*… looks like Steins-dono won.

Hero Slayer's figure swayed forward slowly falling towards the ground as a surge of blood dribbled from his mouth and from the cut on his chest.


--Whew~ (That was close, if it wasn't for the Avalon I would have died there, this guy stabbed me right through the heart and cut down through the ribs, lung, stomach, pancreas, liver, and a few meters of intestines, almost me. they bite in half there~ Damn... so scary)

Walking towards those already freed from the effect of Steins' blood Quirk, the black-haired man could only drop on a dumpster.

--Are you guys alright~?


--Yes, Kurogane.

--Yes... but what about you?

The freckled young man asked when he saw his partner's suit stained by a large amount of blood.

--This is just a deep scratch and~ Don't lie to me so blatantly~ the only one that's okay is Shoto with only a cut on his arm, Iida's arm is broken, that cut possibly reached the bone and your Midoriya... How many times? self injury did you get this time?

Izuku could only scratch his temple and pretend that nothing had happened even though the bruises on his hands and the trembling in his legs gave it away.

--Shoto you can launch a signal fire the old man must be around~

--Are you in the area?

--Yeah~ there's a fucking Nomus festival in town~ I'm late for that~


--From Nomus?

Iida Tenya and Midoriya Izuku spoke in parts to which the black-haired man only nodded.

--A fucking Festival~ that hikikomori Tomura-chan~ must be in a good mood if he let his pets loose~

The black-haired man laughed as he channeled a golden light into his palms before running them over his wounds.

--Hey Iida, come here~ I'm going to heal you.

-- Can you heal?!

--If I can heal but I hope I keep it a secret, now you shut up or you prefer to lose your arm~

The black-haired man growled before proceeding to restore the arm of the young man in white armor.

--You're unlucky I come and tear part of the marrow, there are splinters inside the marrow, I could treat it right here and make it as good as new but it will hurt like hell~

--And if we better wait to go to a hospital, Kurogane-kun.

--They won't remove the splinters and I could lose the functionality of my arm, Midoriya and better stay still, then I will repair your battered existence.

--Is it that serious?

--Yes, Mr.Square~ So you say, A pain from hell or lose your arm?

--I will support it…

--You asked for it, bite this~

Handing a piece of purple ice to the young patient, the black-haired man only dug his fingers covered in a thin, sharp layer of golden ice into Iida's flesh.

-- WOW !!!

--And done~

A few seconds later and taking out his fingers covered in red blood, the young man in armor collapsed on the ground with teary eyes.

--Who's next~?

Said the medical demon with a smile, simulating scissors with his stained fingers.

--I think I'll pass, Kurogane-kun...

--Okay~ it's your decision~

--Kurogane-kun...you killed him?

Izuku looked at the black-haired man reproachfully and annoyed, but he just shrugged.

--He's alive~ barely but alive~ Cut and freeze his wound~ the shock from the trauma and hypothermia should keep him calm for a while~

--I see... he's alive."

As if a part of his tensions disappeared, the young heir of One For All collapsed on the ground.

--Oi, Shoto~ take Mr. Square and let's go~ I'll take Steins~






While carrying a supposedly unconscious Steins, Midoriya Izuku was attacked by a pterodactyl-type Gray Nomu and saved by the former who practically flew and kicked the Nomu into a post.

--A hero can't die like this! You two must Survive! You two--!

Before he could continue his ideologically tinged speech, Endeavor along with a group of Minions arrived in the area only to see the Hero Killer fall under the effect of his own Quirk.


The news quickly covered the development and aftermath of the "Festival", ignoring a small amount of complaints and a fine for my exaggerated performance as "Dragon Raider", public opinion skyrocketed increasing the agency's acceptance rate of Endeavour, although not without a few criticisms for the fact that he was a minor in internships for which he "should not have participated" in the fight. As in the original, Steins' loss was coined into Endeavor without much of a problem, but there is a small problem though.

--Why the hell am I on the internet~?

--Huh, you didn't know that Kurogane? You are famous!

--That Ice Dragon trick went viral~

--Yuuji-kun you're so cool~*

A round of flattery and some sarcasm greeted me one after the other but it wasn't important, the video of Peterhausen flying and devouring Nomus crashing the internet is nothing special, the real problem is in this video.

--"An Ancient Story – The Origin of Stein"

A biographical propaganda video about the Assassin of Heroes Steins or Chizome Akaguro, recounting how he was rejected from the UA and other academies, how his ideal of a hero by vocation standardized under the shadow and constant comparison with All Might, was leading him to become what it was as a response to the "Fake" heroes... everything up to here was exactly like the original except for one thing.

--Oi, Deku~ looks like you'll be famous too~!

--What do you mean Kurogane-kun?

--See for yourself.

Showing the smartphone screen, the young man with green hair and freckles saw two photographs, one of his own and another of his partner under the heading of Steins Approved Heroes.

--We were approved by… Steins?

--Yep~ and now we are the target of these crazy fans~ look at 4.5 million views in just two days~

The black-haired man laughed as he watched the green-haired man go pale at the mention of such overwhelming numbers.

--...Tsk (What the fuck is Tomura-chan thinking?)