

"Mommy can I get a doll like the one in the tv?" asked Joy as she looked at Natasha with longing as she pointed to the tv and Natasha laughed.

"Yes you can my darling, if you want one, I will get it for you" said Natasha with a smile.

"Thank you mommy" said Joy as she giggled and Dom smiled as he walked into the living room.

"Hello princess" said Dom with a smile as Joy ran to meet him as he carried her.

"Hello Daddy" said Joy as she giggled.

"Hi Natasha" said Dom as he looked at Natasha.

"Hi" said Natasha as she looked at him.

"What are you doing princess?" asked Dom with a smile as he gave Joy a kiss on the cheek.

"Me and mommy are watching tv, and then I saw this pretty doll that I want" said Joy with a smile as Natasha smiled at her.

"I didn't know that you liked dolls princess" said Dom with a smile.

"Well I didn't but now I like them, Clarita has a very pretty doll, and she braided her dolly hair, and I want one too so I can play dolls with Clarita" said Joy explained and Dom laughed at her.

"Well alright then princess, I will get you a doll" said Dom as he smiled.

"Yayy, daddy come and it with me and mommy and watch tv with us" said Joy with a smile as Dom looked at Natasha who did not seem to mind.

"Okay" said Dom with a smile as he put Joy down.

"Yayy, come daddy, sit here and mommy sits there, and I sit here in the middle" said Joy as she pulled Dom's hand and made him sit on the right side of the couch while Natasha was sitting on the left side of the couch and she climbed on the couch and sat in the middle of the two of them.

Natasha and Dom both laughed as they looked at their little daughter, she wasn't so little anymore.

"I didn't know you were so bossy princess" said Dom as he laughed.

"I am not bossy daddy, I just want everything to be in order, right mommy?" asked Joy as she looked at Natasha.

"Right my darling" said Natasha with a smile as she caressed Joy's hair and she giggled as she rested her head on Dom's lap as she looked up at him and Dom looked down at her.

"Aren't you watching tv princess?" asked Dom.

"No, I already watched this episode before daddy, I want to look at your face" said Joy as Dom laughed and he leaned in and gave her a kiss on the forehead as she giggled and she put her feet on Natasha's lap as Natasha tickled Joy's feet and she started to laugh.

"I am going to sleep" said Joy.

"It's only 7pm my darling, it's not yet your bedtime" said Natasha as Joy giggled and she closed her eyes as Natasha shook her head.

"Lulu came to the office today" said Dom.

"Oh that's nice" said Natasha as she looked at the tv and Joy giggled silently as she opened her eyes a bit and peeked through and closed her eyes again, there was no way her parents would be able to move and leave the room when she was resting on the both of them.

"Yes, she said something about having an announcement to make" said Dom.

"She told me about it and asked if I could make It to dinner, but unfortunately I could not" said Natasha.

"Same here" said Dom as everything went silent again.

"Do you know what big announcement she wants to make?" asked Dom.

"Well no, she didn't tell me about it" said Natasha simply as Dom did not want to have that awkward silence between them.

"You and Lulu seem to be very close lately" said Dom.

"Mhmm, she's wonderful to be around" replied Natasha.

"I thought that you wouldn't get along well" said Dom.

"I might not like you but it doesn't mean that I won't like anyone else connected to you" replied Natasha.

"Right…" said Dom as he looked down at Joy, she seemed to have been fast asleep, her breathing was very steady.

"She's asleep" said Dom with a smile as Natasha looked at Joy and she smiled as she shook her head and she carried her from Dom and stood up and walked out of the living room to tuck Joy in bed.

Natasha walked back into the living room as she got the remote and switched off the tv as she was about to leave the living room when Dom called out to her.

"Natasha wait, can we talk… please" said Dom as Natasha stopped and she sighed as she turned around.

"What?" asked Natasha in annoyance.

"Please sit down and let's talk like adults" said Dom as Natasha scoffed at him and she sat down at the end of couch.

"Thank you" said Dom.

"Start talking, I don't have all day" said Natasha.

"Natasha, I…" said Dom as he did not know what to say, he had thought that she would not listen to him, and now that she was here, he could not say out the words he wanted to say.

"Are you doing this just to waste my time or what?" asked Natasha in anger.

"No Natasha, not at all" said Dom.

"Then what do you want?" asked Natasha.

"Natasha do you hate me?" asked Dom as Natasha looked at him and she scoffed internally, was this what he wanted to talk about.

"Hate is a very strong word" said Natasha.

"But do you feel hatred towards me?" asked Dom.

"I feel many things towards you Mr. White, and hate isn't one of them, I dislike you, not hate you, how can I hate the father of my daughter" said Natasha.

"Natasha I'm sorry, I am sorry for ruining things, I am sorry for blaming you for so long" said Dom as Natasha just looked at him.

"What led to this sudden change of heart of yours Mr. White?" asked Natasha.

"It's not sudden Natasha, I've been thinking about it, and I don't want to fight with you, I don't want this sort of anger" said Dom.

"Natasha, I'm sorry, I truly am, but don't you thinks it's time for us to let the past be past?" asked Dom as Natasha scoffed.

"Oh now you want to let the past be past? What happened to all the times I begged you for exactly just that?? All the times you focused your anger on me? All the times that I cried because I begged you to forgive me? What about that?" asked Natasha as she just felt so angry right now.

"I know that I hurt you a lot Natasha, and that is why I am begging for your forgiveness" said Dom.

"Can you ever forgive me Natasha?" asked Dom as Natasha just looked at him.

"That Is not a problem Mr. White, I have already forgiven you a long time ago, honestly, what good would holding you in my heart do to me?" asked Natasha.

"I don't think you have Natasha, you haven't truly forgiven me" said Dom.

"Oh but I have…" said Natasha.

"You see… the thing is, they say forgive and forget, but that's a lie" said Natasha.

"I can forgive, but it's impossible to forget" said Natasha.

"Everything you have done to me, I remember as vividly as ever, everything you put me though, all the pain, all the hurt, all the anger, I remember it clearly" said Natasha.

"And it just hurts you know, or maybe you don't, you weren't the one at the receiving end of all the hatred and gazes of disgust, to experience your own very friends turn on you and not believe your words" said Natasha as Dom could see how much she was hurt, how much he had hurt her.

"I have forgiven you, truly I have, but don't expect to me forgot, there are instances when the words you say trigger my memory, it's like stabbing my heart all over again" said Natasha.

"You don't think that I want to stop feeling like this?" asked Natasha.

"I would give anything to stop feeling like this, like my heart Is breaking every single time I see you, I would give anything to go back further in time and stop all of this from happening" said Natasha.

"I regret that I married you, because a relationship was destroyed" said Natasha.

"I don't want to be enemies for Joy's sake, but please, just respect your boundaries, leave me alone, I don't want to suffer anymore" said Natasha.

"I'm sorry Natasha, I will… I won't cause you any more harm" said Dom.

"Thank you" said Natasha as she stood up and she walked away, she had to get out of here, this just felt too much for her, she had said to much.

"I really am sorry" said Dom to himself with a sigh.