
High Five

Pain... that was what Natasha felt right now, her knuckles and entire hand was aching from her trying to learn to jab perfectly all morning, as if she was carrying bricks all morning.

She felt like her joints were going to fall off, she tried massaging them to make herself feel better, but she only felt worse.

Benjamin had told her that feeling sore after training was normal, and that as she went on it would get better and better and easier.

But she hoped that, that phase would come soon, because she was not sure if she could handle more soreness like this.

They had only trained for like three hours and she was this sore, he wondered how it would be if she began to train for longer hours, she was sure that her body would not be able to take that much.

"Good Morning Mommy" said Joy as she stepped out of her room and she smiled as soon as she saw her mother walking up the stairs.

"Good Morning my baby" said Natasha as she smiled and Joy ran to hug her.

"How was your night my love?" asked Natasha as she smiled and carried Joy up despite her hands aching her.

"It was very good Mommy" said Joy as she smiled.

"That is great my baby, and did you have sweet dreams?" asked Natasha.

"Yes I did mommy" said Joy as she smiled.

"Oooh so what was your dream my baby?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"Well mommy I dreamt that you, me and daddy all went for a picnic together" said Joy happily.

"Is that so my dear?" asked Natasha and Joy nodded.

"That sounds great my baby" said Natasha as she smiled.

"So did you enjoy spending time with you daddy last night?" asked Natasha.

"Yes Mommy" said Joy as she replied almost immediately.

"Me and daddy went for a walk after we ate dinner, but I wore my shoes the wrong way, and daddy helped me fix it" said Joy.

"And then when we were walking daddy showed me this tree that he said is one hundred years old" said Joy as she narrated happily.

"And then we came back home and daddy told me a bedtime story about a dragon, but I feel asleep before I could hear the end" said Joy as she sounded sad.

"It sounds like you had a fun time with your daddy" said Natasha as she smiled, but it was a sad smile.

You could not imagine how bad she wanted not to feel sad that Joy liked her father, it was only natural, but she did not want to fool herself, she felt bad, like Joy would stop loving her any moment.

"Yes mommy I did have fun" she said.

"Daddy was really fun" said Joy as she laughed.

"That is nice my dear" said Natasha as she kept her smile even though she was not aching on the inside.

"But it would have been funner with you" said Joy as she smiled.

"Haha my dear, funner is not a word" said Natasha as she laughed at her daughter's choice of words.

"Really mommy??" asked Joy.

"Yes my baby" said Natasha as she nodded.

"But it should be a word, because funner sounds fun" said Joy as she laughed.

"Oh it does my dear" said Natasha as she laughed.

"But when you get older you will learn about past, present and future tense" said Natasha.

"What is that mommy??" asked Joy.

"It is nothing that you need to know right now my baby" said Natasha.

"Okay Mommy" said Joy.

"But for now, when you want to say that something is funner" said Natasha as she pinched Joy's nose which made her giggle.

"Instead of saying funner, say more fun, that is the correct term to use my baby" said Natasha.

"Okay Mommy" said Joy as she nodded.

"So it would be more fun with you mommy" said Joy.

"Yes my baby correct" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Give me a high five" she said with proudness as she raised up her hand.

"High five" said Joy as she raised her hand and gave her mother a high five.

"That's my girl" said Natasha as she laughed and Joy laughed too.

"Well my baby, why don't you go brush your teeth so we can go have breakfast" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Okay Mommy" said Joy as she was put down by her mother and she walked to her room to brush her teeth and Natasha followed her.

"My baby are you still wearing your clothes from yesterday?" asked Natasha as she finally seemed to notice.

"Yes mommy, I was too tired to change to my pajamas yesterday" said Joy.

"Ahh I see, okay then my baby go ahead and brush your teeth" said Natasha.

"Okay mommy" said Joy as she walked into her bathroom.

"Umm Mommy" called Joy out of the bathroom.

"What is it my dear?" asked Natasha as she walked to the bathroom.

"My toothpaste is all finished" said Joy as she brought out the empty tube of toothpaste.

"Aww really??" asked Natasha.

"Mhmm" said Joy as she nodded and she gave her mother the empty tube of toothpaste.

"Well not to worry my dear, I will get you another one" said Natasha.

"So stay put my dear" said Natasha.

"Okay mommy" said Joy as she nodded her head, and Natasha left Joy's room.

She knew that there was somewhere that they kept extra supplies, but she just could not seem to remember where.

"Madam are you looking for something?" asked Alfred as he just happened to pass by.

"Ahh yess Alfred" said Natasha as she smiled, Alfred was always there when you need him.

"I am looking for the supply cupboard" said Natasha.

"Joy's toothpaste is finished and she needs another one" said Alfred.

"Not to worry Madam I can get it for you" said Alfred.

"Thank you Alfred" said Natasha as she smiled.

"You are welcome Madam" said Alfred as he smiled.

"Let me get rid of that for you" he said

"Okay" said Natasha as she handed him the empty toothpaste tube.

"Thank you Alfred" said Natasha as she smiled once again.

"It's my pleasure Madam" said Alfred as he smiled and went on his way to the supply cupboard.

Happy twentieth Chapter hehe!! And thank you to those who are continually supporting this book with Power stones, I really appreciate it haha!

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts