

What would you do when you wake up surrounded by nothing but trouble and betrayal. What would you do when the only one you trust is a God who thinks you are nothing but trouble. Imagine becoming a baby just because you saved someone, imagine being surrounded by magic and beast well this is not a typical Earth is it? We'll stop imagining, this is Dennis a thirty two year old that's set to become a baby all because he saved a little girl's life, Typical! ***************************** “Sirinius,this is all your fault” the boy said climbing some huge chunk of rocks closely followed by a man who was floating in thin air. “Me?" the dark man asked pretending to be innocent. “You told me this new Earth was save, well on the plus side when I die at least I'll get to bug you again” he said as he smiled slightly. “Hmmm” the man replied looking at his young discipline from head to toe. “What?" he asked as he noticed his gaze. “Just thinking" he said silently. Warning: if you think this character should be all warm and welcoming that's your cup of tea.

Cynthia_4681 · Fantasi
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13 Chs

Chapter 6: Still Unconscious (2)

After two days of celebrating his return, Dennis returned to his usual habit, reading.

"Good day mister book, bet you miss me"he whispered.

He made sure Lily couldn't see him climb the huge ladder and secretly prayed his parents would get more books. Dennis barely remembered reading in his previous life because he had no one to get him books, his parents died when he was five and his aunt and uncle barely paid attention to him.

He noticed something weird about this new Earth, one the atmosphere was almost never bright, two it seemed to have practiced magic because most of the books were more about contrages and spells. He remembered how his mom looked when she saw him with the book and remembered how Sirinius had vanished when he saw the book.

It seemed like everyone was afraid of the book. He tried desperately to get the book but never found it. He looked at the book he was reading and noticed the book title:

Elementary magic user[1]

He looked at the book again and smile, he needed to understand the new Earth and what better way than to read about it's tradition.

The book spoke more about spells and he seemed to have lost interest in the book. As he closed the book he noticed a paper in the last chapter, it was a letter and it had Lily's name on it. He looked at the letter and decided to peak inside.

Dear Lily,

I'm sorry I couldn't provide you the books you needed but this is all I can afford, make sure he reads it and remember,keep the other books away from him. If he eventually reads it the Supremes we definitely end him, I'm sorry for the late reply.



"Who knew Dad was a lover boy, but will I actually die if I read just one book" he asked himself as he closed the letter.

He saw Lily coming so he decided to ask her about the letter. This time he did not try talking but rather he waved the letter for her to see.

"What a curious boy, you're always reading, that's a letter from your dad, he was an active war mage then you know he nearly got his hand amputated blah blah blah you need your bath" Lily said as she dragged her son to the washroom.


After the long bath, Lily cooded him to sleep or so she thinks, the lad was very much awake, he was only pretending to sleep to chase Lily away.

"War mage" he asked himself as his mother left.

"First the three headed snake now a war mage is my dad really a magician, can I do magic too" Dennis asked himself as he waved his hands in the air.

"Abracadabara" he yelled but nothing happened.

"Pocus pocus" he yelled again and just like before, nothing happened.

"Nonsense" he said silently as he noticed the two magic words had not worked. He looked at the nearly empty room and remembered there was one person who would explain things to him, Sirinius.

"Sirinus, Sirinius I need you!" he yelled and in a blink of an eye he was there.

"What do you need? Hurry I have work to do" Sirinius said as he looked at the baby that had just called him.

"My dad was a war mage, what does that mean?" Dennis asked.

"Yes I'll explain, here there are three types of mages, the first are the simple domain, the war domain and the primarily death domain. A war mage has the ability to not only absorb primary magic temporarily but can....

"Wait, when I opened the book,it said something about elementary magic"

"Yes, as a mage there are levels or stages that must be accomplished to receive ranks, one thing you must know is that the book you read the other day is forbidden, tell no one about it"Sirinius said as he was about leaving.

"Wait, how do I level up" Dennis asked before Sirinius could teleport away.

"You're still a kid, the procedure is really painful" he said as he looked at him.

"True, true but I can ensure the pain,how do I exceed my current level?" he asked as Sirinius stared at him.

"I have never seen a human more determined than you, your previous life must have thought you a lesson, to exceed your rank or as I like to call it the nursery realm you'd have to look for beasts like, the snake I killed then but because you can't walk yet I don't think levelling up should be your main priority" he said as he quickly teleported away from Dennis who was about to ask him a question.

"Snakes? Interesting" Dennis said as he went to bed.


"Lord Krillan, we've been unable to overtake the primarily soul ring" a man said as he adjusted his heavy armour.

"Are you saying the three horned snake ran away" the blond man asked.

"Yes, it went straight into the borders, we couldn't catch up with it" the man replied.

"You're saying that snake, my kill is roaming the streets, what are you waiting for, go get it" the blond man said.

"Isn't that a bit too dangerous considering the fact that we have crossed the borders already, I don't want people to think that we're transpassing" a man asked.

"Yes Olsen isn't it a bit too risky" another asked.

"Yes but young master has already given an order and do you want to die in his hands?" he asked as he looked at them dead in the eyes.

"No"they said in unison as they went on their respective ways.


Pretty soon I'll get the book, then no one will dare question me" the blonde man said as he looked at the book he was reading.

Attention : next update on Saturday or Monday.