
A Second Act of Love

Emily, a resilient and ambitious aspiring actress, is on a journey to make her mark in the cutthroat world of entertainment. Fueled by passion and determination, she works multiple jobs to support herself while chasing her dreams. However, her past haunts her as a painful breakup with a successful actor leaves her questioning her worth and choices. Fate takes an unexpected turn when Emily crosses paths with Dr. Alexander, a compassionate doctor and heir to a prestigious medical legacy. When Emily faints during an audition, Alexander comes to her rescue, not only mending her physical wounds but becoming a pillar of emotional support in her tumultuous life. As their friendship deepens, Emily finds herself torn between her lingering feelings for the past and the newfound connection with Alexander. Matters complicate when Emily's ex-boyfriend resurfaces, attempting to rekindle what was lost. In the face of emotional turmoil, Emily must choose between the comfort of the known and the promise of a supportive and caring future. Unbeknownst to Emily, Alexander grapples with his growing feelings for her. Seeking advice from friends, he decides to take a bold step and confess his emotions. The revelation sets the stage for a confrontation with Emily's past and the dawn of a second act in her love story.

AngelGrace · perkotaan
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13 Chs

CHAPTER 6 - A Feast of Hope

On the dinner table, Emily and Alexander shared an awkward yet tender moment. Summoning her courage, Emily gestured for Alexander to begin, saying, "Please, go ahead." She then took a piece of meat and placed it on his plate, adding, "Try this; it's my specialty."

Alexander, surprised by her boldness, accepted the offering and took a bite of the meat. The flavors danced in his mouth, and he couldn't help but marvel at the delicate dish she had prepared. "It's tasty," he complimented with a faint smile.

Pleased by his approval, Emily continued to serve more meat onto his plate, and they began to enjoy the meal together. Amid the shared silence, Alexander suddenly spoke up, "Congratulations on your cameo role."

Emily, caught off guard by the unexpected acknowledgment, didn't anticipate the flood of emotions that would follow. The role may have been small, but it signified a new beginning for her. Unbeknownst to Alexander, tears welled up in her eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry. These are tears of joy," she explained, attempting to mask the deeper pain she felt.

Understanding her unspoken struggles, Alexander raised his glass, proposing a toast: "To a successful career ahead." Emily followed suit, clinking her glass against his. "And to you as well, may things work out for you," she added, deliberately vague about the challenges he faced.

Alexander caught the sentiment behind her words but chose not to delve into the details. Instead, they continued to share the evening, finding comfort in each other's company.

As the two enjoyed a pleasant dinner, Alexander offered to help with the cleaning. While Emily tidied up the remaining dishes, Alexander took on the task of washing them. In the midst of their shared domestic duties, Emily suggested, "If you're not too busy, would you like some tea?"

"Sure," Alexander agreed, diligently finishing the dishes. As Emily prepared the tea, she offered him a cup, thinking that having Alexander's company a bit longer would be nice. As the two engaged in small talk, they became engrossed in their conversation, completely unaware of the passage of time.

As the evening wore on, the moon rose to its peak, casting a soft glow on the surroundings. It was only when Alexander glanced at the time that he realized it was late at night. He stepped out of Emily's apartment, expressing his gratitude, "Thank you for the meal."

Emily responded with a pleasing smile, "Thank you for accompanying me." The night had unexpectedly unfolded into a connection that left them both feeling a sense of comfort and understanding.

The next day, Emily met Suzy at a nearby coffee shop, eager to catch up. Suzy wore a bright smile that hinted at some good news. As they settled down with their coffee, Suzy began, "Emily, I have some good news."

Emily's curiosity piqued, and she handed Suzy the coffee she had just purchased before taking a seat. "Guess what, the management has finally agreed for you to sign with the company, however..."

Before Suzy could reveal the catch, Emily finished the sentence, "They want me to join the newcomers' audition."

Suzy erupted like a volcano, expressing frustration at Manager Joe's reluctance. "I don't understand why Manager Joe is giving you such a hard time."

Emily remained silent, but a vague idea lingered in her mind. Manager Joe, who had previously managed Mike as a newcomer, might have harbored some feelings for him. Unwilling to share Mike with others, Manager Joe might be making it difficult for Emily to join the company. This suspicion was further fueled by the fact that Mike's new manager was a man. Emily couldn't help but wonder if this was a deliberate move on Manager Joe's part.

As the conversation shifted to last night's dinner, Suzy apologized for not being able to make it, explaining that she was busy securing Emily's position in the company. Emily assured her that it was fine, but as she continued, she realized she hadn't mentioned Alexander's presence that night.

"It's fine, Alex joined..." Emily began, but she paused, noticing the curious expression on Suzy's face. Realizing she hadn't shared the details, she hurriedly explained, "We bumped into each other at the supermarket, so I invited him. I didn't expect you wouldn't be there."

Suzy, with a mischievous glint in her eye, responded, "Hmm, I see... So, what did you do all night?"

Emily, feeling a bit flustered, stood up from her chair. "Suzy, you..." she stammered, unable to believe that Suzy would even think something had happened.

"We just talked; nothing more happened," Emily clarified, trying to put an end to any teasing. Suzy, satisfied with the response, refrained from teasing Emily further, glad to see her friend slowly moving on.

As they continued their conversation, Emily brought up the topic of Alexander's decision to quit his job. "I heard he's quitting his job," Emily said, her expression growing somber.

"Why?" Suzy inquired, genuinely curious, as she wouldn't have expected someone like Alexander, a doctor, to make such a decision.

"It seems they have some family business or something, which his brother just suddenly left behind," Emily explained, though she wasn't entirely sure about all the details.

"Wow, who would have thought Alexander comes from a well-off family. I mean, being a doctor is a very successful and meaningful career. I bet he's unhappy about it," Suzy remarked, her eyes filled with curiosity as she wondered how Emily would react to the news.

"He was," Emily replied, reflecting on the day she overheard Alexander's conversation. It seemed that he was truly passionate about being a doctor but had no choice but to support his family.

As Emily arrived home late that afternoon, she decided to accompany Suzy to her workplace, where she ended up assisting with managing some newcomers. Dressed in casual attire to blend in, she wore a mask to avoid being recognized.

When she finally returned to her apartment, she was surprised to find Alexander behind her, not in his usual white coat but this time in a handsome business suit. "Good evening," Emily greeted, stunned by how handsome Alexander looked after dressing up.

"Oh, hi," Alexander replied, clearly exhausted from his day. Emily noticed the fatigue in his face and realized that his day must not have turned out well. Given the business attire, it seemed he had started working in his family business.

"Would you like to join me for dinner?" Emily asked, showing the takeout she was carrying. Despite initially planning to sleep upon arrival, Alexander decided to accept her offer and followed her to her apartment.

As Emily arranged the takeout on the coffee table, she turned on the TV to watch the news. Alexander, having taken off his blazer, placed it on the edge of the sofa and rolled up his sleeves, revealing well-defined arm muscles. Emily couldn't help but wonder how he managed to stay in good shape with such a busy schedule.

"The fried chicken is from a good shop; I always line up for it," Emily explained, sharing the details of the popular chicken place she frequented.

"Chicken always goes well with beer," Alexander commented, expressing his desire for a refreshing drink. Emily, with an awkward smile, asked, "Would you like some?" She headed to the kitchen and pulled out some beer from the fridge.

"You sure drink," Alexander remarked, surprised that Emily, a seemingly delicate girl, liked to have a drink. Emily, realizing the misunderstanding, could only smile awkwardly. Those beers weren't hers but had belonged to Mike. She had forgotten to throw them away.

As the two of them began to eat and listen to the news, Emily was surprised to hear a report about Brave's new president. Alexander, engrossed in enjoying his chicken and beer, couldn't care less about the corporate news.

"You know, Brave is the company Suzy works at. To tell you the truth, I have an audition with them soon," Emily shared, trying to make conversation. Alexander, almost choking on the beer he was drinking, questioned her in disbelief, "You what?"

"Oh, today Suzy told me that I might finally get a chance to get contracted with Brave. Actually, Suzy has been trying to sign me with them, but I haven't been lucky. But this time, thanks to my cameo role, I might get signed," Emily explained, her eyes sparkling with hope.

Listening to Emily's explanation, Alexander couldn't believe the nonsense he was hearing. What kind of management wouldn't sign her? She was far more beautiful than those A-list actresses in Brave. "Don't worry, you'll get signed even without auditioning," Alexander said confidently as he continued to enjoy his beer. Emily could only laugh, knowing that Alexander wasn't fully aware of the obstacles she faced within the industry. Despite her talent and looks, she felt the presence of countless rivals and enemies in the company.

Encouraged by Alexander's confidence, Emily felt a renewed sense of hope. As they continued to enjoy their meal, Emily couldn't help but appreciate the genuine support she was receiving from him.

"You're right, who knows, I might be lucky this time," Emily replied, giving a slight nod of agreement.

Alexander, still savoring his chicken, spoke with conviction, "You won't be lucky; you'll get it." His words were laced with certainty, and Emily couldn't help but smile at the unexpected encouragement.

The rest of the evening passed with light conversation and shared laughter. Emily was grateful for the company and support she found in Alexander, even if they had only recently reconnected. As the night drew to a close, Alexander bid her farewell, leaving Emily feeling more optimistic about her upcoming audition and the potential future with Brave Entertainment.

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