
A Second Act of Love

Emily, a resilient and ambitious aspiring actress, is on a journey to make her mark in the cutthroat world of entertainment. Fueled by passion and determination, she works multiple jobs to support herself while chasing her dreams. However, her past haunts her as a painful breakup with a successful actor leaves her questioning her worth and choices. Fate takes an unexpected turn when Emily crosses paths with Dr. Alexander, a compassionate doctor and heir to a prestigious medical legacy. When Emily faints during an audition, Alexander comes to her rescue, not only mending her physical wounds but becoming a pillar of emotional support in her tumultuous life. As their friendship deepens, Emily finds herself torn between her lingering feelings for the past and the newfound connection with Alexander. Matters complicate when Emily's ex-boyfriend resurfaces, attempting to rekindle what was lost. In the face of emotional turmoil, Emily must choose between the comfort of the known and the promise of a supportive and caring future. Unbeknownst to Emily, Alexander grapples with his growing feelings for her. Seeking advice from friends, he decides to take a bold step and confess his emotions. The revelation sets the stage for a confrontation with Emily's past and the dawn of a second act in her love story.

AngelGrace · perkotaan
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13 Chs

CHAPTER 13 - Secrets and Surprises

Alexander left his office earlier than expected. He headed to the flower shop with Tom following behind him like a curious dog.

Alexander pushed open the door to the quaint flower shop, and a wave of fragrant scents immediately enveloped him. The shop was a burst of color, with blooms of every imaginable hue adorning shelves and tables. The air was filled with the sweet perfume of roses, the earthy scent of lilies, and the citrusy notes of daisies.

As Alexander stepped further into the shop, Tom trailed behind, taking in the vibrant atmosphere. The walls were lined with shelves showcasing a kaleidoscope of flowers, each carefully arranged in bouquets that seemed to dance with life. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, casting a warm glow over the floral wonderland.

Tom glanced around, eyes wide with curiosity, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion. "Boss, why are we here? Are you planning to visit the madam?" he asked, scratching his head.

Alexander, with a mischievous grin, began to browse the assortment of flowers. His fingers gently brushed over the delicate petals as he considered his options. "No, these flowers are for my girlfriend."

Tom's jaw dropped in surprise, and he couldn't help but blurt out, "Your what?" The sudden outburst caught the attention of both the shop staff and a few customers, who discreetly observed the unfolding scene.

Unfazed by the attention, Alexander chuckled and continued his search for the perfect bouquet. He finally settled on a combination of vibrant sunflowers, elegant orchids, and a sprinkle of delicate baby's breath. The arrangement was a beautiful symphony of colors and textures, a reflection of the newfound joy in Alexander's life.

Tom, still in a state of disbelief, followed Alexander to the counter. The shop staff exchanged knowing glances, understanding the dynamics playing out before them. Tom leaned in close to Alexander, whispering urgently, "When did you get a girlfriend, and why am I not aware of this? Ain't I your best friend?"

Alexander paid for the flowers, a content smile lingering on his face. "It's a recent development." He winked at Tom, who was left to navigate the whirlwind of emotions as they exited the flower shop, the fragrance of love lingering in the air.

Tom hurriedly caught up with Alexander as they left the flower shop, his mind buzzing with questions about this sudden revelation. "Boss, you've got to fill me in on this! When did you meet her? How did this happen?" Tom fired off questions, trying to make sense of the unexpected turn of events.

Alexander remained tight-lipped, his expression unreadable, as he continued to walk briskly. Tom, growing more anxious, pressed on. "Are your parents even aware of this? You can't keep something like this a secret forever!"

Alexander finally halted, turning to face Tom with an icy stare. "This is none of your business. I don't need anyone meddling in my personal life. Got it?"

Tom, sensing the seriousness in Alexander's tone, nervously nodded. "Okay, okay, I won't say a word. But seriously, when did all this happen?"

Alexander's gaze remained stern as he leaned in, whispering in a threatening tone, "If a single word slips from your mouth, you're dead meat. I mean it."

Fear gripped Tom, and he stammered, "No, Boss, I won't say a thing. I promise!"

Alexander, seemingly satisfied with Tom's fear-induced compliance, leaned back and said, "Good, because you'll be involved, whether you like it or not."

Tom's eyes widened in confusion. "Involved? What do you mean?"

With a calculating glint in his eyes, Alexander explained, "I need someone to take care of her when I'm not around. That someone is going to be you."

Tom's jaw dropped. "Wait, what? Me? Taking care of your girlfriend? Are you serious?"

Alexander smirked, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Dead serious. Consider it a new responsibility, my friend. You'll be her go-to guy when I'm not available. Got it?"

Tom, torn between disbelief and a growing sense of obligation, reluctantly nodded. "Fine, but you owe me big time for this, Boss."

Alexander clapped Tom on the shoulder, a sly grin forming on his face. "Don't worry. You might just thank me in the end." With that, he walked away, leaving Tom standing there, bewildered and wondering how he got himself entangled in his boss's newfound romance.

As they walked towards the parking lot, Tom couldn't shake off his bewilderment. He finally mustered the courage to ask the burning questions that had been plaguing his mind. "Boss, seriously, is it a good idea to keep this from your parents? I mean, they'll find out sooner or later, right?"

Alexander paused, considering Tom's question. After a moment of contemplation, he sighed and decided to be more transparent. "Look, it's not that I want to hide it from them, but things between me and this girl aren't fully confirmed yet. I'd rather not complicate things until we're sure about where it's heading."

Tom, though still confused, appreciated the honesty. However, his mind was working overtime to make sense of it all. Unable to contain his curiosity, he blurted out, "Are you in a contract relationship or something? Just who is this girl, and how much did she pay you? I mean, can she even pay you?"

Alexander halted abruptly, turning to face Tom with a mix of annoyance and amusement. "Idiot, you watch too many dramas. It's not like that. No one is paying anyone here."

Tom, now even more intrigued, pressed on. "Then what's the deal? Why the secrecy? Who is she, really?"

Alexander sighed, realizing he couldn't avoid the questions any longer. "It was my idea to be in a relationship, okay? But we need to keep it on the down-low for now. She has her reasons, and I need your help to cover my identity until we're ready to go public."

Tom's eyes widened, absorbing the revelation. "Wait, you're in a relationship because you want to be? And you want me to help keep it a secret?"

Alexander nodded. "Exactly. It's a personal choice, and I need you to have my back on this. No one else should know, at least for the time being. Can you do that?"

Tom, still grappling with the unexpected turn of events, hesitated before nodding reluctantly. "Alright, Boss, I'll keep your secret. But you better tell me more about this mysterious girl soon."

Alexander patted Tom on the back. "You'll find out everything in due time, my friend. Just trust me on this one." With that, they continued toward the parking lot, both carrying the weight of a secret that would undoubtedly lead to more surprises in the days to come.

Alexander settled into the driver's seat of his sleek black car, the engine purring to life as he dialed Suzy's number. The phone rang a few times before Suzy's cheerful voice echoed through the speaker. "Hey, Alex! What's up?"

"Suzy," Alexander replied, his tone a mix of excitement and anticipation. "I was wondering if you knew where Emily is right now."

Suzy's voice perked up with enthusiasm. "Oh, she's on the movie set, they're shooting some scenes today. Why do you ask?"

A mischievous smile crept across Alexander's face as he contemplated his plan. "I'm on my way to pick her up. Can you keep it a secret? I want to surprise her."

Suzy's eyes widened with delight on the other end of the line. "A surprise? That sounds amazing! Of course, I won't spill the beans. She'll be over the moon when you show up."

"Perfect," Alexander said, gratitude evident in his voice. "Just tell me where exactly on the set she is, and I'll be there in no time."

Suzy quickly provided the details, describing the specific location on the bustling movie set where Emily was currently engrossed in her scenes. "Got it," Alexander said, his excitement growing. "Thanks. I owe you one."

"No problem at all! I can't wait to see Emily's reaction. This is going to be epic!" Suzy exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious even through the phone.

As Alexander navigated through the city streets, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. The thought of surprising Emily, catching her off guard on the movie set, filled him with a sense of joy. Meanwhile, Suzy was already envisioning the joyous reunion and the priceless expression on Emily's face.

Unbeknownst to Alexander, Suzy eagerly anticipated his surprise for Emily because Emily was struggling on set. Despite their previous attempts, it appeared that nobody wanted to collaborate with her once Mike and his team entered the scene. Despite Emily's diligent efforts, it seemed that everyone succumbed to Mike's influence easily. Frustrated, Suzy put her phone away, vowing, "Just wait, who claimed Emily used her body to secure the role." With anger fueling her, Suzy returned to assess Emily's situation.

Upon Suzy's return, Emily noticed the smile on her face and grew curious about the person she had been on the phone with. However, her curiosity quickly dissipated as Mike began to approach her.