

"Demaglio!"~ Gnar, The Missing Link

A little bit of information. I have taken the liberty of moving the Demacian uprising by a few months. It is currently the nearing the end of year 995AN. The uprising happens in 996AN. If I move it up a little, then I can have more things happen when they eventually make it to Demacia.

A smaller chapter but ending it here felt good.

Almost forgot to upload this as well.

P.S. Leave comments.


Gregori almost spat out his drink, "An uprising?"

The barkeep's face had an expression of interest. "You haven't heard?"

"No? I've not heard anything of that sort." Gregori answered. "Was in the Freljord for a year..."

"Freljord? What led you there?" One of the patrons asked.

Gregori turned to face him. 

"A favor for the dead."

The man nodded and raised his drink.

Giving him a little nod, Gregori turned back to his stew. 

"Anyway, some mage decided enough was enough and staged an uprising. He got the king and escaped with the mages." The barkeep replied. "Rumors are that a dragon helped them escape."

Gregori took a shaky breath. "Wow...."

"From Demacia?" Someone asked.

This time he didn't turn back. "A long time ago. Ran away to Noxus when I was a child." He swirled his spoon around the stew.

"At least the people are living better there. The new ruler Jarvan the Fourth, seems to be following his father." The barkeep spoke.

Gregori looked up from his bowl. "What is he doing?."

"Public executions for any mage." The barkeep answered as he cleaned a cup. "Got their seekers hunting like hounds."

"Public executions?" Gregori asked his voice shaking.

"Aye.... even children." The barkeep answered.

That got a few of the patrons riled up.

"What have they done?" Gregori lamented. "Children did not ask to be born with magic.... no one asked to be born with magic....."

"Its the way the world is."


"That shield? You haven't let go of it yet." 

Gregori looked at it, "Ah, sorry. Force of habit." He unbuckled his shield and laid it against the stool.

"Served did ya?" A voice sounded from behind him.

"Aye. Nearly ten years ago. Had the honor of rushing into battle with General Darius. Beat quite a few barbarians, I did. But once my daughter was born, I hung up the weapons. Now, I'm just a hunter. But carrying the shield brings me back to those days." Gregori answered.

His words were calculated. Saying he served in the army would gain some respect. Serving under the general would gain more. But the final nail in the coffin was quitting for family.

All the men here would appreciate that. A man who would drop his advancing career to prioritize his child always garnered respect.

Some of the doubt filled looks toward him would now fizzle out.

He then proceeded to finish the rest of his stew. Not looking at anyone, not trying to seek approval for anything. Every action would cement his words. His lamentation was real though, he truly felt sad for the suffering in Demacia. And after all, the best lies were those that were wrapped in truth.

By that time, the barkeep had moved to the woman beside him. "Lass you have anywhere to stay for the night?"

She sighed, "No.... barkeep. I'm sure your wife wouldn't like you asking that kind of question."

The barkeep gave a loud bellow, "She wouldn't like it if I had alternative reason for asking you but that is not how those here operate. We choose to be kind to newcomers." He gave her an understanding smile.

"Well lass, you can stay the night in one of the rooms. Don't worry you'll be completely safe. No one will bother or take advantage of you." The barkeep offered.

The woman looked surprised. 

"If that is the case.... then I'll take you up on the offer."

The barkeep nodded and slid her a key, "Upstairs. Third room on the left."

"You mister? Got anywhere to stay for the night?" The barkeep asked Gregori.

"No. I was planning to look around town for an inn." Gregori answered, as he finished his stew. 

The barkeep nodded. "You could spend the night here as well."

Gregori smiled. "I would like that. Thank you."

The barkeep slid him a key as well. "Last room on the right." He spoke, indicating to the stairs.

Nodding, Gregori finished the rest of his drink. "I'll settle for the night then."

He got off the stool and slid the man a gold coin. The barkeep looked surprised and then pocketed it. Gregori looked at him, shrugged then walked up the stairs, leaving the rest of the patrons of the night. 

On his way to his door, he listened for sounds in the other rooms. There were none. It could be possible that there was no one inside because they were dirking or eating outside but it seemed a little too suspicious... the way the barkeep had seemingly put both him and the woman a significant distance from each other. If the other rooms were occupied, then he could understand, otherwise it could be a chance to rob and kill the two of them.

He opened the door and looked inside.

It was clean. A single person bed lay at the corner, next to a window. There were no curtains for the window, as moonlight shone through it. A drawer lay opposite to the bed. The other side of the room had a table and a chair.

Small, tidy and enough.

Those were Gregori's opinions of this room.

He stepped in and locked the door behind him.

A few seconds later, Gregori put down his bag and shield on the table and chair. Sitting on the bed, he carefully observed the room. He tried to spot any openings for someone to look through. Any trapdoors. Hidden levers. 

Any kind of secret things that could put his life in any sort of danger.

He looked under the bed and behind the drawer. He moved the table and chair. His search bore no fruits.

A completely normal establishment with a kind owner.


Just some good people, reaching out to help someone in less than nice situations.

Truly miraculous.

Of course that could not be confirmed until he slept through the night. But just to be safe, he laid the runes on the room corners so he would at least be alerted to any unwanted presence inside the room.

He looked out of the window, and fell into thought.

A mage uprising.

A fucking mage uprising in the middle of endless Petricite

How'd they even manage that? They had a strong lineup against them. Warriors of the highest caliber, Mage Seekers, Dragon Slayers and finally Petricite Constructs.

All of them armed with weapons that outright beat magic.

Somehow, they got past all of that and killed Jarvan the Third?


There has to be a third party involved.

They wouldn't have been able to escape if they went after the head of the king.

He lifted his hand, then stalled. Closing his eyes, he reached forward and grabbed Caalyx.

Unwrapping him, he asked. "Did you know about the mage uprising in Demacia?"

"A mage uprising?" Caalyx started to laugh. "A few hundred years too late if you ask me."

"DID.... YOU... KNOW." He ground out.

Caalyx sobered up, "Not at all. That guy hasn't visited me in a long while. He was my only source of information for the outside world before you unwrapped me. The only thing I can sense from where I am is the other Darkin. He hasn't moved either. Still sealed and without a host."

"Is it possible for you to gain any information?" Gregori asked.

Caalyx did not reply immediately. "I will see what I can do." His voice had a pensive tone. "Are things going badly?"

"Very. Public executions of anyone with the misfortune of being born with magic."

"Oh... I will try to hear beyond my confines." Caalyx replied.

Gregori thanked him.

"You'll have to go there eventually Gregori." Caalyx spoke. "You should mentally prepare yourself to face your demons."

"I will see what I can do." Gregori answered.

A moment of silence passed between the two.

"The next time I pull you out... it will be to rip through our enemies." Gregori pushed out.

"YOUR enemies...." Caalyx spoke. "I'll update you on any information I gain when you do then."

Gregori looked outside the window once more.

"My enemies..... then yours." Gregori continued.

Caalyx remained silent.

Grabbing the cloth, he started wrapping Caalyx once more. 

As he wrapped, he repeated, "My enemies..... then yours."

He then laid the wrapped spear on the table and for the first time in a year, Gregori laid down on a bed. 

His younger years flashed by and he couldn't help but place himself in the shoes of those suffering. Every time he closed his eyes, he imagined a younger him being executed. None of his feelings on the matter would mean anything, he would go there eventually. Caalyx was right. He had run away from Demacia for too long. 

By the time he reached there, things might have settled down but it wouldn't matter. Demacia would never be a safe place for him to settle down. But he could face his past..... he could come to terms with his turbulent childhood.

His children would enjoy the trip at least. He lived for them now. That is all his measly life was for, ensuring the health and wellbeing of his daughters. They needed a good place to live and grow. He would wait till they got older. Wait till they found love. Wait till they were strong enough and independent enough, before he could lay down and rest.

An echo of a laugh long ago, was heard in his mind. He hadn't thought of her in a long time. He hoped his friend was alright. He hoped his caretaker was happy and alive.

His turbulent mind calmed down quickly at the return of the luxury and he fell into a deep slumber, not waking till morning.

Mageseeker lore!

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