

"I remember when she sewed my dress with these scissors. Now, they cut a different cloth."~ Gwen, The Hallowed Seamstress

I've had my first oopsie. Lost a whole chapter. One I thought I wrote well.

Man I'm so down now.


It was not until sunrise, that they pulled up to a town and only after the carriage came to a halt did he realize that they had arrived at Muntar.

He collected his belongings and got off the carriage.

'Dereen' followed him as well.

Before he moved on to talk to Arran and him group, Gregori looked toward 'Dereen' and spoke to her, "Well, I suppose you owe me a name miss."

She looked to him, pensive and in thought, before replying. "Katarina. Though I would like it if you used Dereen in public."

"As you wish Dereen." Gregori answered before walking around to the front of the carriage.

Arran looked to him, a little more scared and respectful then previously. The three behind him were shaking in fear.

He walked toward Arran and asked, "What's the plan now? When do you plan on setting off?"

Arran stammered back, "Well sir, we need sleep. So anytime after midday we can leave..... at your convenience of course." He nervously rubbed his hands together as he spoke.

"Alright then." Gregori replied and flashed the smaller man a winning smile before turning around and walking toward Katarina.

"I'm heading off to Call's Inn now. Get a room and sleep for a few hours before heading down for lunch. We'll set off once more after lunch." Gregori told her with finality.

Katarina looked at him perplexed before replying, "I'll have a look around and then do the same."

Gregori gave her a curt nod and started to move into town.

"Thanks for letting me know." He heard her speak behind him.

He gave her a small nod and continued on his way. 

It took him a while to find the location of Call's Inn, not many people were awake and about at sunrise, which was a little odd considering most towns had adults waking at the break of dawn.

But Gregori paid it no mind.

Some towns were more active at nights and some were more active in the morning.

His search concluded as he spotted the hanging sign with the name Call's Inn. He observed the establishment from outside. Barely any wear on the wood. It was new. Just as he had been told.

Gregori pushed open the doors and looked around.

The interior was something else. Well decorated walls and a fully stocked bar greeted him. As he further observed the interior, he realized that this was quite large. Larger than the one at Drugne. He spotted a single man in the back.

Walking to the man, he noticed that he was asleep.

"Excuse me?" Gregori inquired. 

No response.

"Hello?" Gregori called, a little louder this time.

No response.

"Sir?" He called out as he reached out and grabbed the man's shoulder and gave him a shake.

"AHH!" The man gave a short scream before focusing on Gregori. "Hum.. Wha....?"

"I apologize for having woken you up sir." Gregori spoke, "Would you point me in the direction of the owner of this fine establishment?"

The man shook his head groggily, before speaking, "Marcin will come in a few hours, why are you asking?" 

"I'd like to book a room for the day..." He spoke.

The man shook himself and walked to the bar, he flopped over the counter and reached behind. A second later he pushed himself back up with a key in hand.

"Here's your key. Room's upstairs and to the left. Number four. Pay when you leave." He stated as he handed the key and went to his spot and nodded off.

Gregori looked at the man in confusion, before shaking his head and making his way up the stairs. His room was pretty large compared to what he had expected to find. Not only that, it was well furnished, with a small couch on the side. A comfortable looking bed and a window with a curtain. He set his things on the table and did a quick sweep of his surroundings for any peep holes and trap doors. 

Nothing in sight.

Nothing behind the table and drawer as well.

Making sure his room was locked and the safety runes were placed in the corners of the room, he let out a deep breath and hit the bed. Within moments he fell asleep, not perturbed by the fact that he was in a new place.

Some time later, Gregori woke up. Hunger being the reason for his waking. He looed out of the window to estimate the time. 

It was still light outside and judging by the way the shadows were cast, it seemed just after midday. Gregori got off the bed and packed all of his things.

He then left the room and walked downstairs to get something to eat. The inn was quite full despite the time of day and Katarina sat at the bar. Another man was behind the counter now.

Gregori walked to him and slid onto a stool, paying no attention to anyone else in the inn.

"Do you have a lunch option?" He asked the man.

The man looked at him and answered, "Yes sir, would you like some chicken and veggies?"

Gregori smiled and replied, "I'd like that thank you."

The man gave him a smile and walked around back to relay the order to the chef inside.

He came back and Gregori asked him, "Are you Marcin by any chance?"

The man gave him a confused look before asking, "Why do you ask?"

"Ah.. Sten sent me here. Said paying for a day here would be similar to paying him back." Gregori answered.

The man gave him a small chuckle before responding, "Sten? Aye that man is as hard as they come. Wait till he's at my door with his hand out for the repayment." He turned and gave a sweep over his establishment, "But looking at the amount of people here, I think I'll be able to pay everything back sooner rather than later."

Looking back to Gregori, he asked, "Any drinks?"

"Got any ale?" Gregori asked.

Marcin just nodded, poured him a large cup and slid it over to him.

"I'd like one too please." Katarina asked. 

Marcin did the same for her as well.

Gregori took a swig and spoke, "Sten said your previous inn burnt down. How'd that happen?"

Marcin shook his head, "I've explained this a thousand times over the year. But no one believes me. You'll just laugh and call me mad."

Gregori shook his head, "You'll hear nothing of that sort from me friend. Tell me your story."

With a resigned sigh, Marcin began, "It was just as any other night. Drunk and rowdy lads in the inn. Everyone minding their business. And then this small redheaded girl enters the inn, in her hand was this sewn bear. Without care she waltzes up to the bar and sits herself on the stool. I was working that night. She waves to me and politely asks for a glass of milk. Not many children come to the inn but sometimes families stay, so I've always got a stash of milk with me. The girl asked, so I poured her a glass."

Gregori cut in, "Was the girl starved?"

Marcin shook his head, "No perfectly healthy.... So, she sits there, drinks her milk, thanks me and pays. That would be all..... right?" But no. She paid me with a gold coin. And she pulled the coin out from a bag full of gold coins. Now, what'd you think the drunk and rowdy lads would do? They tried to take it from her. She denied and gave them a small threat. They laughed and continued to reach for her."

"Going after children? Point me in their direction." 'Dereen' spoke up.

"Ah lady... you are mistaken. Let me complete. As they reached for her, she threw out her bear. And in an instant, the bear grew to a massive size. Those men didn't even stand a chance. Ripped apart and torn to shreds. But that wasn't it. The whole time the bear was on fire. Everywhere it moved, something else was set alight. Soon, the whole inn was on fire. Everyone else other than me died that day. The girl? She just walked out of the burning building like nothing happened." Marcin completed.

Katarina's mouth hung open.

"I see. That's quite the interesting story Marcin." Gregori spoke, "But I have a question, how much did the old inn cost to build?"

"Seventeen gold coins." Marcin replied instantly.

Gregori reached inside his bag and carefully counted eighteen gold and placed it on the bar counter.

Marcin's eyes widened and he looked around him in fear.

"Here you go." Gregori spoke as he pushed the coins toward him.

"No no." Marcin shook his head in fear, "I'll lose it all sir. It will get stolen. People will have seen me take the gold and word will spread."

"I'll prove witness to the transaction." A voice called out behind them.

Gregori chuckled in recognition of the voice. "He'll be a witness. That is enough safety for you Marcin. Take the money."

"But why?" Marcin asked.

"Ah... the girl that burnt down your establishment?" Gregori spoke.

""Yes?"" Both Marcin and Katarina asked.

"She's my daughter."

Their eyes widened.

"Huh?" Marcin sputtered.

"Great talent in fire magic, she took after her mother." Gregori continued.

Behind them the man who proved witness to the transaction laughed. "Greggy? Don't tell me you lost your daughter...."

Gregori turned to face the man, "Fuck off Marko. I didn't have a choice. My house was attacked when I was out hunting. My wife was killed and my daughter missing. Marcin here, has given me the only lead I have."

"They raided your house?" Marko asked with widened eyes, "Are they retarded? Do they even know how many favors the higher-ups owe you? Fuck. Even I owe you. What'd you want me to do?" His well groomed face looking Gregori in the eyes. Marko was quite the handsome man. The one scar on his cheek elevated his features. He was also quite tall. Ticked most of the boxes for women, tall, handsome and nice. Blond hair and green eyes just added to that.

Waving him off, Gregori spoke. "No need for that brother. I can take care of this myself." He looked Marko up and down, "You've also left I see."

"After your retirement do you think we'd be returning from any missions alive?" Marko had a grin on his face. "I didn't take the chance. So did everyone else. I'm still in contact with them."

Looking toward Marcin, he continued, "Oi Marcin, I've told you about my stint as a soldier right? It was all under this man right here. Greggy's the reason I'm alive. He's the reason most of our legion's alive."

Turning back to Gregori, he asked, "So I assume you will be doing some killing?"

Gregori's eyes took on a murderous glint, "My wife was with child."

"I..... I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences for your wife and child. And.... and I apologize for the crass joke earlier." Marko spoke, wincing as he did so. "I'm willing to help you with anything you want boss. You just need to let me know."

Gregori shook his head. "I'll do it myself Marko. I'm not the same man you knew. I'm worse. You shouldn't be associated with me..... not from now on. Don't want a bounty on your head now do we?"

"For you-" Marko started.

But Gregori cut him off, "No. This is my mission and mine alone. Your lives would be at stake for no reason."

Marko sighed. "What about information?"

Gregori waved him off again, "Not here. Too many people."

Marko shook his head exasperated. "I've missed you boss."

"I never thought I'd be saying this.... but I've missed you too Marko. I've missed the whole lot of you."

Members of the Gray Legion!

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