
A script of death

A script I'm writing/wrote for my drama class. Includes Death, suicide, mention of self-harm, overdose. (Will add more if brought to my attention. Also published on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/user/KoolaidflavorRacoon

koolaidflavoracoon · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Exposition ‘Chapter 1’

{Scene opens with a dark stage. CENTRE STAGE lights turn on a warm orange to seem comforting. LEFT STAGE and RIGHT STAGE lights also turn on in a stormy blue colour to show its cloudy and stormy weather outside. CENTRE STAGE is set with a leather loveseat and a matching leather chair, opposite sides on a dark wooden coffee table. The MC is laying on the loveseat with an arm resting on his forehead, his therapist across him in the chair with a small notebook and pencil. They have already been talking for a few minutes}

THERAPIST: So --- tell me what exactly has been bothering you

MC: I feel like I'm sick and dying

THERAPIST: Well if you were sick and dying you wouldn't be here now would you {said with a slight chuckle} Your being melodramatic and you have plenty of reasoning to see your not dying.

MC: I'm not melodramatic! {He sits up} I'm sensible to all reasoning that i'm not sick and dying. But this is how I'm feeling at the moment!

THERAPIST: I get that's how you're feeling but you need to tell me more so I can understand where you're coming from.

MC: Ugh. It's like I have rabies or something. Like every little symptom of a sickness if bigger than expected! I fear I'm gonna die from every little thing and want to because of that!

THERAPIST: Okay first, you need to calm down. It sounds like you have an underlying condition and there's treatments to help it.

MC: I don't need treatment! I need someone to understand that it's so bad that I wanna die because of it! {He stands} I don't know why I'm trying to explain it when you're just not gonna understand. I'm leaving.

{He goes to leave. The therapist knowing he can't reason with him lets him go}

THERAPIST: You're wasting my time and you forgot to pay!

MC: Omg! That's what you care about! {Mc gets out his wallet and throws the 160 pounds at him}

THERAPIST: Are you out of your mind!

MC: Yea know what? Maybe I did lose my mind. {The MC spits the words at the therapist and walks out of the door, slamming it in the process} God. I need to clear my mind

{The MC mindlessly walks somewhere. SCENE ENDS}