
A script of death

A script I'm writing/wrote for my drama class. Includes Death, suicide, mention of self-harm, overdose. (Will add more if brought to my attention. Also published on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/user/KoolaidflavorRacoon

koolaidflavoracoon · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Denouement/Resolution Alternative Ending 2 - Freytag's Pyramid

The MC jumping and the protest are at the same time. The first dude and second dude say the same line at the end. The 2nd dude looks at the memorial while saying it and then looks up at the other protesters shocked faces. He looks behind him to see the guy jumping. He reaches out his hand to the guy jumping as to say "grab my hand we care about you a lot" and the 1st guys face looks shocked and is crying as to say "someone cares! He cares!". He reaches out his hand and the there fingers overlap. Scene ends.