
A scar behind a face.

gh0st · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


Oh wait up please, she called out to the bus driver, oh thank you for stopping you know if you didn't stop I would be late to this job interview,she said,yeah yeah can you pay now we need to keep on moving,the bus driver said angered,oh ok I mean yeah sure,let me just look in here,hmm I can't seem to find it.Ma'am you know if you don't pay we can't let you ride,no no please I can't be late,as she said that a tall person with hair that covered his eyes and skin as white as snow walked up and payed for her,Tuesday was startled but thankfully.that was the first time they met in a long time they didn't know it at the time but it wasn't the first time they met,and it wouldn't be their last.