
A scar behind a face.

gh0st · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Meeting the boss! *pt2*

"It's finally 3:40 I'll go see if the boss is here yet" "Oh! Hey Tuesday you have to go to a meeting now I was going to tell you at 2:00 but something came up,anyways you have to go now sorry!" "Huh I have to go rn?!?!?" "Yeah sorry I didn't tell you!" "No no it's fine" "Really?!? Thank you Tuesday the meeting is on the 4th floor in the room that says occupied" "ok got it thanks!" "Anytime!" " the 4th floor is for the meeting with all the CEO right? Ah they probably just want me to introduce myself to them, yeah they just want that!.... hopefully" *step* *step* " Hi nice to meet you, I am the new worker I'll work hard!" "Oh yes hi nice to meet you Tuesday" "you too mister xie" "please,call me Sebastian" " Oh of course!.... is that all sir- I mean Sebastian?" •isn't he the dude I saw earlier..?• " no no we still need to give you your i.d, it'll be done by 5 please go and pick it up at the front desk, and make sure to clock in" " will do sebastian!"

(Sorry this page is sorter,I've been focusing on school lately, more parts coming soon!!)